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Re: Tues....1/18/2022

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 7:58 am
by maryq
Good Morning Girls

Happy Tuesday... SSDD as they say (same stuff, different day) The big excitement for the day is it's my turn in the laundry room! But I don't mind as you know my sewing room is right there and I can stay down stairs all day!!!

Maryz.. Just in case you bet back this way from your phone.... Lots of prayers to St, Christopher for safe travels home! I know you are both anxious to get there, but I hope you (and I mean Bill) will take it easy and not push too hard to get back. Hope you will give us sit-reps along the way. I finished up some Christmas tree blocks yesterday, but there's no place to lay out anything on my big table so I just set them aside, perhaps by next Christmas I'll be able to finish them. A while back I had this idea to make a small quilt with black background and appliqued bright colors, I'll send a picture. Worked on that a little,

Kathy... OH I'm sure nothing is wrong with your brain.... but do you ever wonder why it just won't shut down at night? Do you suppose it's because we are mothers and we spend a lot of time worrying about our kids... especially with Covid around? I've misplaced something around my house that I need--even tho I KNOW I put it a safe place and that kept me awake off and on all night. Hope you have a nice restful day planned.

Izzy.... It sounds like you have been getting more snow that we have here in Minnesota! Sorry about that, even though I'm quite content with getting much less. I remember that Irish Swap too. When I met my brother a few weeks ago and gave him a pile of quilts for a Native American community he works with, that was one I brought.

Diane.... You go the double whammy... TMJ and sleep apnea! How is your new cutting table working out! I love mine as it's the perfect height, I'm just hoping it fits into new sewing room. Though my DDIL Kris has a table saw and can cut it down for me.

Lois... Have you seen the new Fat Cat BLock of the month?

Judi,... No wonder I can't find what I'm looking for... You have St. Anthony busy looking for your 1/4" foot! It's okay,.. I'll loop back around to him later. Did you ever find it? Do you use the kind with the little metal piece on the right side? I have one of those but found I prefer that little narrow one with out that "lip"

Katy.... So Sorry to hear your DD has Covid.. and while I would love to lose 15 in 3 weeks, I'm thinking that may not be a good thing always.

Jana.... ALL 4 wisdom teeth removed at the same time??? Is he NUTS? And how to you forget that... I'd be dreading it for weeks ahead of time.

Valerie,... Thanks for the reminder! I do have my blocks done and will probably get to the post office in the next day or two. I usually try to make each trip OUT of the house count.. you know do a couple things while I'm out. I figure if I have to warm up the car, I better make it worthwhile!

Sharon.... That is happening a lot here too, places closed or hours reduced because nobody wants to work. Even a McDonalds I stopped at one day had a sign that they had to close at 4pm because they had nobody to work. Another restaurant would only do dine-in and NO TO-GO orders because they didn't have enough workers.

Last Spring when I was helping Jen's David clean out his house before he moved..... he had this darling light fixture in the master bedroom.... kind of like a mini Chandelier with clear bead and stuff. Some of the beads were missing, but David had them in a little bag, and he took down the fixture so I could have it here. Since May the beads have been in a little zip bag clipped to the front of my fridge so I would know right where they are. Yesterday I brought the fixture in from the garage to get it cleaned up and fixed up so I could have Shawn put it in my bedroom in my new place. Guess what? The bag is missing from the fridge. Doesn't it just figure! I know there are around here somewhere, but the life of me I don't remember moving them. So.... Judi... if you're done with St. Anthony for your 1/4" foot, can I have him now!

Time for more coffee and to get started on the huge pile of laundry!

wishing you all a Terrific Tuesday

Re: Tues....1/18/2022

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 7:59 am
by FlorenceM
Slept well last night & hubby let me sleep in. Benadryl is my friend....
Yesterday I deep cleaned master bedroom & bathroom. Today us front bathroom & living room.
Right now outside letting pup have playtime.


Re: Tues....1/18/2022

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:16 am
by Marilynsgrammy
Good morning. It's going to be a great day today.

