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Tues...Aug 9 2022

Daily discussions.
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Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:05 am

Good Early, Still in the Heat Wave, Morning.........

I had a goof with my grocery delivery. He left the food out side the garage door. Forty mins went by before I realized it. I called to complain & they are going to replace all the cold food tomorrow. Now I'll have 4 32oz containers of yogurt & some extra cheese & butter. I checked all my cold food and it tasted fine. I told him that but he said it's for the inconvenience. OK with me.

Due my lack of sleep yesterday I bought a few things from QIAD. Some fabric & those little thingies that keep the bobbin & thread together
I didn't do much Mon I was just too tired....wonder what I'll be like to day. I'll put clean sheets on the bed & shower in the evening to encourage sleep.

Love & Prayers........Kathy

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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:03 am

Good morning Kathy and all who follow,

Well we went to the scavenger hunt got what I needed from bjs then went to Walmart and it was a mess they are redoing the store and I managed to find some stuff but yes this morning I will be going to shoprite to find the rest.
I finished the table runner so today will be to find what else I can get into.

Kathy have a great day.

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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by suzette58 » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:28 am

Good morning everyone.
I may be able to finish piecing the graduation quilt today. That is as long as my arms cooperate and not hurt from the arthritis. I do have to go grocery shopping first. Hubby is not feeling well this morning. So he is still in bed. Well, I need to get another cup of coffee after I see how he is doing. I hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by FlorenceM » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:42 am

Kathy out here in country there is no delivery...not even pizza!
Yesterday Joe and I went grocery shopping. Instead of locking puppy down, left him loose in house. He did great! No accidents or chewing.
Today we will go help a neighbor with motorhome they bought last night. For now thier youngest will live there with her baby and boyfriend. The rentals a out here are hard to find. Then after that it's cook tomatoes down.
Time to scoot

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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:56 am

Sleepless night in Vallejo so here I am. Been awake since around 2. Have tried several times to lay down and fall back asleep but no go. So guess I will just stay up and see what mischief I can get into.

Ramp guy has still not gotten back to me so I am going to start calling some others. Not that there is a whole list to call but ..... There is one in Sacramento I will try first. First question will be do you come to Vallejo?! The only other one I know of is in San Francisco. The lift is a cool item to have if you are going from one level to another straight up and down but that is all it does. Like an elevator. I need up the driveway too. I am not sure what this guys problem is, he seems to know his stuff but getting it done is apparently a problem.

No sewing yesterday by the time I got all my list done. A few lingering things this AM. I have a patient at 1 pm in Suisun (20 min drive) and then hopefully some sewing. I will have to pick up a bit before I can sew though. How the sewing room gets such a mess I do not know.

Need to make an appt for my car oil change. UHM busy this whole week, maybe next Wednesday? I will have to check their site and see what is open. Not willing to miss my sew days at the quilt shop. This Sat starts my Starry Night class. Trying to decide on fabric for that. I did get the background and a few pieces picked for the Angel but that is about it.

Well coffee cup needs filled and no server here this AM so guess I am on my own. Have a wonderful day everyone.
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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:59 am

Good morning sunny and bright but not supposed to be so hot today,,,maybe in the 70s...low 80s...I have a few things to do today...Laundry and i have a bag to go to the salvation army store...I always shop a little too... A stop at Sherrys favorite Krogers to get my DD a gift card...She is 41 today and not happy about getting older,,,Refuses to celebrate her birthday...But I will give her a gift card to make it better,,,We will have Liam today to help Ken change the brakes on the truck...and have pizza for supper...so a busy day Ken should be home early today to get working in the truck...
I did a few hexis yesterday...If I have a few minutes I baste a few, always something to do....

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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by velvet » Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:27 am

Good sunny morning to all.
Today we'll go thru the luggage just to double check-- no reason to take what we won't need. If we need something I'm sure we can find it in Dublin. We'll land there around 10a.m. Hope to be able to sleep on the plane for afew hours. Don't want to waste a minute sleeping. Too much to see and do.

I'll check back later to catch up

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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:08 am

Good morning,

It was another 90* day here yesterday, but today will be only 82*. Whew! Bill took Tex back to Yakima to get his truck, which was already repaired - not the $6,000+ repair he had feared, but only $400. Coyotes have been on the prowl around us this week, howling and driving Scottie crazy. Foxy just sits inside looking out, eyes wide. I don't like killing animals, not even spiders. But I wouldn't mind if someone took out these coyotes. A lot of missing cat posters are up in our neighborhood in the past 4 weeks.

JUDI - By the time Liam gets his own vehicle, he'll know all about how to take care of it! Sorry Colleen isn't happy about turning 41. But, like my Mom always said, it beats the alternative! My three are 46, 47, and 50. So if it's any comfort to her, there are kids older than she is. :lol:

LOIS - I'm, curious to see what trouble you get into next! You always find such neat projects!

SUZETTE - I hope your DH is feeling better by later today.

KATHY - I thought if you had a grocery delivery they had to notify you by text or a knock on the door! I'm glad you let the store know. You may have to put a cooler with an ice pack outside if this is how they do it.

