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July 4th Happy independence day

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July 4th Happy independence day

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Jul 04, 2022 3:43 am

Good morning,,bright and sunny will be warm today, We have nothing planned today,,,We will clean up the basement and get it ready for the painter,,,he said he will be here this week. I need to get paint I will go tomorrow. In the meantime DD asked me to run a couple of loads of laundry, and I have some that need to be done too...Her new washer and dryer comes on in a few days, Thankfully they have a lot of clothing, and towels. I may make some ribs on the grill with baked potatoes and call it good.
I am doing the placemats when I can sneak a few minutes up here in the sewing room. Hope your day is sunny and fun,,,or rainy and fun which ever you need,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:22 am

Good morning Judi,
The sun is shinning and it will be quite warm
I'm on the way to finishing up the cutting of my quilt then I can start sewing.
We are making cornished hens on the charcoal grill.
Well thats our day here.
I hope everyone has a fabulous Forth of July.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by auntjana » Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:47 am

Good morning!

Happy 4th of Ju.y!

It's breezy here and that's what woke me up, early - blew something off, some place in the great room, making noise as it fell. Too dark out there to go look, and whatever it was will wait until .later! I am not thar curious.

Daniel made good progress in loading the moving van. He was at about 80 percent done yesterday. He leaves tomorrow morning for here. I am excited, but also worried. It's a long drive here, and not a fun one through Nevada. As my mom would tell me, as we traveled that same road to come visit her, she'd pray us across the desert, well, that what I'll be doing. Daniel posted a cute picture of Karlie standing in the back of the Uhaul - she's jumping for joy! So is Grandma!

Sorry I haven't posted the picture of my bench pillow. I started too, but, then reversed my decision to punt the little fairy lights. Michael had a tool, a leather punch, with the perfect size tip, that cut holes in the embroidery eyelets easily for me. So, to make it even easier, I frogged the entire top length of the pillow to make getting the tool in, easy. All the holes are punched, through the top, batt and backing. So this morning I will add the lights. The lights are really teeny tiny, but oh so cute. Red, white and blue, about the size of the yellow headed quilting pins I use. They are battery operated, flash or steady on. I will use the steady one, flashing would drive me nuts! So hopefully today I will be done!

No plans around here. Matt and older boys are off to scout camp. Camp is just down the road from where he has been at a Crenda family gathering. Crenda's family will bring her, Emma and Baden home today. Matt has his truck and fifth wheel trailer up for scout camp this week. Sarah is finishing the new koi pond in her yard. She has 5 koi that currently are swimming in her dining room. She wants them back outside! She is working hard to get this done before her DH's surgery on his knee. He's a bit of help, but Stuart has been more. Aaron and the girls will be over to mow grass today. The girls love to do that, they get tractor rides after Aaron is done.

So I have laundry, bathrooms, and lots of praying!

Enjoy the 4th festivities! It's a great country we have! Stand and be proud! I have a great grandfather, who stood up and signed his name to the Declaration of Independence. His signature is on the original document. John Hart, of Hartford Connecticut, where he settled the town. We have a great heritage that was and is, and will be, fought for and preserves our freedoms. There is no there no other country that affords us such freedoms. The land of the free,because of the brave.


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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by FlorenceM » Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:59 am

Jana I would be jumping for joy too.
Big bbq was yesterday. It was fun. We all played Uno after supper. Forgot hiw much fun & how frustrating the game is.
Today is clean up floors, they took a big hit, and put things away. Other than that, we will just relax.
Have a Happy 4th.
Happy Birthday USA!

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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:51 am

Good morning,

Happy Independence Day! God bless America and all who work and sacrifice to keep her free. We are so blessed!

JUDI - happy basement cleaning! Have you taken up the old floor yet? It's pretty exciting to see the end in sight. I hope you get a little time in the sewing room. Ribs and potatoes sound like a great supper to me!

