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Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:46 am
by suzette58
Good morning everyone.
I just checked the weather and we are supposed to get more rain today. The forecast shows it is supposed to start at noon and then last for the afternoon. Perfect sewing weather. I found out yesterday that I am invited to a baby shower for one of our nieces. How exciting. Back to today, I have to go get gas and then I will hopefully finish putting together the top of the graduation quilt. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:56 am
by fabricgirl
Good morning Suzette and all who follow,

Today its only going to be in the high 80's yesterday it was so hot that you could have made samores with no fire I stay in the house I sat and looked at magazines and watched TV.
Today I might go out for a ride might go to the quilt shop in howell to see what they have and to see what kind of work they do before I drop my quilt off to them to be quilted.

Well thats my day .

Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:49 am
by FlorenceM
Morning all
Yesterday put tomatoes in crockpot to cook down overnight. So after coffee, I have 7 to 8 qts of sauce to hot pack. My pot can only hold 3 jars at a time, it's my 10 qt kitchen pot, it's gonna take all day. Plus Joe took carpeting out of guest room yesterday. So in between, I will remove tack strips as he paints ceiling. DDIL will probably come over for supper...not spaghetti!
I'm tired just thinking of it. Better have more coffee.

Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:55 am
by grammiequilts
Good morning,,We are a bit cooler today also...but I dont see rain. Might do some outside work today. A lot of weed whacking needed here...Ken is at work. This morning i striped the bunk the kids room...but I will need the assistance to put the sheets back on...they are impossible to do by yourself. I dont climb up into the top bunk anymore LOL.
I am still basting hexis here,,It will be a long process to get enough hexis basted for a decent sized quilt. But I am loving the process each scrap brings memories of what I made with them...Including baby clothes and little sun dresses for Sophia and the many quilts that are now in someones bed,,,and some gifted me and I am not sure who , And some from quilt shops I rememeber and I even have a few scraps from my mom's stash I got when she died ( She made basic patchwork quilts and tied them) ,,,Do you all rememeber when you cut up scraps?
Well my coffee is done so I need to get moving....and clean up the kids room and wait for the sheets to be done...Hope your day is awesome,,,Ken has requested a pot of chili today so I will get that in the crock pot. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:08 am
by velvet
Good morning to all'
Well, we leave to start our journey later today. We need to be at the airport at 3:30ish. First flight to Newark NJ (about 1 -1:15 hour) The flight to Ireland is set for 10p.m.

So while I'm not able to read each days posts--please know I'm praying for all in need.
Enjoy the beautiful day ahead.

Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:32 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

Happy travels!

Should be a quiet day here. The Teapot held water, a good thing. And we didn't need a rescue run uptown. Don't quite know what trouble I can get into today, but , I will find something. We are expecting rain today and it's muggy as all get out right now. You can chew the air!

Stay safe, enjoy all your doings of the day, they will be great!


Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:11 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

I was up a lot through the night so I overslept which upset my poor, starving, neglected sheltie! He had to wait an extra 26 minutes for his breakfast! I must pay for this abuse. And I probably will later.

Not much happening here lately. I got all the black cut for my "Jewels" and I have 3 of the 36 6" leaves that surround the central part of the quilt sewn together. I will sew some more this afternoon. I also helped Bill finish up the tree he took down - held pieces while he sawed them into wood, picked up the branches, etc. Today I have chiropractor and then we are meeting Bill's sister & DBIL for lunch. I will get some time to sew this afternoon.

DIANE - happy travels! And safe landings!

SUZETTE - a baby shower! We've had a lot of baby showers on the forum lately. Boy or girl? Quilt or other gift?

JUDI - i have a terrible time making any beds anymore. Between the weight of the mattresses and my back, it's a real struggle. The kids sleep in the bunks, I say let the kids make the bunks. I need to rent myself a couple of kids for around here! How many stitches do you take per side on your hexies?

LOIS - which quilt are you planning to have quilted?

FLO - Is re-doing your guest room just part of a general renovation plan or are you expecting special guests?

JANA - enjoy the rain! We might get some today, too. I can smell it in the air outside, but we'll see how it goes.

Got to run - I'm late this morning. Got to shower in time for my hair to drip dry before my chiro appt.
Hugs around!
mary z

Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:17 am
by fabricgirl
Mary z it's the king size Double Wedding Ring.


Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:29 am
by purrfect-lady
ahhh, Lois - your masterpiece! I want to hear how you decide to quilt it. I'm excited for you to have it completely finished!

Re: Wednesday, August 10th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:45 am
by maryq
Good Morning

Just a quick fly by from me too. I actually slept through the whole night for the first time in ages!!! So I'm up early, but need to get ready to head out.

My friend Peggy and I are headed down to take my embroidery machine into the shop. She has a fancy Brother machine and she is helping me make faces for the Christmas swap blocks. Then we are going out to lunch and a quick run into Joann. My embroidery machine is the very first one Brother ever made and has very limited capability, but I'm promised myself I won't even look at a new fancy one.. really I did!

Time for the shower... Will be here briefly tomorrow morning too, as my DDIL Kris and DGD Evie are coming over to paint my master bathroom. It's such an ugly color of tan now and we're painting it a grey/blue color.. I can't wait! THEN the house will be DONE (until I can replace all the carpet)

Have a Wonderful Wednesday every one!