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Saturday september 11,2021

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Saturday september 11,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:09 am

Good Morning...9/11 a day we will never forget...at least I hope not....here hoping bad paople do not have anything bad planned for us. God Please be with us today and every day.
We have settled into our camp and made my donation to the Soo tribe at the casino yesterday,,,,our friend and my sister also made their donation. we only go once... today we head to Sault St. Marie...to see the soo locks and pick up our souveniers,,,Ken needs Minnetonka slippers and I need a new sweatshirt. we will also pick up some things for our son who took care of our house for 2 weeks. We have a favorite restuarant we eat at eveery year and we will have lunch there,,,then back to camp. relaxing and maybe watch a movie...we will head home in the morning,,,I am anxious to see my basement remodel since all the dry wall has been completed. Next will be installing the new boiler and rebuilding the stairs... it will be hopefully done this year, hope your day is fun and happy...my word of the day is happy....find your happy place,,XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:22 am

Morning Judi & all to follow
I remember where I was when the towers fell. God protect us all today.
Joe got zero turn running yesterday! No more push mowing.
Today Joe will drop 2 trees that need to come down and I will push on with cleaning clothes and such for kids. The kids will come over and go through what I have cleaned....good thing because piles are getting big.
Coffee is done

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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:22 am

Good morning,

Sept 11. :cry: My sister was supposed to be in the World Trade Center that day but her schedule got changed and she had to work instead. So many small things altered so many lives that day. Never forget.

MARY Q - that is a really sweet little townhouse - and affordable. I wonder how big that loft really is. And stairs? They are good exercise (which is what I keep telling myself about MY stairs) but I wouldn't go looking for them! I updated my hints again this morning. :D

IZZY - Your little man just turned 4, didn't he? Sounds like an adjustment for him from vacation to real school; from Oma to teacher. I bet you can devise all kinds of ways to teach him things and make him think he's playing a game. I hope you get to sew all weekend long!

SHARONA - I hope your hot days are numbered! My sis said it was 97* at their house. Too hot for me! I would hate that smoke. I know OR and CA have had some monster fires. But what about CO? I haven't heard about any major fires there. Oh, we've seen Hoarders. It's like you can't look away! At least my hoarder friend doesn't save garbage and most of the public rooms in her house are neat and prettily decorated. There's just so much of it! But occasionally a door to another room gets left open and whoa, baby! I like to think of her as my inspiration.

JANA - I hope you get to sew all day long today!

JUDI - enjoy your last day! And you have something fun to look forward to when you get home!

Not much to report from here. I cleaned my kitchen and put a few more things in the trailer. I worked on my "Smaug" block. Smaug is an LOTR dragon. He's much easier and turning out pretty well. Then I went to the chiropractor, got an adjustment and red cold laser treatment for my carpal tunnel. It was just my first treatment but I really do think it's helped already. Today I will load our trailer freezer, dust, clean bathrooms, finish Smaug, and start another block. There's not much to packing for such a short trip as we're always packed with enough food, water, pet food, clothes, for at least a week since our trailer is our "emergency kit".

mary z

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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by WeSignificant » Sat Sep 11, 2021 6:08 am

Good morning, thought since I couldn't sleep I would drop in and say hello. Going to take a quick trip down south to Teresa's for a day and a half of sewing. This is the weekend I was to go to my BIL but that all fell through. Long story, one of those things that I am not happy with but I have no control over. So just letting it go.

I am continuing with my Fabulous 40 class. It is proving to be a challenge but I am mostly happy with how my blocks are coming out. I should be going today but spent the last 2 days at a "finish it" class and free sew to get this months blocks done. So I am staying caught up! Also just about have the Halloween blocks complete. Will take them with me and try to finish there. My BOM gave me the dickens yesterday so put it away for now. It is in time out.

Work has picked up and I am getting more calls than I ever have except for the last 2 nights. So far none tonight. Hope it stays that way, I am outta here at 8:30 on the dot!

I am not sure if I told you I got a new machine. It is a Janome. Continental M7. Nice machine and it is set up in my make shift sewing room. Haven't actually tried it yet but I will soon. Just need the time to sit down with the manual and start. Those I have talked to just love theirs. Last machine I will buy.

