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Monday May 2

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Monday May 2

Post by Becca » Mon May 02, 2022 4:30 am

Good morning everyone time to rise & shine on a beautiful Monday sunny here
As I raised my blind a little wren greeted me on my front window

We are expecting our DD& DSIL this morning Will be a great visit She is bring our dinner for my Mother’s Day gift & Im sure flowers because she always does
Hope there’s sunshine in your day today
Be kind & smile along your path

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Re: Monday May 2

Post by grammiequilts » Mon May 02, 2022 4:54 am

Good morning Becca,,,how n ice to get flowers,
We had a busy weekend as both of our hockey players were in tournaments,,,Sophias team was eliminated on saturday, But Liams team made it to the plyoffs and beat an undefeated team to the end to take the tournament championship. it was a very exciting game and lots of fun to watch... our sunday was full and no house stuff got done here lol
Today I was up at 6 and got the bed stripped and 2 loads of laundry done so far,,,I will resheet the bed and drink my coffee... I did clean off my desk and file and shred while the washer was going, that was a chore as there were medical stuff from February piled up there,
Las night I watched 3 videos on bobbin work and I now rememeber how to do it,,,and couching was easy just had to watch one video on that,,,I think I will be ok doing the stitchers garden, but I will just do that as an extra project, I need to finish the binding on the baby quilt and get it wrapped up.
I will run by hobby lobby today and pick up a few things I need,,,and spend my day getting caught up...hope you catch up too.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday May 2

Post by fabricgirl » Mon May 02, 2022 5:23 am

Good morning Ladies,

Still plugging away on my DWR allergies are bad so I have been in doors.
Today is laundry day and a quick run to the store.
Becca it's so nice to get flowers enjoy your day with the kids.
Judi I see we are in the laundry room together
Enjoy your new adventure of a new quilt congrats to the grands.
Well thats all the news here I hope everyone has a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Monday May 2

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon May 02, 2022 6:03 am

Good morning!

BECCA - Happy Early Mother's Day to you! I know your day with Denise and Mark will be so enjoyable. Dinner and flowers! Even the word "flowers" is pretty and sounds just like what flowers are. It's good to be you today!

JUDI - congratulations to Liam! I bet he is feeling good. Now he had a broken hand(?) some time back, didn't he? Or was it a foot? Dang, my rememberer isn't what it used to be. Is he all healed from that? I've only seen one hockey game in my life - a pro game back in the 70's. It was way better than watching basketball or soccer. Maybe now that Seattle has a pro team, hockey for kids will catch on here. I'm excited for you to start your new SG project. Are you going to make it the same as your first one or use different fabrics?

MARY Q - I'm not a big fan of ladders either. I can go up 3 rungs without getting dizzy. Bill scampers up the big extension ladders to the roof like he's a teenager! He was doing that yesterday, blowing off roof and gutters. I can't even stand to watch. I'm sure your guy can make short work of that wallpaper. Aren't there companies that can put old slides onto DVD's? I suppose even that statement dates me.

SHARONA-itchy gums? That's a new one on me! Do you see an allergist? How did time with dog trainer go?

LYN- your rib recipe sounds yummy, if labor intensive. If you don't mind, I might share that with our friends who have a big Yoder smoker/grill and love ribs. You haul a Traeger in your MH?? Autumn used to live on the north shore of Lk Travis, near The Oasis, right across the road from Hippy Hollow. But she's always worked in Bee Cave and moved down there 2 years ago. Now when we visit we usually stay at La Hacienda RV Resort at Hudson's Bend off 620. In years past we've stayed in Georgetown, north of Austin, at the Corps of Engineers park there which is probably why you thought she was in NW Austin. But after Aut moved to Bee Cave, the drive to see her was about 1-1/2 hr. each way. Too long. If you ever do visit her library, please deliver a special mom-hug to her for me!

JANA, aka, STREAK- Love your nick name! I could probably go by the same name this past year - and for the same reason as you - not that other reason! Bummer your curtain rod broke. Didn't you say they were hard to find? I hope you can get a replacement easily.

LORI - How was the wedding yesterday. I'm glad you were able to attend. Yours is the third of our four "kid" weddings this spring. It always seems like we do things in a group on this forum. So glad this year it's weddings! The year it was broken refrigerators was a tough one.

CHRISSY! How nice to see you back with us! So which grandson had the turkey? And yes, my mammo is coming up in a few weeks. I am religious about it and always think of you!!

