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tuesday june 28th

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Re: tuesday june 28th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Jun 28, 2022 8:48 am

Good morning. It's going to be a fantastic day today. Hot but wonderful.

Today is dinner with the parents. We are putting together the fixings for BLT's. Actually, they will be BLOAT's (bacon, lettuce, onion, avocado, and tomato). Jerry has made short cake and adding strawberries we will have dessert. Perfect meal for the predicted 100* heat. And as an added bonus there is a jar of sun tea cooking outside.

Saw a great little inspirational post this morning on Instagram. It said, "Tell your mountain about your God". I thought it was great advice.

Judi, the season here for burning is over. Missing steps would surely keep me out of the basement. I'm not good at ladders.

Velda, we did our grocery shopping yesterday. Sure wish I had your list I'd have gotten your things too. Jerry would love to go to Illinois to deliver.

Katy, which mystery quilt are you doing? I usually wait till they are over, look at the pattern then decide if I want to do them. There is a FB group that does tons of mysteries and her patterns are all free. We haven't seen shortages at the grocery stores, but the prices are crazily out of hand.

Flo, I'd blame the chemo before the age too. Jerry also doesn't do heat well either. He is inside most of the time.

Valerie, to save yourself time you can put my name on the tickets and just draw me for that lotto. Hope your test comes out in your favor. I emailed you that block pattern. No way could I find the free version on the internet again. Jerry's fine. This is his periodical brain MRI. Just want to be sure his head is where it should be. His Dilantin levels are a little low so he needs to take a bit more. He's a brat but it looks like he's going to live.

Jana, I'd cross my fingers that you do no frogging but then I would get nothing done. I would love you to post pictures of the bench pillows, I bet they are really pretty. Love that the kids are making DW a surprise. what fun. We took Marilyn to DLand and she remembered the windmills all over the place. Well when we took her to Concord and she saw the windmills on the Altamont she thought we were going to DL. You'll probably be making a few Costco runs when the kids arrive. It will be wonderful to have all your kids in one area, I bet your feet aren't even close to touching the ground.

Maryz, yay for 92 stars left to do. you are on the downhill side of that mountain. It must be fun to meet new people who boondock. Like you, I couldn't imagine traveling in a van. I'd much rather have something towable.

Maryq, sure wish I heard rain outside my window. what a blessing that would be. I don't know what POTD is. Jerry's MRI is just a periodical thing his neurologist has done. His dad died from a brain tumor, so she is extra caseous

Nothing else is new here. Just the way I like it, drama free, uneventful and peaceful. Makes for a good life.

You all have a fantastic day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

Posts: 5277
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:21 am

Re: tuesday june 28th

Post by WeeOne » Tue Jun 28, 2022 10:07 am

Good Day Everyone!
Slept in a little, then realized that was a bad idea when I remembered that I had to get a load of pants in the wash, so DH has some to wear. Only has a couple pair here, that he will wear. Time to toss those others that are taking up room in the closet!

MaryQ, It had been my hope to load a 14' utility trailer we have with sewing and other stuff and make a run to TX house with it. Then come back and go down in the MH. But, it's looking more like the trailer run idea may be going out the window. That means I won't get some of the sewing room moved.

Chriss, my bears are ceramic black bears. As for moving helicopters, my brother invented the Heliporter, one of many of his inventions. Here's a link to show you. https://www.dartaerospace.com/en/h250-heliporters.html I understand DART has started making changes since they bought the companies, not for the better changes.

Katy, a potato is a potato, whether you grow it or buy it. But Jana has a good point the ones in the store are last years crop. On the farm my Mom always kept them in the cellar, which was cool and dark but I remember it being a little damp because it was dirt walls. Good luck at bingo.

MaryZ, speaking of books, has your son written a new one? I enjoyed the first 2. Estes house is large, but about half is garage. Living area is probably over 2,000 sq. ft. My sewing room is 28' x about 12', it's wider in the middle (15') and east and west ends are a little narrower because of 3/4 bath on one end and stairs coming down on the other end. A friend in TX suggested I use the 3rd bedroom as my sewing room. If any of you can figure out how to get all the stuff I have in the above sq footage into a 13' x 12' room and still move, let me know. LOL That's why I need a SEW Shed.

I bought a ROKU Streaming Stick 4K at Walmart yesterday. Won't have time to try it until tomorrow. Have to get down the Mtn now for oil change in Jeep, then we will get the MH out and take it to Transwest. We will spend the night in their campground so it's there early in the morning for the appt to replace the mirror. This works much better than getting up and going down the Mtn very early.

Forgot to mention that I talked to a neighbor and there is a black bear, mama and 2 cubs, in the neighborhood. I guess they heard a commotion next to their house and went out on their deck and there was the babies up the tree and mama yelling for them to come down. She had to climb up the tree and help. Kids!

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