Anyway, I guess I best get in the shower, breakfast and last minute packing so I can leave timely.
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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Sep 11, 2021 6:29 am

Good morning everyone!
I remember exactly where I was, getting kids ready for school and we always had the radio on during the mornings, never tv. An emergency broadcast came on so we turned our tv on and just froze. As we were watching the live feed the second tower was hit. We were devastated. We will never forget.
Judi, sounds like you've been having quite the fun trip even with the winds and rains. And what an exciting thing to look forward to when you return, dry wall finished! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Flo, I foresee a bunch of donation clothes in your future. Maybe we need your Joe's help... we need to take down 2 more trees here, 2 already have been taken down. We started with the smallest ones first and keep going up in size, these last 2 are bigger than what I think DH and DS can handle.
Maryz, I'm glad you're already feeling better affects from your lazer treatment on your CT, I hope it fixes it so you won't need surgery.
Valerie, enjoy your trip to Teresa's 😊 will you be sewing with her the day and a half or just visiting and sewing somewhere else? What machine do you take with you? I'm going to look up your new machine 😊😊
Well today we're supposed to go get roasted green chile and clean it and package it up and freeze it. It's a long process, usually takes at least 4 hours of standing at the sink and in the kitchen for me. DH helps a lot! We start out with both of us peeling and cleaning and then I'm the one that does the rest while he continues to peel and clean. We do a 40 pound sack I believe.
That'll be about all I do besides cook supper because it does me in πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ but we'll have yummy chile for a year! It's worth it!
I'll be praying extra today πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Sep 11, 2021 6:32 am

Good morning, when I took Moose outside this morning there were many bright stars in the sky. We will have a beautiful day.

It rained a bit the last couple of days, thank you to whoever sent it my way. If I could trouble you for some more I would be overjoyed.

My uncle and his wife are heading this way on Monday, should be here about Tuesday. They live almost to the Oregon border in a town named Alturas. It's an adorable little town. I am excited to see him.

Today Jerry and I go to a town called Denair. They are having a festival and will have many vendors and a tractor parade. A store in this town is called Grandma's Attic. It is a cute little consignment type shop full of things people made or repurposed. it also has old stuff and new stuff. Kind of like a barn sale where you find so many unusual things.

Judi, I love that your word is happy. I try to wake up happy each day. I will have to think on my word for this week. Glad you got to have lunch at your favorite place and you are settled in your new campground.

Flo, yay Joe, I think that man deserves a treat for getting the mower going. How much more washing do you have for the kids?

Maryz, well of course Smaug is a LOTR dragon, everyone knows that :lol: I bet he looks cool. Is he also paper pieced? So glad your sisters plans changed 20 years ago. I'll add a prayer for your nephew and his wife. I just don't understand, and probably never will why there are so many who won't be vaccinated. Bet they are vaccinated for polio or mumps etc. Just drives me nuts.

Velda, a piano key border is really pretty, it's extra work but the result is stunning. El's Angels sent me a comfort quilt and it has a piano key border. it is just beautiful.

Izzy, isn't it funny how kids think. Each morning the boys give me a hug and kiss as they go to school. I told the older one I wanted him to behave and not interrupt the teacher. He said he would try, and also told me he would give me a hug but didn't think he would give me a kiss. Guess that was my punishment for asking him to behave.

Maryq, Not sure which townhouse I like the best, they are both great. I would vote for less stairs. I have a friend here who has a two story house, she lives there alone and she never goes upstairs. She has a bedroom down stairs. But she also doesn't have a hobby like ours that could take up the upstairs and utilize it. How did you know I am excited get my SS name? I have tried so hard, and it's taken me 15 years to master, not to pester you for my elf. but I am excited and can't wait. My hints are finally done and I hope others post theirs soon.

Sharona, The smoke here isn't bad, most is far north of us. This hasn't been our worst smoke year, and only a few times we have had to close up the windows because of the smell. You sure can tell if it's oak trees or pine trees burning.

Val, have a safe trip and a great time. Sorry the plans with BIL fell through. also sorry that the work load is increasing. Hope that when you get home you get to play non stop on that new machine, what a great treat for yourself.