VAL - happy to hear Dad is having a better day. I hope you got your borders on your quilt. You get to go to The Big Fight in Vegas? I take it that's boxing? and I take it you are less than thrilled? :lol: You are a good SIL to go along!

LOIS - sorry about the allergies. EVen here the pollen seems worse than usual. It's even affecting me a little and I have no allergies.

CHRISS - did you go to your garage sales? Any good finds?

SUZETTE, KATHY, & DIANE - anybody out there?? We miss you!

Yesterday I got my lotto blocks finished and will mail them soon. Maybe today. Then I hit the yard in the afternoon and dispatched some weeds. Today is rainy so probably won't work outside. I'm going to put a spaghetti sauce in the crockpot, play in the sewing room, and make a few Buckeye Beauty blocks, I think. Y'all are starting to convince me I should wash some windows. Ugh!

Make your day a good one!

mary z

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Re: Monday May 2

Post by QuiltGram8 » Mon May 02, 2022 6:19 am

Good morning. We decided to do grocery "hunt" today instead of tomorrow. It's going to be kinda rainy tomorrow. Needed to buy one more packet of flowers. My neighbor mentioned getting "wave" petunia. Never had that variety. She said they hang down over the pot . That should look really pretty. I have geraniums and salvia and a Vinca Vine so far. The white petunias will set them off nicely.

That's all I have for now. Catch you all later. 🤗
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Monday May 2

Post by WeeOne » Mon May 02, 2022 6:34 am

A quick hello. Have lots to do today.
Ribs were juicey and meat fell off the bones. Neighbor liked the Cauliflower Salad. She's on a low carb diet.

MaryZ, feel free to share away. Yes, we carry the Traeger in the MH. This model has fold up legs. Umm, it might be called the Tailgaiter. Thanks for the explanation on DD.

Had a good visit with friends and neighbors.

Good Bless each of You ❣️

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Re: Monday May 2

Post by auntjana » Mon May 02, 2022 6:35 am

Good morning!

We too are going on a scavenger hunt today, but not for food. Old beat up, paint peeling windows. I want a couple for decorating. There's a antique shop we know of and I saw a pile of them lin the window. Who knows what other treasures I can find as well. Then back home and sew! While we are out, we will check for a new curtain rod too.

Rained a bit yesterday, just enough to wet the side walk. Somebody near Aaron's house won the power pole in the rain and Aaron lost power for a short time.

That's about it from the beautiful mountain west,

Jana, aka Streak!

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Re: Monday May 2

Post by WeSignificant » Mon May 02, 2022 7:06 am

Good morning quilting world! 50* here and will get to about 74. My kind of weather!

Today I am off to Free Sew, (tomorrow too). Will finish my Pacific Grove quilt from class on Saturday and maybe my first Easter quilt. Tomorrow I will bring along my Dresden plate and finish up the binding.

Becca how nice for a little wren to greet you. My birds here are not so nice. They are picking at my garden and really not much I can do about it.

Judi Yeah! Liam! I feel bad for Sophia though, give her a big hug for me.

Lois allergies are bad here too. My weather no longer give the pollen counts so don't know who the culpret is but my recue inhaler is not feeling lonely anymore.

Yes Maryz, Boxing. It is my DBIL's world. At one point he had the largest boxing picture collection in the US. Most of his stuff is now in museums as he has gotten older. He has kept some things and his Hall of Fame stuff. So off I go to the boxing match. Maybe I will see some celebrities.

Vel love flowers but not this time of year.

Lyn will have to have DH try those ribs.

Jana how wonderful, love antiquely things. Those windows are nice to decorate with too.

Chriss what is up in your neck of the woods.

Maryq ladders are not for us old people.

Well caregiver is here. Best get, lots to do before I go. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Monday May 2

Post by maryq » Mon May 02, 2022 8:17 am

Good Morning Girls

Happy Monday to you all! Only 4 More Mondays for Cindy G!

Becca.... Don't you just love when kids come to visit! and Bring dinner! Will they stay over for a few days or head home after supper? I forget how far they live from you now.

Judi.... Do you think there ever is a time when we are really "caught up" I wonder what that is like. Oh gosh. how I'd love to tour around a Hobby Lobby with you... such a fun store, but alas there is nothing I NEED there and I'm trying (oh so hard) to keep my purchases to NEEDS instead of wants! Congratulations to Liam! And Congratulation to Sophie as well.. she played good games I'm sure and that's important too!

