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Thursday, July 28

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Thursday, July 28

Post by suzette58 » Thu Jul 28, 2022 3:22 am

Good morning everyone.
I woke up this morning and looked out the window and it has rained more. I am not complaining we need it. Today I have a couple trips up Mt. Washmore planned. I am now working on the second part of the graduation quilt. It is going to be really pretty I think. It is a modern looking quilt. Tomorrow we have to go pick up the testing stuff for sleep apnea for hubby. We can do it here at home. I am glad. He is not wanting to do it at a lab. Sometimes he is worse then a kid. But he is a wonderful hubby. Well, I am off to get another cup of coffee. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Jul 28, 2022 4:04 am

Good morning Suzette I was up at 4am couldnt sleep racing thoughts. Every so often I get them when life becomes so busy. I bet I thought of hundreds of things I should do. Including go to Indiana on saturday for the memorial service for Randall..he didnt want a funeral but his Marine buddies put together a dinner in his honor. We are 3 and 1/2 hours from them so we will head down there on saturday and attend. I think we will drive back home in the evening,,,but if we dont we can get a room near there and head home in the morning,,,We have so much to do but yikes...how do you decide. My son will be home with the girls...or girl.
I was supposed to take the girls to the mall today but DD forgot Sophia has a dentist appt so we may postpone the mall till monday. (just breath!)
The painter finished last night except for the doors and some trim which we will do. My next job will be to clean and get the pieces of furniture out of the storage,,,It of course is coverd with dust...but before I can do that i need to get some felt pads for under the legs of everything,,,It protects the floor and helps prolong its life..I have a desk a book shelf and a chair to get out for now then the living room furniture will move down there, when we are done...Ken has some plugs to wire and baseboards to go in.
Thank you Maryq for posting pictures for me..
well I need to finish my coffee and get some stuff together here,,,It also would be a good idea to comb my hair and etc. Hope you have a great day, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by velvet » Thu Jul 28, 2022 4:05 am

Beautiful sunny start to the day.
The 2 baby quilts are all set to go to Pat for L.A.ing Hope she can fit it. They are cute and I'm sure with the quilting pattern of little elephants will make them great looking.
Today, off to have my night appliance (sounds like a stove) re-adjusted. Once a month I have to go and have this done. I think I'm half way there. Not fun but what can you to. To suffer in silence, I'll stop at the lqs to visit then home to sew. Oh the pain of it all. LOL
Suzette--hope your hubbys test goes well for him.

Hope you day goes well.

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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by FlorenceM » Thu Jul 28, 2022 4:49 am

Monday went to a food preservation lecture. This one was put on by a parent action group. Some good tips, mostly opinion. Tuesday went to a canning lecture at a nearby public library. This was was put on by local university. A lot of reliable Info and resources. We want to be able to can meat for Taking in motor home. We were able to see several pressure canner and ask questions.
Yesterday DDIL came over with dgd and grandpups. They got a Second dog from a neighbor that was moving and needed to rehome him. New pup is an aussie shepherd mix named Zeus. With her 2 dogs, we get 3 male pups in house on afternoons. 2 are not neutered. Her chocolate lab is neutered and is the old top dog at 9. SJ and Zeus are 1 yr old. Kylo, the lab, sits on couch and watches them wrestle like a parent at the park. Irs cute.
Finally getting a break in heat with some rain....maybe.
Need to run

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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Jul 28, 2022 4:49 am

Good morning Everyone,

Well everything went well yesterday glad the scavenger hunt is over till I need to go again
Today will be our cleaning day so thats what I will be doing .
Judi your basement is gorgeous oh to have all that room now I think the next thing you and Ken need a short get away to recharge your batteries.

Suzette I hope everything goes well with the sleep study.

Diane lots of luck with the adjustment.

Well thats all the news from here we had a little rain but we need alot more.
Have a great day.

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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jul 28, 2022 6:07 am

Good morning,

JUDI - You are rounding the last bend in this big project! Are you going to put down any area rugs? We put a similar floor in our family room but found the furniture kept sliding around until we put some rugs down. How is your niece doing? It's an awful thing to experience.

SUZETTE - hope all goes well with the sleep study. I don't know if I could sleep in a clinical setting either.

