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Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:52 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

VAL - so sorry about your block. Do you ever thing that some days we just aren't meant to be sitting at our machines? I'm glad your dad is responding well. He is certainly getting better care than he would in any facility! And what about your caregiver? Did you ever hear from her?

CHRISS - glad those 3-ft waves didn't get you! No, I'm not meant to be a winter Texan. I'm not meant to be any kind of Texan, not even the mother of a temporary Texan. But if I want to see her, this is how it is. With limited vacation time and 5 pets it's difficult for them to travel. Did you get to sew this weekend or did That Man keep bothering you? In this trailer, the door to my sewing room is The door to the trailer! Bill's recliner brushes up against my sewing table. If I posted an "office hours" note it would have to be on my forehead! lol!

TINA - so exciting to have a new little one on the way! You should be finding out if it's a pink little one or a blue one pretty soon. I bet you already have a quilt (or two?) made in your happy mind!

SHARONA - glad those stitches are out. Sometimes there is a bit of 'thread' that wants to hide and you have to 'go for it'. Did you ever get your bx results back?

JANA - glad no symptoms are showing up in your family yet! So? What trouble - er, I mean - what fun project did you find to immerse yourself in? I heard your 49-ers won yesterday. We heard it all over this park as the Cowboys went down. And it wasn't cheering we heard! lol!

VELDA- Once you get your proper Rx glasses I think you'll be really happy. The readers off/on/off/on is why I finally gave up wearing contacts and just use my bifocal glasses now. Such a hassle when sewing.

JUDI - So, what's on your docket today? Sewing? Is Ken in a lot of pain as he waits for his surgery? Flying isn't really an option for us. We don't like flying plus we have pets. They don't like to fly either and we don't have anyone to care for them while we are gone. The RV is their second home. And we do love to travel. But I don't like just sitting for months in Texas. After visiting Autumn I want to move on, see other things before we get to old to do it but Bill wants to settle in. So we compromise and stay longer than I want but go home before he wants. As long as I have my sewing, I can keep from whining too much, except to you guys. You get to hear it all, you lucky ducks!

BECCA - is your throat tickle still improving? I'm kind of on the lookout for such things now in everybody, not just us. We saw your governor on the national news, talking about your storm. You have a bunch of snow, it looks like. thank goodness you have your generator that kicks in automatically! ​

SUZETTE - where are you??

Well, the results are in - I'm negative! Yay for me! They gave Bill one dose of steroids in the ER and within an hour he was bouncing around like a young man of 69! He still feels great this morning and is making plans to leave tomorrow unless he feels less great through the day today. Doc said he would be better after 7 to 10 days. And today is day 8. Traveling like this is pretty isolating so we're not worried about him spreading it around and with an N95 mask I can pay in RV parks, though most parks have contactless registration now. He didn't want to cancel our string of reservations he'd just made the day before he got sick or his dental appts. I just hope I don't get sick now.

I got another 13 crazy blocks done yesterday. I did some math and found I don't need nearly as many as I thought I did - Only 52 more. They go pretty quickly, but not quickly enough to get them all done today! I will do some laundry (masked) and a curbside grocery order of extra milk and bread. That should fill up my day!

That's all my news. Now I'll go "sew and piece".

mary z

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:19 am
by QuiltGram8
Mary, I am glad you finally got test results, and at least you are negative. Hope it stays that way. It's so funny how this virus runs. Some people are just naturally more resistant.
Hope all goes well with your travels.
Not much going on here. Just taking life, one day at a time.
Hope all stay safe in storm and weather events all over - East, West, South East, - every where!

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:53 am
by grammiequilts
Good Morning ir is dark and cold. Mary my ddil lived in the same house with covid for 2 weeks and never got it and she is unvacinated,,,lucky her,,,maybe some have a natural resistance, you may have had a mild case without even knowing,,,The only way to know if you did have it is to have your antibodies tested when you get home, Ken was exposed so many times at the rink and always tested neg and when he had his antibodies checked they were negative too...he is vaccinated and lucky. Our Drs say it isnt if you get covid it is now when.
I have been in the sewing room a little and made a few QSTs for the quilt. it is mojo right now comes and goes...Laundry is caught up bathrooms are cleaned, waiting for my hardwood floor cleaner to come so I can do the floors. I order it becasue ou bigr grocery stors are becoming more and more bare, We have a small market with a grrat meat dept and I get a lot of fresh stuff there, they seem to be well stocked...but the big box stores are very bare, Plenty of toilet paaper though, but cleaning supplies are sparse, and forget juice and lunch stuff,.
My mouse on my laptop is going bad, Ken will pick me up a new one today when he goes out. Liam is here spent the night and brought his minibike so I expect mud. The 2 of them will go to the rink aftet breakfast of pancakes and bacon, which I am headed down to make now. Requested.