LOIS - Yay! Almost done cutting and on to the sewing! I spent two days cutting fabric for the rest of my 4" stars. Now I know why it took me two days - I miscalculated and cut way too many pieces! Guess I will have a bigger quilt than originally planned.

JANA - It's almost Daniel time! I'll pray with you. We've also driven "80" several times. Do you have an ETA on them? And when he goes back with the trailer, will one of his brothers - or even one of those bigger nephews, go with him? Always good to have company for something like that.

TINA - I feel sorry for your dad, but if those shots keep him alive, then they are worth it. I'll be checking for details on your Christmas swap!

CAROL - I bought our LA in 2008 but before that I think I used 505 basting spray and I don't remember have any problems with it. I hope it works well for you.

MARY Q - How did your day go? You've earned yourself a great big reward! Is your family doing anything for the Fourth today?

FLO - Your day sounds great! I love UNO. But then I love most every game! I hope you won!

Yesterday I super cleaned the kitchen and prepped a lot of the food for today - boiled potatoes and eggs, cut up broccoli and watermelon, etc. Not sure if it will be just 4 of us or up to 10 people. We will invite our boondockers (4 people) to join us if they have no other plans. Also, the other couple we invited still hasn't given us a yes or no. This is why we seldom invite them. Sometimes they say yes and then don't show - or call. Or say no, and then show up after all. Still no call. Once, they came to a holiday potluck and she plunked a grocery bag of ingredients down on my counter and said, "I didn't have time to make it but here it is", got a glass of wine for herself and went and joined the party in the living room. Oh look! Now you've got me started!!

We have our old dishwasher sitting out on the deck. I have a pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen awaiting the new dishwasher which was supposed to be delivered YESTERDAY between 1 and 5. At 6pm we called Lowe's and all we got was an automated message that said it was scheduled for delivery between 4 and 8. At 9pm we called again and got the same message. I guess the computer must have gone home for the day. We finally went to bed after 10pm and there's no dishwasher on our front porch. I checked. And today is a holiday, so probably no deliveries today. We were planning for a campfire, but weather is "iffy". We figured we could retreat to our covered deck if it rains. And now we can all huddle around our old dishwasher to eat our brats and beans. Needless to say, we'll be using paper plates today no matter who all is coming for supper! I've given up planning for today and will just laugh and roll with the punches. To top things off, I have no allergies. But about once every 3 years something gets me and I am allergic for one, sometimes two days. Well, looks like today is going to be that day! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

In sewing news, I'm still plunking slowly away on my little stars. As I mentioned above, I have a lot of extra 2" squares. I kept thinking each block took 8 but they only took 4. I'm going to have to figure out something to do with all these little squares - I hadn't planned on borders but looks like I might have them after all. Plus, I've cut enough extra that the quilt will have one or two extra rows. So it's going to be a lot bigger then the original 67"x67". Sigh.

Enjoy this wonderful day!! And please pass the wine!!

mary z

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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by WeSignificant » Mon Jul 04, 2022 7:18 am

Happy 4th of July everyone. No real plans here. Best to stay home and safe inside. Large sideshow by my house last night. One person shot and another run over. Have not heard the outcome of either. Luckily DH is working day shift today.

Have been doing a bit of sewing here and there. Fatigue still a problem. Yesterday I slept a lot. Would like to get to the BR cleaning today and a load of laundry plus the usual Dad stuff. No CG on holiday.

58* now, expected to get to 74. We have been in a cool period, Just another day or two and then the temps start to rise again. Back to the high 80's by end of the week.

The mobile home park where my DBIL lives has made him a reasonable offer to buy the mobile home he is living in. I think it's still a bit overpriced but he hasn't been able to find anything he can afford. He of course lives on a fixed income so nothing extra. We will pay the down payment for him and then he can make the monthly payment which will be cheaper than if he stays there renting. They have upped everyone's rent (I think in an effort to get them to move out as they don't want renters). He's been there for probably over 10 years, has never been late or missed his rent. He keeps the property in good condition so not sure why they would not want him as a tenant but I guess they have their reasons. Instead of paying us back he will put us on the title so when he passes away, we can sell it.

