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Wednesday June 30th

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Wednesday June 30th

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Jun 29, 2022 4:02 am

Good Morning...it is another busy day here it looks like rain...high 84. I will head out early to scavenger hunt up some fresh groceries and then a lot of work to do.
DDs called in a panic...she was in the middle of a weekly laundry and her washer quit. Just died...The computer went out and she had a load of laundry locked in her washer ( door locked and wouldnt open on a front loading washer) It is 4 yrs old and a stacking washer and dryer she had to get to fit in her tiny laundry room.. ( house is huge, laundry room is not) so they finally found a way to get the door unlocked but the washer is toast (one year warrenty) ( another reason I love my old fashioned Maytag with a 10 year warrenty) and not electronic. )
So Mom felt sorry for her and will be doing her laun dry here today when I get back form the store. It will be a few days before her washer can be replaced...they are in stock but delivery is a few days,,,
Stairs are ready to lay the treads and risers...but we still have a ladder...I will not use...So my pantry in the basement is well stocked and off limits till Ken gets home...Life is sure fun around here,,,,,( as Gilda used to say...'It's Always Sumptin" ) I need to get pizza dough rising as Ken has reuested sea food pizza it is made with alfredo sauce and soo good . I ran out of supper ideas and let Ken pick,,,,so it is....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PS Quilting is on temporary hold :cry:

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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:31 am

Good morning, Everyone!

JUDI - things are exciting around your house! Every person I know who has had a front loading washer has had problems about year 4. One person's lasted 5. I feel like sprinkling holy water over my 30 year old plain jane Maytags every wash day, praying they last. So far, so good! We're having pizza tonite, too! What a coincidence. But it WON'T be seafood! It's going to be pepperoni, American bacon, and black olive, the way God intended when He invented it.

LYN - Your brother's helipad invention is pretty cool. I've seen similar things on TV shows. I'm sure they couldn't copy your brother's. Bill built a similar 'cart' for our truck camper. We offloaded it onto the cart and then pushed it into the shop when not in use. When I was growing up on the farm (with all the other critters :lol: ) my parents also stored the potatoes, squashes, pumpkins in bins in the fruit room in the cellar. Half my childhood it was all dirt and later they finished it with cement floors and cement block walls. Still good cold storage. The veggies lasted all winter. Hmm... You may have to continue to have two sewing rooms. Though I'm sure I have enough stuff for a 28' room crammed into a 10x10 room. Where there's a will . . . . And my son has written a third book but last I heard it was still in editing and then off to the publisher. That process takes up to a year. Not sure why. Summer is a busy time for him, both at work (he's an environmental chemist by day) and at home. Not sure what he's working on at the moment.

CHRISS - glad you are living a peaceful life. Your BLOAT sandwiches sound delicious! Yes, some of the Boondockers are fun, some keep to themselves. But so far all are OK. We got another one last night - a lone woman with two dogs. So right now, sleeping in our yard, are 3 women, 5 dogs, and 2 cats. For the most part, everyone does their own thing. Some sit in their rigs all day, some go for day trips to explore the area. We have a large back yard with a patio table, chairs, & umbrella for them but so far no one has ever taken advantage of that.

MARY Q - how was the assn dinner? Did you meet a lot of your neighbors? Audio books are great! You don't have to sit still to "read". I download them from the library to my phone. I listen when I sew, cook, clean, garden, walk, cross-stitch, etc. I do have to turn my book off when I'm trying to think out a new pattern, but once I've got it in my brain, I crank it on again. All you need is a library card. I use the Libby app. BAck in the "olden days" I used to go to the library and get cassette tapes (and later CD's) and played them on my portable player. Then I used my i-pad. Now my phone. I love it!

JANA - great potato lesson! I also freeze cooked potatoes. Mashed potatoes, cooked and shredded hashbrowns, twice-baked potatoes, etc. I've never canned them, but my mom did.

SUZETTE - Yoo Hoo!! Are you out there??

BECCA put a long post in yesterday's Supper Club if you'd like to read it. Things are improving at her house but sounds like still a long way to go. In case you missed it, her DH has had a terrible case of shingles and she has been caring for him, while dealing with her own health problems. What a special lady!

I cut some more pieces for my little 4" stars, did a bit of laundry, and mostly just fiddle-farted the day away. This morning is chiropractor, more stars, and making a pizza for supper. Bill worked a bit on Irish Chain yesterday. He's about 1/3 done with that. As long as he finishes it by end of July, I'm good. There is nothing else in the Q. My good Bernie is still at the spa, and I use the alphabet feature on it to make labels, so I'm waiting on it to return to make labels for IC and Buckeye Beauty. Our weather has cooled off. Whew! We are now upper 60's and 70's. Refreshing!

