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Post by mepeace2 » Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:30 am

Good morning all

I guess I am early so I will start . Nothing much going on here. Calm is good.
Yesterday I got all my pieces done for mystery quilt and bound my hummingbird quilt.
Today is cleaning me and the house up, LOL
You all have a great sewing day

I am going out to have a cup of coffee and watch the hummers.

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Post by fabricgirl » Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:51 am

Good morning Katy and all who follow,

YesterdayBill and I painted his shed yes it was hot but we got it done now all he has to do is the trim.
Today its going to be alot worse I hope that heat beaks soon we don't go out of the house unless we have to.
Today is our cleaning day .
So off I go everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Post by grammiequilts » Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:57 am

Good Morning Katy....watching hummers sounds like the best plan. I started my day early and cleaned the kitchen , and the sun room Now I am having my coffee and here i am. I sill mop the floors and run the weeper. If I get ambitious enought I will shampoos the bedroom carpet...it is in need.
i glue basted about 200 hexis and enjoy the relaxing process...I did find a small tote of more scraps to cut up and tonight i might get to that, it amazes me that when I go to look for something.....I find something else....
Sophia has gone home w went to DDs for supper last night left as the big T&L storms moved in and we got some much needed rain,,,we expect more tomorrow.,Sophia is going on a Disney Cruise...( someone asked) with her friend,,,Parent are treating Sophia,,so their DD has someone to hang with,,Sophia has never been on a 5 day cruise...It is very exciting around their house. only thing is Cheyenne has no one to hang with and will be very bored...( She sleeps late so a lot of her bored time is spent sleeping,,,I will try to entertain her as best I can...) I may try a book store. we havent tried that yet, She claims she reads so we will see.
Well my coffee is done...I need to find the shampoor directions...and get that cleaned....hoping for the best that carpet is on its last years...Hope you are all well,,,,,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Post by FlorenceM » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:03 am

Katy pm me your cell number or email, and will let you know how I cook my tomatoes.
Raining here! Sitting here with coffee enjoying the rain. My knee still out, it's going to take time.

Hope everyone has a great day

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Post by auntjana » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:24 am

Good morning!

Got reacquainted with my sewing machine , Ruby. We worked together on my Halloween bench pillow. About half done. The learning curve is much easier now. I just need to read the instructions ahead of the area I am working on.

The rug is in place and looks really good. Karlie approved for squishy- ness. Now when the kids play on the floor in the Batt Cave in the winter, it won't be too cold. Michael rearranged some of my portable shelves to make more room in the family area. With Daniel down there too, there's no need to worry about my sewing space. He's over in the train area and the basement is 2050 square feet big. My basement is divided into basically thirds, shaped like the letter H. One long leg of the H is the Batt Cave, - my sewing area, the family area and my LA area. The other long leg and cross piece is the train layout and utility room. The stairs are where the cross piece of the H is. Tucked on the other side of the stairs is my food pantry and the half bath, under the stairs. It's a big open space, with only exterior walls and 6 big, 5x5 windows. Very bright with light from the outside. Oh, Karlie is 6, turning 7, the end of November.

Today's accomplishment list is straighten the island in the Batt Cave and sew! There's a slight mess in the kitchen too.

Do fun stuff, life's short, eat dessert for breakfast and sew before uglies!


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Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:28 am

Good morning,

SHERRY - sorry to hear you are still on the DL. JANA is correct - you should consider getting an oximeter. You can order them on line or perhaps your pharmacy would deliver or your son pick one up for you. They measure the amount of oxygen in the red blood cells (RBC's). The RBC's are what carries oxygen throughout the body and you want a level above 90. 97-100 is ideal. They aren't expensive - $17-$25. We have one at home and always take it when we travel and it was really helpful last winter when we were in TX and Bill got Covid.

KATY - I'm all for calm days! You got a lot accomplished yesterday! I love watching hummers. I don't feed them, though, because I'm not good about keeping it cleaned and filled. And because we are gone so much. What mystery quilt are you working on? Did you ever finish your challenge quilt you were working on some time ago? Did you share a photo with us and I just forgot? My rememberer isn't quite what it used to be.

LOIS - ugh! painting in heat! I do not like heat. Our heat wave lasted a week. Today we're to be 70* with possible drizzle at some point. But we're going back to 90* for the weekend. It's Seafair weekend, Seattle's annual celebration with the Blue Angels, hydroplane races, and more. We don't go but it's going to be HOT for those that do.