Jana hope the boys have fun at scout camp. Sometimes I miss those things, and other times I am glad to have moved on. But like they say, Only and hour a week!

I also planned to see what I can find in the way of Christmas fabric today. I think I know where it is. Of course in the box on the bottom. Will see what Tina dreams up this year. Isn't she taking over the SS this year too?

Well will go see what I can get done before Dad wakes up. Have a wonderful day everyone.
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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by maryq » Mon Jul 04, 2022 8:10 am

Good Rainy Morning!

Not complaining about the rain... we sure need it! And any time I can turn the AC off and open a window for air.. I'm happy!

Judi... And what color are you painting downstairs? White? Call me boring but I'm a big fan off plain old white.. or even pale grey like my house! :lol: :lol: What's going to be down there when you're all done. A family room? Game room? Giant SEWING ROOM (hint hint)

Lois... I did look at the quilt you are doing! SO cute! And what colors are you doing? Fall colors I'm guessing.

Jana.... A light up pillow? Can't wait to see the picture of that! Sounds like you do a lot of decor for the 4th. I made a skinny for my front door and have a flag out, but that's about it. I'd love to fly a full size flag here, but haven't found a place I can attach a pole just yet. It was always so important to my Dad to fly the flag.. I'd like to carry that on.

Flo... Oh gosh... we used to play UNO all the time! Once in a while we are all together for a holiday we will haul it out again!

Maryz... You are so right GOD BLESS AMERICA! For all it's woes etc, it's still the only place I'd want to live (oh ok, maybe Ireland) Day went fine... I left a little earlier than planned but it was ok. I got a little more fabric folded. I'm going to go back on Wednesday, because after that I won't be able to go for a while.. Progress is being made. Man... with friends like that... well you know the rest... kind of rude to drop down a bag of groceries and run off. Perhaps they need to fade off into the distance. I was surprised that Lowes would even set up a delivery on a Sunday.. That's rare.

Valerie... So your DBIL has been renting a mobile home all these years? Seems to me some of that rent should at least be applied to purchase price! And I suppose he will still have to pay lot rent too right? I so hope it works out for him.. It's hard folks on fixed income to do anything extra. I see it with KC, the gal I'm working with... So sad! I'm looking forward to seeing what Tina has in mind for christmas swap too! And yes she is going to be Head Santa this year... tho I am happy to assist!

Yes, I spent a little time at KC's yesterday, but came home early. Next Monday the guy will be here to replace the floors with vinyl laminate in my kitchen, hallway, laundry and sewing room. SO you can imagine the mess around here as I am trying to clear out the sewing room of all extra stuff ... until the boys can come help me move furniture. Then next Tuesday my appliances come so the boys also get to help move the old stuff out. I think I have found a home for the washer/dryer so I don't have to pay to get rid of those. Posted the stove and d/w on Facebook but no response yet. I may have to call the junk man if I can't get rid of them on my own. HD wanted $40 EACH to take away... for one appliance maybe.. not 5!

This afternoon there is supposed to be a little parade down our street... it's a private road so folks can ride their lawnmowers down here and the kids will be all dressed up . Neighbor is having a little garage party, so I'm going to bake a little treat (Did I tell you this already?)
Any way...

Time for coffee and a shower!

What ever you do today.. be careful and have fun! And thank those that make this all possible.

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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jul 04, 2022 8:28 am

Good morning girlfriends. It's going to be a marvelous day today. We should see about 80*. Yesterday was so nice we had the windows open all day.

Judi, so nice you can help DD with her laundry. Imagine if she had to tote it all to a laundromat. yuck. Happy basement cleaning, a fresh coat of paint will be wonderful. what color? I have been wanting ribs lately, If we were to buy a slab of pork ribs it would make at least 4 meals for us. Amazing how much less we eat than we used to.

Lois, you really zoom through those quilts, are you starting with the spice quilt? I googled it and it's really pretty.

