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Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 4:14 am
by grammiequilts
Good morning its been a long night, One dog with the poops ( shampooing carpet today) and bad news from family.... My nieces husband 38 yrs old was killed yesterday afternoon...They live on a narrow dirt road in rural indiana,and kids like to speed after they zoomed down his road several times Randall got in his truck and went down to tell them to slow down,,,as he got out of his truck one the the guys pulled a gun and shot him in the chest, He died at the scene. Finally got up at 530 and started laundry,,,Ken has been up too...
We got a call the flooring guys are coming monday and tues/...the countertop guy are coming today the painter is coming and we have to clean the basement up and move everything out of there,,,,I think I need to hide somewhere,,Good news is the shower wall has been fixed and I got the bathroom cleaned, hope your day is going better,,,,,please pray for the young widow..they had no children...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 4:54 am
by suzette58
Good morning everyone.
That is horrible about your niece’s husband. Your family is in my prayers. Today is more sewing on the strip quilt not much else. Hope everyone has a nice day.

Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 5:06 am
by fabricgirl
Good Morning Ladies,

Judi that's horrible your family is in my prayers

Today its hot out there already I've been up for a while I had breakfast made the bed took a shower got dressed and am ready for the day.
Bill should be home by 1:00 and will help put things away.
I got my book yesterday but I need a bright purple so maybe later I will go get some.

There is nothing new to report besides that it is HOT HOT HOT.
Have a great day.

Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 5:59 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

JUDI - how tragic! Your poor niece! Are you close to her? I will be praying for her. Do they have the shooters in custody? Tell me again what kind of floor you are having laid in your basement? If it's boards, you can shift thing around - you don't need to completely empty the room. Just think where you'll be by this coming weekend! It's going to be looking so good at the JKC Ranch!! Sorry about the doggie. I'm sure he is too! Boy, your DD is going to be so in your debt when she gets home!! I'd say washing all your windows just might pay it off! :lol:

SUZETTE - Happy stripping!!

LOIS - is this your tablerunner book that came? Which one is it? And which project are you making?

CHRISS - how was supper at the Elks? Did you have the ribs? Peach cobbler? I'm not a fan of chocolate cake, so you could leave that alone. I pretty much stay off the websites that show more patterns unless I'm looking for something in particular. I have plenty of books and patterns I haven't used yet. What I need now is a purpose to sew. I think I'm on break . . .

LYN - Minnie is too cute for words! Glad your mirror is fixed! I hope the bill got submitted to the insurance company of the guy that ripped it off and then tried to run.

SHERRY - 4 acres? In your heat? I'm afraid I'd be looking out the window and admiring my 4 acres of hayfield!

MARY Q - bet you've ever been so happy to do laundry! So, you've painted, carpeted, floored, added new appliances and shelving. What's next in your new home?

JANA - what a great history your family has! I'm sure it's fun teaching the kids all about it as they grow. How is Stu doing these days? Did you truly get to sew yesterday? How about today? Still working on that second bench pillow?

I got an e-mail from BECCA yesterday. She wrote:

I am trying my best to get rest when I can and stay well. CA is struggling with pain from shingles plus he has so much pain all the time, it's just trying to make him as comfortable as possible. Our adult children are so good and attentive to us and our needs. Tell everyone I miss them and send my best to all. Love, Becca

We have a big motorhome in our back yard for the next week. We are allowing a Boondocker couple to park it here while they go on an Alaskan cruise. It's strange to look off our back deck and see that instead of grass! Yesterday we were with Bill's sister and DBIL for brunch and a nice visit. They are coming back to GH Aug 10 for a business appt, so we'll get to see them again. (they live 80 mi away). I spent the afternoon kitting up my North Stars quilt which has nine 24" blocks. I have 5 done, 4 to go. I also cut 200 5-1/2" muslin squares to use to back my crazy quilt blocks. They, and all my scraps, will go with me in the trailer this winter. Today I plan to finish that and then I don't know what I'm going to do. Bill is almost done quilting Star Bright and if he finishes it this weekend, I'll add binding and label. We have some low-hanging limbs in our yard that need trimming so I may be doing the lovely assistant gig with that project. And I have a small mess to clean up in the gardening area of the garage. I guess I have enough to keep me busy!

Make it a good weekend!
mary z

Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 6:44 am
Good Sunny Hot Morning......

Today we started at 72* & will go to 95*.....that's a big spread. I'm blessed plenty of ice cubes & AC.

Never got to the dish washer yesterday....I really do not like emptying it! must do it today.

Kimberly is feeling better every 2 days. Of all the symptoms of covid I've haven't heard of %itchiness she 's got that down pat! Poor baby.

