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Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 5:08 am
by Becca
Good morning everyone EeeeeeRrrrrrr
Time to rise & shine With nights like mine
You are happy for daylight
I would love a good nights sleep
Izzy Sure hope your new meds do the trick
With your schedule you need rest
Laundry here It’s Fall weather here but leaves aren’t turning yet
Hope everyone has a wonderful day & weekend prayers for all in need

Re: Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 5:35 am
by grammiequilts
Good morning Becca I slept till 730 like a rock. Went to DD slast night and I finally delivered the 6 table runners I made of course she liked them all. we had supper with them and spent the evening talking...just a gab fest. Kids are all doing fine.
Today I will do chores and since it is raining again I wont to outside work. possibley try getting to the fall stuff in the basement. It is coming along but very slow...we will try to get the carpenter guy we know to come and redo the stairway and the rest of the dry wall ( a small portion needs tp be finished.) then a new boiler needs tp be installed. (our sons the p.ipefitters will do that.) Ken is enjoying his new job, people are amazed that he still loves to work. He tells me he will never retire again...didnt like it the first time. He has never been a dedicated hobby guy, He has interests but nothing like quilting where you do a lot of it. Today he went back to the rink to solve a problem.
Well I need to get in gear. I did start working back on the scrappy 9 patch quilt...Got about 30 blocks done. so aftet my chore you know where to find me. Have a great day XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Re: Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 5:44 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

MARY Q - funny you should mention flannel sheets yesterday. I had mine flapping on the lines right about then! They aren't on the bed yet, but I was taking advantage of the last couple of nice days and 'freshening' them up outside before putting them on the bed. And I would be so happy to buzz you as soon as I wake up! Yesterday that was 0330. :twisted: I've read and been told that $99 sewing machines like sold at Walmart are "seconds". And judging the one I bought about 15 years ago, I'd say that was true. So what did you do??

JUDI - Bill wasn't very good at retirement either. Though he's finally got it down now. We have a friend who is 92 and still goes to work every day. And my brother will be 87 in March - still trucking the Alcan and loves it. You made a lot of progress on your new quilt yesteday!

BECCA - love your impersonation of a rooster! You even woke Joey, the rooster next door! lol! Our leaves are starting to turn here. Lots of pretty colors, though nothing like when they color in your area.

IZZY - glad your appt - or the results of same - were OK. Gotta love Mother Nature! I hope you have an operating kitchen sink/faucet by now!

SHARONA - what does your DDIL do at her Halloween conventions? Is she a vendor of something?

VELDA - Are you all moved in now and settled? Or is there more to buy/do for your new home? When will the school bag project be finished?

KATHY - what sweet and wonderful fun to find Christmas blocks in your mail box!! Something fun to work on to ease back into sewing. I like how you look at early morning hours. It's kind of my viewpoint, too - adding extra hours to my life. :D

TINA - enjoy your weekend with the grands! Your reward for all your good deeds!

CHRISS - yes, tomorrow is the day that Drew & Alec are coming. We're all going out to an Italian restaurant for supper and then coming back to work on Drew's LOTR. He has seen pictures of the blocks and loved them. I shared them with him because he wants to be involved as much as he can with this project and it's hard to do when he lives 25 miles away and works full time - in the other direction! (he works for a title company). Plus, sometimes it's fun to watch something like this quilt get born. I love the idea of giving Marilyn a cookbook every time you see her. Don't forget to inscribe it on the title page! My dad always told me any book given as a gift should always be inscribed. Not that he ever gave away books, but I treasure the two books I have from my mom - inscribed, of course. I loved your sweet fireman boyfriend story!

JANA - I hope nothing came of that smoke and all those sirens you woke up to yesterday! How are your mini-stockings coming along? I like your idea for displaying them!

Yesterday I got my "Fellowship Siloette" block repaired. Whew! The good news, is after all this, I now know how to spell "silouette". oops! At least I thought I did - 'silhouette'. I will probably start another block today. Any block now HAS to be easier than the last one!

I got the Halloween swap blocks all sorted and ready to mail as soon as the last two arrive and they are both in the mail. What a great bunch of swappers in this group! Everyone came in more than a week under the wire! And if you haven't seen their blocks, you should scroll through the swap thread and
check them out. They are fabulous!

We are starting to pack for our next camping trip. We're leaving next Friday for a week at Cape Disappointment on the ocean at the mouth of the Columbia River. We love this campground. The roar of the surf lulls us to sleep at night. We made the rezzies way back in early summer. I forgot our friends, Tex & Annette, are going, too, until he called us yesterday and talked about it. lol! Fine friend I am!