Jana, Richard and Gloria are in Tahoe, have Daniel honk as he drives by. How long will it take Daniel to get there? I will add a prayer to yours. I bet your feet aren't even touching the floor. I wondered what happened to your bench pillow.

Flo, I love a good bbq. With my diet and Jerry's pickiness we don't have much with bbq'd meat. I am going to make a coleslaw today, bought the cabbage already shredded and just need to google a low carb recipe. It will make way too much for me and Jerry won't eat anything with mayo and barely eats cabbage. Guess I will take some to my dad.

Maryz, sounds like you are knee deep in 2 inch squares. they will make a great border. Sorry about the dishwasher. Customer service just ain't what it used to be. Do you smell that? Jerry is cooking bacon. He is likely making a breakfast casserole. I might add broccoli and bacon to my coleslaw and pretend I am eating your broccoli salad, hmmmm.

Valerie, are you able to get a lot done before dad wakes up? I'm also curious to see what Tina comes up with for the swap. Nice deal with your BIL. glad you are able to help him. I had a doctor tell me that some symptoms from Covid can be more pronounced if you have health issues and also last 6 months or more. We had Covid last October and Jerry still has brain fog sometimes. I think that he has Epilepsy adds to it.

Maryq, hope you get rid of those appliances. All new ones will be so nice. And new floors will be a treat also. enjoy the parade.

Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday. It really was a wonderful day. We had lunch with the parents at a place in my town. Long story but they opened a Mexican / American diner. The food was really good, but the service was awful. Clearly the wait staff had never ever worked in food service industry. But, because of the wait, we were offered a scoop of ice cream on the house. I had caramel. It was my one sweet treat.

My nephew used to say that you don't get older until you eat your cake. While I didn't get a chance to eat cake, I did turn 59.

You all have a very safe 4th. Remember, if you do fireworks, have a water source nearby.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by Quiltmom » Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:03 am

Happy 4th of July everyone!! It is so good to celebrate something good for our country. Thanks also to all of the men and women who have served in the military to protect our country.

Not much planned for today since going to be in the high 90's for the next few days with possible storms tonight. So glad I mowed yesterday. Smoke, Sweetie and I are just going to stay in and watch TV and sew. This afternoon on TCM the movie musical 1776 is on. It is one of my very favorite musicals so will be watching. The Cubs game is later this afternoon so will be watching that also. Talked to both the boys yesterday and wished them Happy 4th of July. Rob is going to the South Bend Cubs game tonight for game and fireworks. I told him to eat a soft pretzel for me. They have great food there. Will be going the end of July to Rob's so I can go to one of their games.

Well, better go get some lunch. Have a wonderful and safe holiday today!!

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Re: July 4th Happy independence day

Post by WeeOne » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:17 am

Happy Independence Day 🎆
I will be putting a rack of Baby back ribs on the Traeger. I'm pondering fighting the people in Safeway to go get another rack, there's room for 2 on the grill. The neighbors that had us over last night are having company coming up, I'm sure they would enjoy some ribs. Chriss, come on over there will be plenty.

I found a sad thing in my sewing room last evening. My desk sits at the front of the house, lower level, with a small window about 8 inches above the deck. I think snow must have built up there and water leaked in the window and onto my desk. I had a pen and ink picture with a heart and saying on it that I'd made my Mom, it's damaged. ☹️ I had a QuilTiles magnetic board in it's box. Picked it up and it was molded on the bottom. I was able to clean it off and sprayed with Lysol to kill mold. Before we leave, I will put plastic over that window, so it doesn't happen again. Weird though, in all the years I've lived here it's never done this before.

I, too, am interested in what Tina has up her sleeve.

Jana, add my prayers for sale travels for Daniel and family.

MaryZ, those don't sound like good friends. Bummer about the dishwasher not delivered.

MaryQ, sounds like you're making our new place your home with stuff you want.

I will be playing in my sewing room and cooking ribs.

On my phone, so to everyone, have a great day!!

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