Wishing us all full bobbins!
mary z

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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by maryq » Wed Jun 29, 2022 6:27 am

Good Morning Girls

Holy Cow... I must be up really early! It's 0810 CDT here... I did get up early for a reason this morning :lol: :lol: Katie, my next door neighbor and I are headed out to a garage sale that advertised quilting patterns and fabric! Other wise.. I would definitely still be sleeping... as I think I've picked up my summer cold... finally. Can't remember the last time I had a cold...am thinking a big shot of Nyquil and early to bed will nip it!

Judi.... Does your DD have to get a whole new set or can they just send a new washer? I looked at those when I was shopping too, thinking I'd have a little more space in my Laundry if I stacked them.. But there are 2 little cabinets in my washer room so won't work. If you like your old Maytag w/o computer... you'd love my old Whirlpool ,. 2 setting --long wash and short wash. The dryer has 3 heat settings... HOT, HOT and AIR!

Maryz... AH yes... Pepperoni, black olives, lots of cheese the way God intended! Maybe a little green olives too! I was wondering if Michael had a 3rd book in the works. My Nephew has a new book coming out too. He has a PhD in Anthropology & Human Studies and teaches at Casper Community College in WY. But the book is about the wild horses of Wyoming and Montanna. When I saw him last summer he was telling me about it... very interesting. I have Mike's 2nd book on my kindle but haven't finished it. We have a beautiful library here in town, and I've never been in it! Before Covid hit I was going to volunteer there. And yes I did meet a few neighbors I hadn't met before.. Katie next door is a little younger than I, but I'm younger than most... lots of "Old folks" here :lol: :lol: :lol:

Since the rest of y'all must still be sleeping.. I should probably get butt in gear. . Silly me, I did end taking one of KC"S quilts completely apart, but it's going to sit on the back burner until I finish my lotto blocks and another project hanging on my wall that I started before I moved. Tom and Viv are coming up for Bren's birthday and I'd sure love to have a quilt for Viv to take home with her! :lol: :lol:

Y'all have a super day!

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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by auntjana » Wed Jun 29, 2022 6:55 am

Good morning!

Hot, more hot and sticky! We are not used to humidity here in the desert, but we have some this morning. Yesterday several afternoon thunder heads blossomed and gave us a bit of rain. Right as it happened, was a activity for Sarah's Activity Day girls. We were outdoors, under a Pavillion roof, so we were fine. I helped Sarah, as it was all the age groups, girls and boys, racing little sail boats they painted. As part of the activity, they came to my table and frosted two cookies - pirate theme, so they made pirate coins. So I had frosting, sprinkles, cookies and about 80 kids! They had a blast and I didn't have frosting from hockey sticks to breakfast, either! Ethan was there too, racing his sailboat and making cookies.

We got stuff done on our accomplishment list for D-day -Daniel arrival. We need to increase the speed of our wifi system, so called and have a new provider coming tomorrow for installation. But first, there's always a but, we have to go get a new router , but, another but, it has to meet certain parameters. That's a job for Super-daughter! Sarah knows what is needed, so she and Michael will do that together. Me, my super power is to hide in the Batt Cave . I'm good at that! So that's part of the plan, hide, and clean the room.

So, thought question of the day - what makes you happy - answer - do more of it!


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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by WeeOne » Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:06 am

Good morning from Transwest's campground. Our appt is at 10, but may drive it next door earlier. Had to cancel Jeep oil change yesterday. Had some calls and paperwork that took priority. After this appt, we'll take the MH to a guy to ck our seals on front wheels. They can't get it in here for 3 weeks, on the chassis side dept.

Hope ya play with fabric today!

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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by MuseAndSew » Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:55 am

Maryz thanks for all the mystery book info! Now I only need more time for reading. I wish I had more of your organizing skills, but I’m working on it.

Lately the weather has been so extreme with winds. We actually had a mini/ big dust devil tornado. Picked up out cot we use for shade on our chicken coop & threw it a hundred yards away. It’s heavy too. It was amazing to watch. Utah isn’t usually tornado country.
Busy working & organizing today.

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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:03 am

Good morning my beautiful friends. It's going to be a marvelous day today. It will be hot but I will be spending most of my time indoors so I will barely notice the heat.

Got my walk in this morning. Only one of the three friends was able to go. And I am waiting on Jerry to finish the watering so I can hit the showers. Since I am waiting on Jerry I thought I'd put my stinky self in front of this laptop and chat with my homies.

Judi, so glad you came to DD's rescue. I like the old fashioned no frills appliances also. How long till your stairs are done. I also wouldn't be doing the ladder climb. Seafood pizza sounds interesting, what do you put on it?

Maryz, Glad the boondocker stuff works for you, I think it sounds really neat. Sounds like a zoo at your house. We will be 103 here today incase you want to warm up from your nice weather.

Maryq, happy garage saling. So wish I was there, it sounds fun. Does KC realize the work you are redoing for her? You are a kind person.

Jana, lots of buts heading your way, glad they are easily resolved. Sailing boats, painting and cookie decorating sounds wonderful.