KATHY - a bummer about your phone problems. Electronics can be so frustrating. They bring me to tears almost instantly when I'm fighting with them. If I didn't have Bill I probably couldn't even watch TV these days! As for my X-stitch, I'm just doing a counted X-stitch Christmas stocking for Bill (It has a red truck on it. :D ). Over the last 35 yrs I've made one for each member of my family and have two more all stitched except for the name, expecting more grandkids, that so far, haven't happened. I just wanted to make Bill a new one because the red truck is so "him". I've never heard of a mystery X-stitch. Only mystery quilts.

MARY Q - It is nice to have a whole day to myself. The best part of it is that we have something to talk about at the end of the day! Did you get KC's little quilt quilted for her? Does she have any archive or banker boxes? Depending on how many patterns she has and if they are full page size that might work. If they are, say the size of a Simplicity dress pattern, maybe pattern boxes from Joann's would be good.

JANA - I call Foul!! You said "After you and Kitty decide who gets the chair, you will sew." Sounds like you pre-decided and the afore mentioned mutual decision was never going to be mutual at all! :o Tsk Tsk. Small wonder she is taking her time to warm up to you. Glad you found an even better clock. I love dark cherry. I'm sure you'll find a place it will look ideal! WA no longer sends out notices about drivers' license renewal notices either. So the state saves the money that was costing, plus take in more money from tickets issued for expired licenses. It's win/win - for the DOL!

JUDI - How did yesterday go at your house? Is the trim up? I woke up dreaming of hexies. Your talk of hexies keeps reminding me of a travel hand project I've been (not) working on for many years. Stop that! I hope you find some books that Cheyanne will like. When I was a kid I spent a lot of my time summer-reading up in my tree house. One summer I even wrote book reports to turn in when school started, hoping for extra credit! (my mom's idea. All I got from the teacher was a "That's nice, Mary." No extra credit.) Sometimes when my kids were young and bored, or just for a rainy day activity, I took them all to the Goodwill and they got to go through all the books there, games, toys, clothes, etc. You can buy a box of stuff there for the cost of one or two brand new books. The kids loved it and it whiled away an otherwise boring afternoon.

FLO - sorry about your knee. Have you seen a doctor? Sometimes a second opinion is a good idea. You were a Wave? So was my older sister and one of my sisters in law. (They were best friends in high school).

Yesterday I was on my own for 6 whole hours! I worked on my black/bright quilt project, "Autumn Jewels" for a while, prepped supper, and then went out to the yard to work the rest of the day. Two. maybe three more afternoons should see the end of the yard work. About every 4-5 weeks, I make a round through the yard and it usually takes me about 5 afternoons. Not sure if today will be one of those days, though. I'm going for a massage at 11:00. I have the central portion of my quilt top almost finished. It's 40x40". Then a border of 4" Broken dishes blocks goes around that. Then I have to make 36 more 6" leaf blocks to encircle that. It's slow going, but I'm really enjoying the process of this quilt.

May all your bobbins be full!
mary z

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Post by velvet » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:28 am

Usual summer weather here--must be boring to our weather man--same each day. Until a hurricane or tropical storm is headed our way, then they're happy campers. So far, this season has been pretty quiet for us.

Today is my appliance adjustment with my night piece. This will not be a good night for me. Aspirins are on the menu before bed. Hopefully only need tonight. Moving my lower jaw out slowly to help with apnea and I have tmj to add to my mess. Normally it takes about 6 months to have the settings and jaw in correct place, unfortunately I have this unit 8 months I'm barely at half settings. YUK!!

My family came from Rosecommon in Ireland. It is mid-country. They came here in 1863 and 1864. If I pass Galway--I'll wave for you mom.
I hope everyone has a bright day ahead.

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Post by WeeOne » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:47 am

Clear blue sky over the Mtn this morning. It will be a warm one, for here.

MaryZ, I gave up on key search. I called the local lock smith and he said he 'might' be able to pick the Master lock, but if he couldn't, he'd have to cut it off and charge would be $85. I decided for $85 I could hacksaw the lock myself and I did. The piece I had to cut off was about an inch thick and inch and a half wide. I think we need a new blade now. :lol:

Judi, yesterday in our local paper I read and article about a woman here in Estes Park that wrote a teen book. Spindrift Love by Jocelyn Holst Bolster is about a 15 year old girl. You can google and read reviews which are very good. Might be worth checking out.