The sun is starting to come up. There is a pink stripe on top of the mountain out my window. The stripe will get wider and wider, and the pink will fade and become either blue or grey or both. The sun will get bright, and the mountain will look like a dark shadow behind the leafless oak trees. I love where I live.

First priority today is finish up my lotto blocks. I made two applique blocks and need to do a blanket stitch on them, shouldn't take long. The dilemma is, do I make thread changes needing to fill a bobbin with each color used or just use something neutral.

Got some sewing done yesterday, not enough but some. I have 4 more 9 patches to put together before assembling that Tranquil Triangle quilt top. Still need to dig through my fabric and find a suitable border. Then I can hand it off to the person who is going to have it quilted.

I think my goal in February will be to put the quilt tops I have together and quilt them on my sewing machine. Nothing fancy, just stitch in the ditch or stippling. Not really sure how many tops I have but they need to be on laps rather than in a tote.

It's a busy second half of the week. Tomorrow I get my tires rotated then go see the parents then a Costco run. Thursday Moose has his wellness check and will get his vaccines. I just realized that Moose has his yearly wellness check and Jerry and I don't go for ours. Lately I've been considering going to get the shingles vaccine and any others I may need but also want to stay away from the doctor's office.

Maryz, I felt your exhale all the way over here. So glad you are headed home. I pray you stay healthy all the way home. Glad Bill's health plus the vax allowed him to recover quickly. Yep, the tv helped keep Jerry out of my hair. Today the very kind UPS driver should deliver, hopefully early in the day, the tv antenna. Jerry will busy himself with that while I do some playing.

Kathy, have you checked with your doctor about not sleeping? Grandma's remedy was always a shot of brandy, but that was her remedy for everything. Sorry your girls and grands have Covid. I have a feeling that in the end everyone will have had it some more than others.

Izzy, love your Irish swap top, really pretty. The apple cores will be great too.

Diane, I had TMJ before. My jaw popped when I chewed. I mentioned it to my chiropractor, and he did something that made it go away, haven't had it since. I do have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine at night. I haven't had a sleep study done since I lost weight so don't really know if I still need the machine. I have to say, that machine saved my life. Sleep is so very important. I've heard of those mouth guards, hope yours solves your issue and you sleep peacefully.

Lois, happy shopping. I'm sure you will find something fun to do with your day.

Becca, so glad your lights are still on. Jerry can use a haircut, I might send him over to join CA. Funny, in the summer he has me shave his head completely, in the winter he allows it to grow thick.

Judi, I often find what I am looking for after I buy a new one too. Hope there are no crowds so you can go to both HL and Joanns. I need breakfast too, I'm thinking chorizo and fried eggs.

Katy, I have been thinking about cabbage rolls lately. Jerry won't eat cooked cabbage so I may make some and freeze them in my size portions. They are good. Sorry your daughter has Covid. Praying that and the stomach thing gets better for her soon. Enjoy your sewing day. I will be in my sewing room today, bring your project and come on over.

Jana, not sure how you forget you are having teeth removed. I love when it rains, and the air gets cleaned up.

Valerie, hope you get your test and results in a more timely manner. It does get frustrating. Prayers for dad's blood work and that his results are in his favor. I will have my lotto blocks done by the end of the week. Really need to finish up the 9 patches I am working on first. And trying to get ahead enough to make a doghouse for the lotto too. Moose will need a doghouse.

Sharona, In and Out is a huge deal in Cali. The lines in their drive-thru's are crazy and last all day long. Next time ask for your fries Animal Style, google it. You can also get a patty for your dog. And they have a scripture on most all of their paper products. My favorite is a double double protein style with extra grilled onions. No fries.

Maryq, I watched Quantum Leap for the same reason you watched Lost. We are silly girls. Did you ask Kris or the kids where the baggie of chandelier pieces are? Maybe they put them away for safe keeping? Restaurants here are also not keeping normal hours. I'm surprised any are even open. We haven't had a sit in a real restaurant meal in I don't know how long. I really don't miss it.