Tina, I would love to be there on roast green chili day.

There are wraps from a company called Egglife. It is out of Illinois. They have quite a few flavors and the other day I found bagel flavor. Bought them and some cream cheese. Maybe I will have one today. They are with in my carb range. I also made a huge salad but have no tomatoes. Will get some today.

I also made a big tuna salad. I had a can of Albacore, not a fan, so I won't buy that again.

I'm watching the 911 America Remembers tribute on tv. Makes for a lump in the throat. God bless the families of the people who died and who are still suffering the effects of that day. While there are a lot of duplicate last names listed, there is one last name that was read 8 times, the names are being read in alphabetical order and they are only on C.

Jerry, who is cooking bacon ( yay) just said they should have a reading of the names every Saturday morning of those killed each week in this country.

I also pray you all have a safe and enjoyable weekend.
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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by velvet » Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:09 am

Today is the day we will not forget nor forgive. My front yard is glowing with flags for those who did not go home on 9/11. May GOD give their families some comfort knowing their lost ones are being held in the LORD'S caress.

GOD bless the USA

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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by Quiltmom » Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:13 am

Good morning all! I remember exactly where I was on this day 20 years ago. I was doing paperwork in the office at Kroger's when Harold called and told us to turn on the TV we had in the office. We turned it on just as the towers were starting to come down. I just sat there and cried. My son Doug was in the Corps and I wondered what was going to happen with the military. Today I am watching many of the shows for the remembrance of today. Considering that the Taliban is back in Afghanistan I worry about our future. Doug served 4 times there and said they would never get along. I think he is right.

On to happier things. Today Doug is bringing Jax over to play with Smoke. They have such a good time together. My DGS John was in contact with someone at school so has to stay home until test on Tuesday. If negative he can go back to school. No football for him until that happens. I will be praying that he doesn't get sick.

Chriss - Smoke and Sweetie said to tell Moose hello.

Tina - Hope you get your green chile done is good time so you can rest.

Wesig - Enjoy your new Janome machine.

Maryz - I bet your sister was glad she had to work but still thinks of the people in the towers. Where did you get the pattern of your LOTR quit? I am of a fan of the movies and would like to see the pattern. Hope your treatments for your carpel tunnel help out.

Flo - so glad Joe got the zero turn working. I would be lost without mine.

Judi - Sounds like you are enjoying your camping trip. Have a safe trip home. I too always make a donation when I go to the casino, but I do have fun. Haven't been there since pandemic though. Need to go one of these days.

Well better go get some breakfast before it gets lunch time. LOL Hope everyone has a good and safe day. Will be praying for all the lost souls on this day 20 years ago.


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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by auntjana » Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:48 am

Good morning,

Francis Scott Key penned these words, a verse from the Star Spangled Banner, that you may have never sung -
Oh, thus be it ever, when free men shall stand,
Between their loved homes, and the war's desolation!
Blessed with victory and peace, may the heaven rescued land.
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!
And the star spangled banner, in triumph shall wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

We are blessed to have heroes, who stepped up, and still step up, daily, willingly, to lay their life on the line for all of us. We must never forget their sacrifice. And never let that day dim in the memory so history records the truth of what we were witness of correctly. To never repeat it again. Freedom isn't free. Those who wish us harm are still trying, and I know from this last week, that a terrorist attack was thwarted, right here by our heroes on the roads. God's hand was evident.

I will sew today,
Hugs, prayers, and blessings, be on us and our nation

This is a choice land, blessed by God and He will continue to bless us!

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Re: Saturday september 11,2021

Post by womster » Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:08 am

Good late morning! I'm in-between chores, so I wanted to drop in and say howdy.

I was at work 20 years ago, and the news came across about a plane hitting one of the towers. It had happened before (a small commuter plane), so I thought nothing of it. Then the second plane hit, the internet froze up, and I called my DH at work. He was working in a SKIF (very secure area - no tvs or radios allowed) to let him know. They went down to the cafeteria to see it on the tv there. I then called my boys and told them. Simply horrific.

I'm headed out to sew after updating my SS hints. Prayers for our nation. xoxo

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