Have some fabric fun today!

mary z

Re: Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:48 am
by mepeace2
Good morning all
Nothing new going on here. I just do not feel up to cutting bushes and shrubs. LOL Got dishes done and swept kitchen and entrance way. Still have about 10 hummingbirds. As soon as they take off I am going to trim holly bush It has got totally out of hand.
Today going to make a meatloaf with very few onions. Do not know how it will turn out but onions is one thing I need to stay away from. Then into sewing room to make another 4 little log cabins. I might get most of project sewed together. I am going to quilt my Elfs gift myself. I hope she does not look to close. LOL
I won another Shop hop gift certificate so I ordered a yard of Here we glow. Halloween fabric. It was only $6 and that includes shipping. I also ordered the other five I wanted from Over the Rainbow quilt shop. More money but at least I found them. Shabby fabric wanted $84 for 4 placemat kit. This is much cheaper and can also do table runner. Which they were charging $50.
Maryz I do my flannel sheets that way too. I need to get that done too. Its getting colder here but will warm back up next week.
Judi I cant wait to see your scrappy quilt.
Becca Our leaves are just starting to turn, my burning bushes are turning red. I guess fall is here.
Well I better get to sewing.
You all have a great sewing day

Re: Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:01 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

Not much here. The house is clean. I still need work on my lesson for tomorrow. I always worry that I won't have enough lesson for the amount of time. So far, I have always had more than I needed.

My Giants won their 100th game last night. Best record in MLB! BYU plays later tonight, again at the same time as my Giants, so I will be flipping between the two. Wonder what Michael would say if I wanted a second TV, right next to the one we have, so I could watch both at the same time..... a big NOT! LOL!

Never found or saw anything from the sirens yesterday. That's a good thing!

I will be sewing today,

Re: Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:59 am
by Quiltmom
Good morning all! Just a quick stop in today. It is a crummy Fall day. Good day to stay in and sew and watch football games. My Michigan Wolverines are playing Rutgers today at 3:30. Also a couple of other games I want to watch. Got my new cross stich pattern I ordered so will finish up the last of the one I am doing now so can start the new one. The new one is large and has 24 pages. Cross stitching is what I usually do when watching football.

Am putting a pot of chili in the crockpot for supper. It is that kind of day. Would be so lost without my crockpot.

Well, better go get us some breakfast and get started. Hope everyone has a good day. Hope tomorrow I can get back and read all of your posts from last couple of days so know what you are all doing.


Re: Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 8:10 am
by WeeOne
Sorry I didn't get here Thursday or Friday.
Saw the Dr on Wednesday and went over the test results we were waiting on. It's a genetic test that shows lots of stuff....what medications work well and which ones to avoid. Even says caffeine is bad for DH. Not sure he liked that one. Test shows a medium possibly towards Alzheimer's. Lots of pages to read through, as the Dr only highlighted some of the more important stuff.
So, we are leaving here Tuesday and going to Hays, KS, to visit my DD2 and family. We were going to stay several days but have to leave Friday morning because there's no openings at the campground for the weekend. It's the college homecoming and the October Fest. So, on to Colorado and check on the house.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Re: Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 9:25 am
by womster
Good morning!

Running through again - DH is waiting for me to help put on the correct chain saw thingy (the other one we tried was too short).

Maryz - My DDIL is an artist that sells Halloween-type things. Her designs were even bought by an Australian toy company, and they were manufactured for a few years. She just got a pittance, but it was really a boost to her ego to have that happen.

Lyn - sorry to hear about the Alzheimers diagnosis. That's a tough one.

My dad was in urgent care yesterday for a deeply infected pressure wound (bed sores are what they used to call them). His fever made him delirious and my poor step-mom had a hard time getting him back into the house last night. It's so hard when they're far away - I again reminded her they can live in our basement - maybe someday they will come to their senses. He is becoming less and less mobile, and once he can no longer walk, she will have to do something. Getting old isn't for the faint of heart.

Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

Re: Saturday September 25

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:48 am
by QuiltGram8
Good afternoon here. I am working on more school bags for church. I have three left to do side seams and bottom loops for the rope ties/arm loops to make it a back pack.
Need to get rope. Will check with the rest of the group. Someone may already have rope to use.
I will try to remember to share a picture this time. I did 18 last week. This group is 15.
They stitch up pretty fast and very easy to do.

There is a free dance at the city park. There is a huge historical structure where years ago housed theater performances, etc. Have had a huge fund raiser for restoration project. It's now complete, so to feature it and show off the beauty, they are having music and dancing tonight. DH and I are going to check it out. If I remember, I will take some pictures.