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Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:14 am
by FlorenceM
Yesterday I got front mowed, back half done, emptied 5 big boxes clothes, and ran errands for Joe
Today is about the same. My DDIL does have washer/ dryer, but I have the space to sort as I launder . And she has been putting it off for 18 months and it needs to be done.
Have a great day.

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:54 am
by QuiltGram8
Good Morning, Flo and all who follow. What a nice thing to do to help DDIL with the task of sorting clothes. Finally you can have all the bags and totes, out of your way. I bet you will be glad to get the big mower back in working order. Mowing season seems to have extended. Most years it becomes so dry that less mowing is needed.
Today I have to get my Lotto blocks labeled and in the mail.
Teresa loves having some more people joining in this month. Hope some lucky gals will be happy that they took an afternoon to sew a couple of pinwheels.
We are having some cooler weather this week. I am loving it.
Need more coffee and time for our exercise.

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:02 am
by WeeOne
Good Day to All.
We have our Dr appt this afternoon to go over some test results and review DH's treatments. That will then determine how much longer we are here.
Finally got the neighbor girl to match up blocks for her rag quilt, so will be sewing on that later.
If I forgot to answer, yes we'll go to Colorado before we head to Texas.

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:08 am
by billizzy
Good morning well this week has started with a roll my first day back to work was yesterday so I’m scheduling for 50 kids for speech services I also started home school with little man which went pretty good for his first time having to sit still during class.

I thought yesterday was Monday all day so I forgot that Accu quilt was on with their new dye to try video I love watching those and I always sign up for all the shows and low and behold and I was the final winner yesterday afternoon so I won the new die I’m so excited to get it it was a school house block how appropriate with school starting for me yesterdayπŸ₯°

Nothing new today I’m in the office working on paperwork today for work and that’s about it πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»
Time for more coffee now β˜•οΈ

Hugs πŸ€— prayers πŸ™ happy stitches 🧡

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:46 am
by grammiequilts
Good Morning another rainy windy day,,,most of the smaller tent and pop up folks have left. The wind and rain are coming off the lake. We are hoping for the weather to clear...we had a fire last night and watched the front come in off the lake we headed inside and the rain came down so hard it put the campfire out in quick fashion. The gale warnings are still in effect. we are not bothered, it mostly ships/
I will do some sewing and reading today. I have 3 more books I borrowed from the book exchange in town it says take and read and share...most of them were pretty tattered. but people were bringing in books and magazines by the piles. there arent that many libraries operating any more,,,(no quilt magazines I always look for)
Well I need to do the dishes and straighten up the place..Hope your weather is what your need...there was a high fire warning up here and they said the berries did terrible because no rain ( this place is known for wild thimbleberries [delicious] so the jam made from them is around $12 a jar. This rain has brought the fire danger down to 0 but it will not help the berries. XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:49 am
by QuiltGram8
Congratulations, Izzy on your win. It's always fun to win.
Lyn, hope you get some solid answers and good news! πŸ’•πŸ€—

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:11 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

Not much new in these parts. My camping kids got home safe. Aaron's day was uneventful. And Sarah dealt with ditzy homeowners canceling huge sod deliveries because they changed their mind where the firepit would be. They tried to cancel, past the contract window provisions, which creates huge problems. All in all, normal around here. LOL!

I finished up a bunch of the neighbors gifts, started on some family gifts. Still have three mini stockings to get made. Then to start my Christmas Ribbons quilt. I need to see what fabrics are on hand and what I need a run to the LQS for. Also would like to get the centers embroidered while I have that part of my machine set up. I have plenty of TOT white already.

Michael is glued to his computer searching out stuff for work. Seems somehow work lost many of the files of work stuff they need, so he is finding all that. It will take some time. It's a good thing Michael kept all of that project, he is meticulous at that.

Stay safe!

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:17 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

LYN - I hope you are on your way to CO soon.

FLO - I'm afraid I would have just hauled those boxes over to DDIL and let her deal with them, if they are her boxes. I'm not as nice as you are.

VELDA - Are you all settled in yet? You probably feels like you are in a castle! I don't feed the hummers for a variety of reasons but the biggest reason is we are gone so much. I don't want them to come to rely on us and then suddenly we're not here!

IZZY - I've never understood how you can provide speech therapy to fifty in another state via computer, and still have time for the rest of life. But you know what they always say - if you really want something done, ask a busy person!

JUDI - I remember that song. What a bittersweet connection to the Edmund Fitzgerald you have. What year did she go down? Such a sad event. We have thimble berries here, too. But I've never picked enough for jam. It would take a ton over berries! I think at $12/jar it is underpriced! Glad you are finding good things to read! We always carry a few extra books to trade in when we find little libraries in RV parks.

KATY - I've learned the hard way, short-cuts usually end up being long-cuts. Will you finish the muu muu today?

KATHY - I expect your washer failing, and then failing again, plus huge storms aren't helping to lift your mood! I wish I was there to help with some of the daily stuff. I'd meet Chriss there and we'd get your house set straight and then go shopping for new clothes for both you and Chriss!