Beverly, it was quite windy here yesterday too. Did you get your chicken coop tent back?

Lyn, that helio mover is quite a contraption. so cool that your brother invented it. Hope you love your streaming stick like we love ours. Not sure what Roku has VS Fire stick, but it is nice to not pay Direct TV a boatload of money anymore.

Hope you girls have a groovy day. I'm off to start mine.
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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by Quiltmom » Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:48 am

Good afternoon all. Will be a nice cool day here but back to hot and humid starting tomorrow. Weird summer. Not usually this hot and humid until mid-July. Hate to think what August will be. Thank God for A/C. Got half my "crap" shredded yesterday and hope to finish the rest today. This Saturday they are having a naturalization ceremony at Sauder Village where I am a member. It is a really neat outside service and I always have gone. This will be the first one back since the pandemic. It always draws a crowd and so nice to welcome our new citizens (even the way the gov't. is going).

Judi - Sorry about your DD's washer. Like you I have a Maytag top load that I have had for years and works great. It is a basic one without all the extra things. My drier and my dishwasher are both the same-simple and works great.

Maryz - Glad you are getting your quilt done. I need to get back to my quilting also. Haven't done it for quite a while. I remember that your son was an author but can't remember his titles. Send me the titles I would like to read one.

Maryg - Have a good time at your garage sales. I have so much fabric and patterns now I will never get through all of them.

Jana- Sorry about your weather. It has been hot and very humid here in NW Ohio even for our area.

Well, better go get some lunch for me and Smoke and Sweetie. It is so nice to be able to open the windows if even for just one day. Sweetie enjoys sitting in them. have a good day everyone.


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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by WeSignificant » Wed Jun 29, 2022 11:04 am

Good morning everyone! A bit late to the party but here none the less.

Lyn how interesting to have a brother with such an invention. And yes, unfortunately when companies changes hands, not always good result. Also I did not know that the potatoes are last years crop! Not sure how I feel about that. How big is your RV. I would never attempt to drive ours (35 ft).

Chriss a BLOAT sandwich, really does sound good. How were they? Still testing positive but overall feel better. I am sure it will change any day now. Yes, I do believe I will put your name on 3 of the tickets. Guess I really should start getting those tickets made out. After my school houses are done. So happy you are able to keep up your walking.

Maryq I did find the picture, yes I had seen it before. It is very cute. Beyond my abilities though.

Sherry our weather is all over the place this year too. Into the 80’s/90’s, now today, low 70’s. Which is fine with me but wreaking havoc on my garden. Nothing is doing well except my green onions did. Even the radishes sort of flopped.

Woah Bev, that must have been scary. Did you duck?

Jana hope your weather clears. Sounds like you had a great time with the kids.

Maryq what did you find at the Garage Sale? I have lots of patterns if you are interested, I am never going to use mine either. And enough fabric to last a few lifetimes!

Maryz that pizza actually sounds good. I don’t like this chicken stuff on pizza but I love shrimp so I may be interested.

Judy so sorry about your daughter’s dilemma. It just is so frustrating when those things happen.

As far as washing machines go, I bought my front loader in 2002. Have not had problems until recently. Had to replace something that made it spin all off balance. He said then even my bearings were in great shape. It is a Sears brand Kenmore Elite. It was high end then but certainly not now. It keeps on trucking away. The only appliance I have that is not Sears is my stove. It is a Samsung and I hate it. I keep hoping something will happen so I can replace it. It’s only 4 years old so that is not likely to happen anytime soon.

Did get another calendar block sewn this AM and will be working on my last 2 later today. Dad’s physical therapist is coming at 1200 to see if he has recovered enough to resume his treatments. Been trying to speak with the eye doctor all morning but nothing is working out. They are getting messages mixed up and then when I did finally get someone on the phone, they put me on hold and the phone hung up. Now I can’t get through. UGH!

Well best get back to the sewing machine and see what I can accomplish. Have a wonderful day everyone,

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Re: Wednesday June 30th

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Jun 29, 2022 4:36 pm

Since you asked I make a basic pizza dough...spread it with alfredo sauce. Easy to make but the bertoli made in Italy jarred sauce is really good. I used fresh Mozarella cheese...bacon, green pepper, green onion, and crab meat....then sprinkle it with Old Bay seasoning and bake.....when it comes out of the oven I sprinkle it with Parmasean Cheese and slices green onions...it is delicious. I have added chopped cooked shrimp on it...and it is equally good. no shrimp today. Oh forgot also put slced baby portobello mushrooms.
Laundry is done..I actually dont mind doing laundry just hate putting it away....I fold and listen to audible books....If your intersted I have 3 good quilty mysytery stories I am listening too,,,Assualt and Batting by Tess Rothery , Cups and Killers, and bound and deceased, all quilting related mysteries...same author. xxxooo

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