DIANE - Did we see your baby quilts? What pattern did you use?

FLO - Happy times at your little dog party! I can picture the lab, king of the group, sitting on the couch watching the little ones play. We have an orange great-grand-kitty named Zeus.

JANA - are you back to your old self today? What is Daniel's new job? Is he working in the architectural field again? I got a skinnie pattern from Ribbon Candy for 3 nutcrackers yesterday. Not sure when I'll get them made, but I plan to kit them up in case they go in the trailer this winter.

CHRISS - love your new avatar (but loved your old one, too!). A quilt I would like to make! Glad you are safe from the current fires. Let's keep you that way. And as long as you had to put 3 hours in on the road, it's great that you found some treasures at the shops! What quilt books did you find?

MARY Q - Since you asked (well, you asked Lois, but I'm going to answer :lol: ), yes, I often grab Bill and dance in the kitchen, on the deck, through the house, around the campfire, in the driveway, on Autumn's lawn. Sometimes, we even find ourselves on a real dance floor! We love dancing. Little by little you're getting your appliances all in and hooked up! Meanwhile, I'm still waiting. But at least our old dishwasher works well enough since Bill put it back in. And we hardly even hear the funny noise it makes any more. How many stitches do you have? Are you taking the bandaid off today? If you get it wet, just make sure you get it completely dry again before covering it with clothes.

LYN - I checked out your new saw on-line. It looks like it should do the job! Have you tried it yet? How heavy is it?

For the past two days I have played in my room, cutting up my batik scraps for my 6" leaves. I've cut enough for about 6 leaves, plus their backgrounds. And sewn only two. haha! This is going to be a leisurely worked project! Because my room faces west and gets pretty warm on summer afternoons, I sew only until about 1:30, then go read in the cooler rooms of the house, and sitting on the deck with a fan through the evening with my honey and my cross-stitch. I'm working on a Christmas stocking for him of a red truck piled high with tree and presents. I've sat next to him for the last 5 months, working on this and he hasn't noticed it yet. :lol: When our heat wave is over, I'll be getting myself outside to do some weeding. Then back inside to do some serious cleaning before family starts arriving on Aug 15. I have a lot of chores to catch up on between now and then. So My daily plan will be walk, sew, read, stitch until next week. Not a bad life!

Keep cool!

mary z

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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jul 28, 2022 6:50 am

This is my newest project designed by Renee Peterson. It’s from McCall’s quilting magazine, September/October 2010 issue. It’s about 60 in.² and I will be doing it in fabrics pretty close to the picture, mostly batiks.


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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Jul 28, 2022 7:06 am

Good morning. My sunrise is just beautiful this morning. Blue sky with splotches of white puffs of clouds and over the mountain which is still shaded the sun is coming up and a beautiful pink lining, like the binding of a quilt, outlines it. Just a marvelous way to start the day. When that sun comes completely over the mountain the mountain will be kind of a golden color with the dried grass and be dotted with green from the oak trees and brush.

Not sure what the fire here is doing this morning, I haven't checked on it yet. Last I heard there were almost 70 homes destroyed. The community is creating a t-shirt, putting on free food events and starting Go Fund Me accounts. The newspaper put out a link to the go fund me page that lists legitimate requests. So sad that you have to check on everything before donating to be sure it isn't a scam. And the scams have already started. Another thing is the property owners aren't supposed to clean up their properties just yet because of toxic waste. Instead, the state has to come in with their haz mat suits and clean it up for them. If the property owners even partially clean up they won't qualify for the states funding. ugh.

Suzette, I love my sleep apnea machine and don't know how I lived without it. It took a little time to get used to it but I will not go to sleep without it. hope hubby likes his, it is a life saver.

Judi, your basement is just stunning. I would love to have those floors in my house. Sorry about having to travel to the memorial, but it will also be nice to get a day, or two, away from hectic.

Diane, would love to see those baby quilts. Let me know if you need help posting a picture.

Flo, it's the dog days of summer at your house.

Lois, did you finish your last quilt? Which one are you doing next?