CHRISS - yes, jammies in school would embarrass the boys, I'm sure! My mom used to drive us about 3 miles to meet our ride who took us the rest of the way to school (Catholic school in Tacoma). Mom was ALWAYS late so she often drove us in her bathrobe. Until the day we had a fender bender and we all had to stand out on the road with Mom in her ratty robe while everyone in the world went by and waved to us! So I understand how grateful those little boys are that you wear real clothes to take them to school.

MARY Q - well, NOW is all that fabric washed and folded? lol! I can't imagine toting all those totes up to an attic! Doesn't seem like it will be very handy there. I bet with an entire family in your house now, all up early and going different directions, that you will soon start getting up early, too! lol! I've also wondered about some of our old timers - like Caroline 1947. She said she had great news to share and would be back in a week to tell us about it. But never did. Beth Street passed away, as did Pat in Texas. Do you still remember Quiltin' Kay in FL? She was fun!

JANA - just when we think Aaron's seen it all! How fortunate that bad guy rolled his vehicle! And that the good guys got him! Lives were saved! But Aaron gets a big hug from mom for that! Give him an extra one for me! You have your Christmas gift sewing almost wrapped up! Then you can start your new project - that will be a fun one!

SHARONA - so sorry you aren't feeling in the pink right now. I hope the effects of your new med settle down soon.

Yesterday we got our Costco run done and a few shorter errands - gas and mail. Then I cleaned the fridge and freezer. I got to sew through the afternoon. I have 10 LOTR blocks finished. A couple of them are less than purrfect, but as more go on the pile, I'm OK with them, I think. At first I was considering remaking them. Today is laundry and sheets on the lines along with sewing. It will be a good sheet drying day and I want to take advantage of it. My carpal tunnel is improving! Last Thursday I thought sure I would be having surgery on it before long, but I've been wearing my brace non-stop, especially at night, and doing the exercises the chiropractor showed me. And every day it's better! Whew! Maybe in another week I can lose the brace.

Well, I better go get busy. The cat wants me to come watch him eat and I'm not paying attention. Bill says there's been a complaint filed. Sigh. They run my life!

Happy sewing!
mary z

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:57 am
by maryq
Good Morning Girls

This is what happens when I take a Benadryl at night... the robot vacuum is up before me! She is scheduled to start at 10am and I heard her start whilst still in bed. I sure did sleep good though! Between the bug bites from the day at the Mississippi river and my mind not shutting down... the Benadryl helped. Think I'm going to run into town and get some Caladryl or Calamine for the bug bites.. they still itch!

Flo... Five big boxes of clothes!??? Kind of sounds like my house with a garage full of tote boxes of "who knows what"! Does your DDIL do laundry at their house now? How far away is their place from you?

Velda.... From your gentle nudging about Lotto.... I went through some scrap pieces of fabric yesterday and with luck I'll be able to put some pinwheels together for Teresa! With 8 inch blocks it would be great if she got a LOT ... Totally do-able! Tis a wee bit cooler here this morning! I had to find a long sleeved shirt! LOVIN' IT!

Lyn.... I've missed so much this summer being gone etc.... Hope Garry is doing well and that you get good news when you go to the Dr. Are you looking forward to getting back to Colorado?

Izzy... You should change your screen name to just BIZZY! For your certainly are so darn busy all the time. I wish I had 1/2 of your energy level!

Judi... How handy that the rain put out the fire for you! We were camping in a pop-up once when a huge storm came through... made me a little nervous, thinking that whole this would blow over! Kind of cured me of the "camping bug". Now I just "hotel it"! :lol: :lol: Will this be your last trip for the season? Or planning a Florida trip this year?

Jana..... Oh just come on over to my house.. I probably have what you need for fabric! :lol: :lol:

Maryz... ALMOST all that fabric is washed! Spent most of yesterday just washing and ironing and sorting and rearranging. Without my spare bedroom to store all my fabric, my little sewing room is getting so crowded so I'm trying to rearrange and get some stuff out in the garage. Drives me crazy when I have to walk a path in that room. When I had my CT surgery, the PT gave me exercises to do after surgery... what a difference it made! Hopefully you can avoid surgery... not that it's awful, but it's still a PITA.

Ok, I've had my first cup of coffee... now I need more... took shower already so will dry my hair and put on face and run into town. Then it's back for more fabric washing. The kids are off to school ( so far I think they like it--as much as kids can I guess) and Kris went to the barn. Tomorrow we are going to go look at the parade of homes houses in my area and just see what's out there. Not that I want to build a new place... but it will be fun.

Check out this town house just down the street from me. Do you like Purple? You'd love this one!
Actually I do like the house... but would definitely do some repainting! ... 1295-06706

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday

Re: Wednesday September 8, 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 9:07 am
by womster
Ugh. Still down but not out. Things seem to be slowly improving.

Maryq - I love the condo! Everything is so green and pretty. There sure is a LOT of purple. What a great sewing basement it has.