Tina, I will keep quiet and won't tell but I will also secretly hope for twins. Wouldn't that be exciting? To watch Kevin's face as he tells you that the birth will be a double.

Time for me to go play, you girls have a marvelous day,

Re: Tues....1/18/2022

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:25 am
by Quiltmom
Good morning, all! I am finally going to be able to get my hair cut this afternoon. It hasn't been this long in quite a few years. I am so glad. It is driving me crazy and I don't have too far to go. Afterwards I will stop at Meijer's and get a few things I need and then back home. Will be so glad when we get some sense of normalcy again if ever.

Hope you are all doing fine. Will go and read last couple of days posts this afternoon. As usual I am so far behind on what everyone is doing. Well better go get Smoke and Sweetie fed and then get some lunch for me.

Everyone stay safe from all this weird weather we have been having. This will be a winter to remember. Have a good day .


Re: Tues....1/18/2022

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:44 am
by gershwin64
Good morning everyone!
I have to bath Rosie, she is stinky! I was tying to wait in the new utility sink/tub but it's been delayed in shipping. So she's going in the tub and I'll be on the floor. I'll wait for the delivery and Frankie to install it for Duncan. 🤞🤞🤞 I hope anyway.
I hate to not respond to all but this is a huge job for me agoi I better get started.
You all have a great day!
Safe travels MZ.
I hope all get over covid safely that have it 🙏🙏

Re: Tues....1/18/2022

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:26 am
by Irishgram
Good afternoon all....Finally finding my way back to the sewing room and the computer...I normally have my tablet by my side and use that a lot but can't seem to get on this quilting site...I know, I live in 1 crazy, mixed up world, lol.....But, it has been hectic since I came back from my last trip, not sure I want to re-live it.....We did have a wonderful Christmas with Kathy's girls in the east and then back home and company every day and night until she flew home....
We are still snowed in and although it's very pretty, it's terrible...My porches are laden with about 6 inches of snow covering a sheet of ice..(Found that out when I tried to get out to feed the birds)...My paper gal has been tossing the paper on the porch and I'm able to push the door open enough to get it, thank goodness.....But, seems, we're having a lot of falls and breaks...My next door neighbor, Dee, fell in her driveway and broke her ankle in 3 places and will be having surgery next Tuesday, Kathy's ex, fell and broke his hip and a wrist and had to have surgery on both and is being transferred to a rehab center...Even my cat sitter, is having surgery next Monday, not fall related...Most of the news is about the snow and of course the covid resurge....Kathy, her DH, her oldest DD, Jackie, my sister are just a few that are recovering....And if you've had the shots, it's mostly like a head cold, just like Mary's Bill has been..But as Kathy said, if we keep getting covid, eventually, everyone will be immune.....I have been doing doggy potty duty for my neighbor but because of the snow, I can't get to her house and with her having surgery and me being with my sister, I don't want to infect her.....

I've tried to catch up with all of you and do worry about those being snowed in, not feeling up to par and not being able to sleep is terrible.....

Love hearing about the addition in Tina's family and hoping for twins...Doctor had told me, our 2nd, Chris, might be twins but he turned out to be 1 huge baby, lol.....

I'm in need of a giant push to get me motivated....My tree is still up but the rest of the decorations are in their boxes....Maybe today, I'll start on the tree or maybe I won't....Have been thinking of changing my sewing room around, so might do that today.....I had such good intentions (resolutions) but that only lasted a couple of days...Just got a good case of the winter blahs but the sun is now shining so that makes everything lots better.....

MaryZ, please be careful, safe travels back home...So glad to hear Bill is doing better.....

For my dinner, I had made potato soup and bread pudding so I'll be eating good (for a few days).......

You all have a great rest of the day, stay warm, stay safe.......

Happy eating.................

Eagle Update...By now, you all probably have heard about the 2 eaglets in the N. Ft. Myers nest...They are growing like weeds and just a cute as can be....Our nest up here is almost ready....Won't be long before we see some eggs......