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:56 am
by velvet
The rain and wind was roaring thru for hours when the storm hit here. We were very lucky with no immediate area flooding or loss of electricity. A lot of the inland towns were not so lucky. I was worried about icing but no problem (ice scares me to no end)
My new sewing room is almost done just waiting for the cutting table-should be here tomorrow. I want to get the risers for the legs from Bed and Bath, The other Diane has them and they are a great back saver. Found fabric I haven't seen in a long time and thought "what was I thinking". LOL.
Last Fri. we did a qov presentation for 3 wonderful vets. (They ALL are) They proudly stood strong for the group picture, with smiles from them and tears as their wives watch. Amazing! I started to forget that feeling with the virus stopping so much that we did. At that moment it all came rushing back.
Still working on the women's quilts for March- Kathleen figures 20 to 25 should cover it. So off I go to work on sashing, hope to turn it in tomorrow.
Happy to hear about the negative results!! Thrilled to hear about a new grandchild (a wonderful gift)
Safe travels for those on the roads.

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:16 am
by Becca
Good morning everyone Yes our snow is pretty but feel for those without power & homeless Cannot even imagine what that’s like

Maryz My ticking & hacking cough is still here but not as bad If not better soon Isill call Dr
Velda Have a great day whatever comes your way We all must go one day at a time
Judi Hope your day goes good Glad Ken has stayed well
Diane Our DS who lives in GA said they had high winds & rain
Yes we commented many times yesterday about how thankful we were for our generator Over 2,000 plus are without power Ours come back on in 6 hrs but we are prepared now
It will be a cozy day here Not too much going on due to weather
Everyone stay safe and warm. Becca

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:09 am
by WeeOne
Chriss and Tina, sorry for my screw up. I glanced at the 'need' post, saw it was from Chriss, and just mailed that direction.

MaryZ, glad you're negative. Also glad Bill is better. Safe travels whenever you leave.

Tina, congrats on new addition.

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:23 am
by FlorenceM

Didn't sleep well last night. Since my chemo/radiation even though tired I go through periods where I don't sleep well.

Still snow on ground out here. Working on a cross-stitch table cloth..I have had it about 5 yrs, and so old no photos anywhere on line to go by, so colors are my own thing. It's sunflowers.

Time to get moving

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:35 am
by womster
Good morning!

Another drive-by - headed to the eye doctor and then Chinese food for lunch.

Maryz - SO glad you aren't sick and Bill is feeling better.

Vel - one day at a time! I hear that song in my head now.

Judi - glad your mouse problems are of the electrical kind.

Diane - your QOV descriptions bring a tear to my eye as well.

Becca - sounds like the leftovers of your illness are still hanging on - I hope they are improving every day.

Lyn - congrats on the new house! I loved looking at the pics.

Flo - sorry to hear you can't sleep. How awful.

Tina - congrats on the new grandbaby on the way!

Better run - need to make breakfast and the run out the door. Be well, my quilty friends! xoxo Sharona

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:56 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

I haven't scared up any trouble to get into yet. I will keep trying!
So not much new here. We are cold, sub freezing in fact, which is normal. I am working on the prep for my lesson on Sunday. Everyone is fine here still and all the kids are off school today and will do online school the rest of the week.

Sarah is still waiting on her stove. No word yet on any time for delivery. Matt too is still waiting on his new car. It has been on order since June of last year. And no time on it either.

Stay safe,

Re: Monday, Jan 17

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 8:50 am
by Quiltmom
Good morning, all! Not much going on today. Staying in because wind is strong and supposed to get some slight freezing rain. Don't like to drive in those conditions. This is the time of year when I am glad, I am retired. Will do some house chores and maybe some sewing. I am so glad I am starting to feel better. Will call today and get an appointment to get my hair cut. It hasn't been this long in a very long time but didn't want to go out while not feeling well.

Today is Betty White Challenge Day. I was a big fan of hers and today they are asking for us all to donate to our local animal shelters in her name. We get all our pets at the shelter so will be donating today. I also donate a few times throughout the year because I love my pets so much. Hope some of you will donate to your shelters also.

Well, better go get some lunch and get going. Hope you all have a safe and good day. Those of you in the path of the storm I am praying for you.