Lois.. You're humming right along on your DWR! Do you actually hum while you sew? :lol: :lol: I do, actually I sing along to my music and I can get away with it because nobody can hear me!

Maryz... Seattle has a Pro Hockey team now? Oh dear, another thing for us to wager on? Brennen loves hockey (all sports really) Yes, there are companies that will put slides on DVD etc.. I could do that I suppose, I still need to go through them all and I have a light box that helps with that. It's just one of those "get a round to it" projects. Windows? isn't sewing much more fun?

Velda... "Wave" Petunia? Haven't heard of that one either! My Jen's nick-name is Petunia... since she was a little girl. Reminds me I should probably go to the greenhouse and pick up some flowers for around my patio! I like to plant Petunias for her and Pansies for my Mom--those were her favorites!

Lyn... I'm not much for ribs, but my Shawn is! I'll have to go back to the recipe and write it down for him. The have a big gas grill and they use it all summer and sometimes in the winter too!

Jana... oh Gosh, I see those old windows on Facebook all the time! And some clever things to do with them! And old doors too! Love antiques, and browsing around in antique shops. I friend of mine has a booth in a local one, was browsing around there and saw an old stand mixer just like the one I have and use all the time!

Valerie... Nope.. no more ladders for me... Even tho in my head I think I can still do... once I hit the bottom step, that's as far as I want to go! And you don't get very far with just the bottom step... and I'm short too!

Have a few things to try to get done today. I made up a bunch of the project boards... will probably take a few down to Viv to see if she would like some. Not sure how much I'll ACTUALLY use them, but they were fun to make... even burning my fingers a few times. Need to run to PO to mail my lotto blocks, pick up a couple things in town and then head back to sewing machine. I got the backing I ordered for the t-shirt quilt and want to start laying out all the squares. The backing is a bright colored tie-dye print and I found jelly roll strips in my stash that match it perfectly for using as sashing. Then the guy is coming to strip wallpaper for me.. YIPEE! will be nice to have that done. Then I need to see how I can bribe Kris to come and paint for me! :lol:

With that... I'm off to the shower...
Wishing you all a Marvelous Monday

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Re: Monday May 2

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon May 02, 2022 1:45 pm

Good afternoon. It's a beautiful day here in the boonies. I love having the windows open but the wind is really making my sneezer work overtime. It really could be worse.

I've taken an allergy pill and a wondering, which is best to take Loratadine or Certirizine? I googled and they both have the same affect. Anyway, it also seems neither works very well, ha ha. Guess I will be stuffy for a while.

Becca, when I sent the rooster over to your house I was hoping he would have you wake us up. Enjoy dinner with DD and that cute little Wren.

Judi, it's really a pretty quilt. I have the pattern in my one day pile. Not sure I will do the fancy stitching but the flowers are pretty. Bet the kids are so very excited about the tournaments.

Lois, it's like we are twins. My allergies are a real pain in the nose too.

Maryz, I never made it to the sales last weekend but am going this weekend. There is a town Denair who has a yearly yard sale event. You get a map and hit the sales. The map will be available Friday evening online so that will determine if I go or not. Happy weeding. Cute to have a little kid see your furbabies and screech with joy.

Velda, hope the flowers work for you. You had a perfect yesterday. great finds and a great lunch.

Lyn, yay, glad the CPAP works. Great score. I had 97 last night and am usually in the 85-99 range. Nice taht the neighbor enjoyed her cauliflower and ribs, what a great meal. It's nice, when you eat low carb, to be able to eat rather than pick and choose.

Jana, happy window shopping. hope you find lots of treasuers.

Valerie, nothing much is going on here. These allergies are kicking my butt and making me not want to do much. Boxing, ugh. LOL. Yay you. Actually, yay me. :lol:

Maryq, woo hoo you. You have a man coming over to strip for you. you wild woman. so glad you found the fabric you needed in that vast stash you have. so perfect.

Lori, hope that machine continues to purr.

Chrissy, yay for that grandson of yours getting a turkey It's good to see you.

I have soem stuff gathered to do a project with the boys for Mothers Day. I found some string and letter beads at the dollar store. They can sting the letters to write words for their mom. I also found some cardboard boxes with lids, they can glue jewels to them so she will have a box to put her valuable necklace in.

You all have a great day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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