Maryz, yeah right. You will have those maple leaves done in no time. It's a beautiful quilt. My sewing room also heats up in the afternoon. I run the ceiling fan and sometimes position oscillating fans to blow cool air in there to help. Also, I put one of those LED light things in the ceiling fan instead of a regular bulb. It adds to the warmth. I bought one quilt book on foundation paper piecing, it has many patterns in it and the other was on applique. I want to give paper piecing a shot.

Today, my plan is to get the calendar quilt ready to be sewn together, gotta make some sashing. And if I have time I want to make a couple of red, white and blue blocks so I have enough to make the amount of rows I want for the quilt that Lori was so kind to have gifted to me. It will be 25 blocks so 5 rows of 5 plus sashing. It will be a nice sized quilt. It will take some thinking to figure out the layout because there are multiples of the same block. I am really excited about this quilt, it's going to be beautiful.

Hope you all have a super day,
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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by WeSignificant » Thu Jul 28, 2022 7:14 am

Try as I might, I just don't seem to be able to keep up here. Everything is pretty okay here. Finally able to go to some Free Sew days. Went yesterday, worked on the borders to my 40 Fabulous Years quilt. Only 3 borders left. Should be able to accomplish that today. I also have my forum stuff with me in case I have extra time. Plan is one more July lotto block, finish the last 3 of my ice skates, and hoping I can cut the toy trucks. I am signed up for tomorrow too.

After much investigation into Wheel Chair ramps. I have decided to go ahead with the more common aluminum one. The contractor who measured for a wood one never got back to me. The only other offers I was given were both concrete and I just don't want something that permanent. Plus too much digging and it made me nervous as the gentleman said we didn't have to worry about gas lines. Tried to make me believe they were 8 feet underground! I know better than that. So all the parts are on order and he will contact me with an install date when they come in.

Still no background fabric for my Starry Night. I am trying not to hold my breath as I really want this fabric. I asked again yesterday and he said it has shipped. We are still waiting on our flesh colored fabrics for the faces. I guess along with the rest of the world, fabrics aren't coming on time either. I did get the two finishing kits for my 2 BOM's. Have signed up for the new one. It is called Bajour. That spelling might be coocoo.

Was going to see a patient this AM but that is off. The other nurse will go. So CG is here and I will get ready for the day. Need to go buy Dad ice cream before I am off to sewing.

Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Thursday, July 28

Post by auntjana » Thu Jul 28, 2022 7:24 am

Good morning!

Yes, I seem to be back to my normal ornery self. My arm at the injection site hurts a bit, but that's all. Michael is a bit behind me in feeling better. Now, if he never gets back that ornery self, things would be perfect! LOL!

Daniel is back working in architecture . This new firm is bringing him in as a project manager. He will do some drawings, but lead a team of others getting projects done. Daniel's expertise is hospitals and schools. There are tons of regulations he knows that must always be met. The commute is what it is, as the where they will live is more for where Karlie's school is. The school is near here, about a 15 minute drive. The whole move here was to get Karlie in a good school, which happened. And out of California schools! Daniel says he's too old to be charging around on fires anymore, so he retired from that as a captain., after nearly 25 years.

When we were at Costco the other day, I saw a great room size rug for the Batt Cave. I have had my eye on them for several trips. It almost got to jump in my basket, but ol' engineer said we had to measure and check the EIR before it can live here. EIR - environmental impact report - where and how it fits first. So that is a quick lay the tape measure on the floor down there. It will live in front of the couch in the family area of the Batt Cave. This EIR business, is a standing joke here, as once I brought home a a very large cutting table, that the fabric store I worked at was selling. You know the ones like at JoAnn's. Well, I didn't measure or even think about how to get it through the doors to the house, let alone the bedroom sewing room door! It was waaay too big. So the only space available was the garage, in the way of the railroad. Needless to say, Michael was not pleased! That's when I learned about EIR reports.

Sarah is off camping as well as Matt and family and San and Scott. The landscaper will be here Monday and will get things going - fitting us in his schedule. Lots of sod removing, and hardscape being added. Also the entire irrigation system reworked. The cement situation is abysmal. The independent concrete guys are only allotted 60 yards- per a time frame. Our nephew is a concrete guy and will do the work needed here and get us in his queue. So I think the new walks will be formed by my landscaper and when our nephew gets the concrete, they will get poured. It will be a process in patience.

So I will be in the Batt Cave, playing and decorating.


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