VAL - I really hope your ramp guy - or some ramp guy - gets back to you soon! I'm excited about your Starry Night! Choosing the fabrics is the best part. Are you starting with the angel first?

DIANE - always a good idea to double check your luggage. I forget what day you are leaving. Good luck sleeping on the plane. I never can.

FLO - happy tomato cooking! Are you helping your friend clean the RV?

Since Bill was gone yesterday, I worked on my "Jewels" in the morning, read in the afternoon, and cross-stitched in the evening. More of the same today, only I need to slip in a short grocery trip, make a layered Mexican dip w/chips, and we're going to friends at 4:30 for supper to celebrate his birthday.

BECCA posted in Supper Club a day or two ago. She is doing well, but Her hubby is still down and out, in much pain from his shingles and it's a full time job caring for him. It's going on two months now that he's been sick. I remember my dad was really sick with them, too, for a full two months. Very painful. If you haven't been vaccinated yet for shingles, you might want to consider it. If you had chicken pox as a kid, and most of us here did, I imagine, then you have the varicella vaccine in you and it can flare at any time, in the form of shingles. My kids all had shingles in their early 20's. It's not just a disease for the 'over 60 crowd'.

CHICKIE is still much affected from her strokes, and has had to cut back on many of her favorite activities, but still manages to do a little sewing. She texted me yesterday that she has started her Christmas sewing and is making a 24" Dresden Neighborhood tabletopper for every household in their family. Very ambitious since sometimes, she almost has to seatbelt herself into her sewing chair because of her severe, and nearly constant vertigo.

Happy sewing!
mary z

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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by WeeOne » Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:52 am

MaryZ, thank you for the updates on Becca and Chickie.

Diane, I heard a travel tip years ago that I always did when I would fly. Take a little container of Neosporin and Q tips. Swap the inside of your nostrils before getting to the airport. Sometimes I would swap again if I had a lay over or long flight. I never got sick from being on a flight.

So far I'm feeling fine. I will probably finish the tree today and then weed eat or sew.

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Re: Tues...Aug 9 2022

Post by maryq » Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:31 am

Good Morning Everyone

Happy Tuesday to you all!

Kathy.... No harm in having some extra cheese around! :lol: :lol: You should see my cart when I get groceries.... many packages of cheese, but that is a lot of yogurt... I wonder how that would freeze? I freeze butter all the time and that works. LOVE crawling into bed with clean sheets...

Lois.... I went to Walmart yesterday to grab some school supplies and some fusible interfacing... my store was a mess too, but I think it was from restocking shelves. They were totally out of 24 pack of crayons... so you know every body is shopping for school supplies. But I was happy to see there were human beings at the check outs.. I didn't have to scan a cartful by myself!

Suzette.... Hope your DH is feeling better today. Was he ever able to get his sleep test done at home?

Flo... Yikes you must really be out in the country if they don't even deliver Pizza!!! Years ago when we first moved here, there were no close pizza places that would deliver.. but they'd meet you 1/2 way! Now there are 4 or 5 place within a 3 mile radius!

Valerie.... Sorry you're having so much trouble getting a ramp... Seems it's more difficult to get anything done any more. I waited 2 weeks for guy to have time to hang a window shade... ended up doing it myself-- and patted myself on the back for doing it. I don't suppose the VA is any help getting that stuff done. Do you do Facebook? Is there a local Vallejo bulletin board? I've seen many times when people post that they are looking for something and get a good response.

Judi... Oh gosh... I don't know about you, but I'd sure love to be 41 again! But I totally get your DD not wanting to celebrate. To me, sometimes birthdays are just another darn old day!

Diane.... SO SO excited for you!!! If you can sleep on the plane... do it! The plane we were on was pretty cramped so it was near impossible. We hit the ground running when we got there, but it was so exciting to actually BE there! I still have a coat I bought there... I just wish it would fit!

Maryz... Thanks for the update from Becca and Chickie... it reminds me I wanted to get a card in the mail to them. Nice for Tex that his repair bill wasn't as awful as he thought. When I was working I was able to get every vaccination available right there on the job... so convenient! My Mom got shingles and I remember how much pain she was in... they gave her Lidoderm patches for it!

Lyn.... Sending a little prayer that you don't get sick!!! My next door neighbor got it last week, but must be feeling much better as I've seen her out pulling weeds.! She took that new medication for and thinks it helped quite a lot.

Another busy day here... need to drop off some school supplies for the project, then a board meeting this afternoon. I'm the secretary of the townhouse association (me and my big mouth) . The meeting is right next door in my neighbor's (with covid) garage so that we can be outside. I'll bring my large bottle of hand sanitizer. There will only be 4 or 5 of us anyway. After that it's back to the sewing machine! I finished up 20+ little pencil bags yesterday, but will set that aside so I can finish up borders on quilts and get them ready for Viv. Brennen is going down to Tom and Viv's the last week of August... so I better get busy.

So with that... I'm going to grab some more coffee and take a shower and start my day!

Wishing you all a Terrific Tuesday!

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