Doing general uglies to day. I'll cook chicken for the week. Oh yes my new phone system is here & I want to set it up. I've been getting some complaints that people can't get through.

Judi......I am so sorry about your nieces husband. So young. Please tell us they caught the shooter. Sending my prayers.... Keep dreaming about the finished renovations.

Suzette.....happy quilting.

Lois.....have fun shopping for some purple fabric.

Maryz......thanks for the Becca update. She is quite a woman.
It seems right you should be getting your winter quilting ready.....last week I saw 'back to school' ads. That sounds like 2 days work.

Love & Prayers..........Kathy

Chriss......I keep forgetting to tell you how lovely you look in your new photo!!

Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 7:33 am
by maryq
Good Morning Girls

Totally cloudy this morning... do you suppose that might mean we could get some rain?

Judi... OH My Gosh!!! What is the world coming too... Your Poor Niece! Will send lots of prayers for her today too and hope that the %#@*#(&( SOB that did this has been caught and will be tried and convicted! Are you so looking forward to getting your house back to normal? Me too!

Suzette.... Don't you just love nice quiet days!

Lois.... Taking a shower sometimes seems like such a waste of time... I mean we get dirty again right? But I have to say it does feel pretty good to be clean! Did Bill catch any fish that he can bring home for dinner?

Maryz... As much as I'd love to share my extra projects with you... it does kind of sound like you are ready for a sewing break. No law says we HAVE to sew all the time! I think I'm pretty well set in the house... for now... do need new carpet but that will have to wait.. maybe next summer. The carpet here now is the original since 1998 and it's uglier than sin, but it will have to stay. And it does sound like you have enough to do to keep you from being bored. Thanks for keeping in touch with Becca.

Kathy... OMG... I'm so with you... HATE unloading the dishwasher. But for now, I have to say I'd love it---my dishwasher is sitting in the middle of the kitchen waiting to be installed :lol: :lol:

POTD here will be more organizing fabric! The DAV is coming to pick up stuff on Wednesday so I'm getting stuff from KC and some of my stuff ready to be picked up. The kids are in Wisconsin this weekend, so I need to run down and check on the cat---I'm sure she's fine.. I mean... what do cats do anyway but sleep all day! :lol:

Time to get in gear!
Have a SUPER Saturday!

Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:08 am
by WeeOne
Judi, prayers being sent. I hope they caught the idiot.

As for our mirror, our insurance paid us. The last I heard from our insurance company was they were still trying to find out if the man had insurance.

Several things got in my way yesterday and I never got to the weeds. I did spend a couple hours hand sawing limbs off the tree that fell near our deck. Kinda wished it had hit the deck, cause it needs replacing. I will work on the tree more today.

Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:28 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

Judi, so sorry to read about your family's loss. Many prayers for comfort.

I have the parade on, it's about to start. It's a huge tradition here in Utah. Many families bring their cots and sleeping bags the night before and camp out in their favorite spot on the route to watch. I have been once, many years ago and bought grandstand tickets. Lots of fun! Fireworks tonight too!

After the parade is over, it's sewing time! I am hoping to finish the bench pillow I have started and my start another, one for Halloween.

The little kitty and I are becoming better friends. She comes up to me and wants some attention. Not in my lap yet, but Daniel says, she's not really a lap kitty.

Do fun stuff! No uglies allowed today, it's the weekend! Time to close the store.



Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:43 am
by zfatcat
Judi, that's horrible. Sorry for your loss. I hope they caught the shooter.

Jana, it took Molly10 years before she would sit in my lap.

Chriss, how was the peach cobbler? I bet it was amazing.

Mary, thank you for the info from Becca. She sure has her hands full.

I'm going to sell tickets for our guilds opportunity quilt this morning.
Gotta run.

Have a wonderful day.

Re: Saturday July 23rd

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 9:04 am
by Quiltmom
Good morning all! Not much planned for today except Doug and Jax are coming over to watch a John Wayne western today. We are all John Wayne fans in my family especially my late DH Harold. Got a bit of a storm this morning. Finally about an inch of rain and boy do we need it.

Judi - Your niece and her family will be in my prayers when I do my devotion each morning. So young to die. I sure hope they caught the kid who did it and he gets sent to jail forever.

Maryz - I mowed my lawn at 10 in the morning and was done by noon. Since I have a zero turn John Deere it only takes a couple of hours to do. it was just starting to get hot when I got done.

Don't know who mentioned watching The Chosen on TV and I was wondering if you were talking about the religious movie about the disciples? if so I love it and can't wait to see the second movie. I have the book the movie was made from and the book about the second season will be out soon. The first book was great. I really enjoy those types of movies.

Have a good and safe day everyone.