Sherry, hope you are feeling better soon. An oximeter is very important to have. I check my level a few times a day here. I've come in from walking Minnie and checked and it's been as low as 86. I take some big deep breaths and recheck and as long as I get it to 90 or above, I'm doing Ok in the high altitude.

I have all the nasty weeds pulled and bagged. Now I'm ready to try the new weed eater. But it rained a little yesterday afternoon and it says not to use on wet grass. The fallen tree has all branches removed that I could, so now it's ready for the chainsaw. DH has a blood draw this morning in Longmont and we'll stop a Safeway or Walmart for a few things, like a bigger box of coffee. If no rainstorms pop up I will be playing with one of the EGO toys, either chainsaw or weed eater or both this afternoon.

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Post by maryq » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:52 am

Good Morning all

What is the world coming too? I'm up early and beat Maryz here! Though I'm guessing she is sitting on her deck with a cup of coffee! 0821 CDT and I'm up with my first cup of coffee... It's going to another warm day, but worse tomorrow. Am up early so I can get over to KC's and do a little bit a sorting with her. Apparently she has been sorting and has more fabric for me! :D :D :D

Katy... Calm is good! I love calm... with a little music in the background and my foot on the sewing machine pedal.. it's a darn near perfect day!

Lois... I bet that paint sure dried fast in the heat! Sometimes you just have to DO IT as the commercial says... when you're in the mood to paint.. you gotta DO IT!

Judi... You do that too? Look for one thing and find other things? Since most of my fabric is in my garage... I go out to look for a particular piece.. like maybe a piece I can use for backing, then I spot a cute little piece of some I could use for my Christmas swap and I bring that in. The other day I was showing my friend Peggy my box of strips.. in case she needed any and found a nice think bunch I can use for bindings. I have a sneaky feeling that it won't take long until 1/2 of fabric in the garage finds its way into the house!

Jana.. You read the directions? :lol: :lol: I thought you were only supposed to read them when all else failed! My theory is, if I HAVE to read the directions... it's too complicated. Maybe I just don't have the patience to sit and read! :lol: :lol: Though I have to say it was much easier for the kids to install the dishwasher when Kris was reading the directions!

Maryz... There you are! I knew you'd be along shortly. Thanks for the suggestion about boxes for KC. I'm kind of hoping that after today she can sort of "take it from here" I did finish one of her little quilts and will take that to her today. I found a darling little table on FB marketplace right near where she lives so I'm going to go pick that up this morning. At least she will have a table to sit at to eat and work on things. I'll have to go look at your Autumn Jewels quilt.. seems like it would be a perfect quilt for your DD... :lol:

Diane.... If you get up to Dublin... for sure you'll have to go to the library there.. That's where they have all the ancestry records. I tried to find some of my family info there, but spelling of names is sometimes changed. My ancestor was COOK, but it was sometimes spelled COOKE and James is sometimes Jacob. And a lot of records were kept at local churches. Oh how I wish I could go with you! I'd love to know what cities you are going too. We had a wonderful treat one night--stayed at a Castle Hotel. VERY fancy... we had to "dress for dinner"

Guess I better get in gear... need a shower then get ready to run.

Happy thursday every one!

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Post by WeSignificant » Thu Aug 04, 2022 7:14 am

Good morning, hoping all is well. Have a few minutes while I have my breakfast before I have to water.

Maryq yes, we have a ramp delay. I am not sure of the whole situation but he has to come back out and see if he can reconfigure it. He cannot get what he needs for the initial plan. My front yard is just weird. The slope of the driveway is steep and the yard very uneven and it is all causing a problem. If you google my address a picture will come up and that might better explain.

I have all my toy trucks done for the Christmas swap. I have a busy morning and then will try to get to the rest of the ice skates this afternoon.

60 now and depending on what report you look at, high around 77. The last couple days have been in the 80's. Not sure my AC is working correctly. Seems like it doesn't cool like it used to. It's just a small window AC so maybe it has reached it's end. I will have DH check it. I cleaned the filter and that didn't seem to work.

Breakfast is done, caregiver is here and I best get to my chores before I have to leave for appointments and errands. Have a great day!
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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