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Sat July 31st

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:57 am
by grammiequilts
Good morning It is sunny and bright, we will be 80 today, I am hoping for some breezes to keep the mosquitos away, We really need to weeed around the house today,,,all this rain has turned us into a jungle and not in a good way,
I got a table runner put together last night it was pretty easy, I will try to quilt it later,,it is not a LA project, it is mostly SITD. I dont to well with that but practice makes almost perfect.
The girls are at DD today but they have plans so i will get them back this afternoon. I will do some laundry and work in the yard,,,Hope your days are going ok. Va lerie and Lynn you are in my prayers as you go through some trying times...XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

Re: Sat July 31st

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 5:27 am
by QuiltGram8
Good morning from rainy Illinois. No storms going on, but we were getting pretty dry. Our farming community will welcome some rain for their crops.
Yes, Judi, I join you in many prayers for Valarie and Lyn. Life has thrown them a bad curve. We have many others too and I keep them all in my prayers. Cindyg, Itty-bitty, Izzy, Kathy, and many more, as I list here, I know I am missing many, but our Lord above knows each of them intimately and I so much ask God to bless each one.
I have finally placed our ad to sell our camper with local groups on Facebook. We have had some interest and hoping the days ahead might bring us some more. Also will make an ad through our little weekly paper. It comes out only one day a week, but feel like we want to get it out there as much as possible. I might even try Craig's list later.
Trying to keep everything neat and clean and organized just in case we have someone come to check it out.
Have a great Saturday!

Re: Sat July 31st

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:05 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

I woke up to almost 70*. It's positively balmy here this morning, and we may even get a 17 min drizzle in a while, according to my phone weather app! Come on, rain!!

JUDI - If you can't get to those weeds, you can always pretend you are Sleeping Beauty in her castle! I do it all the time! Do you have a foot for SITD? I do and it makes SITD easy and nearly purrfect. Well worth whatever it costs. (Mine was $27)

VELDA - If you get an offer on your fiver but they want it sooner, will you pass it up or go the motel/storage unit route until your condo is ready?

SHARONA - I'm so sorry your son lost his friend at such a young age.

SHERRY - I'm so glad that after all these years, your son is finally back in the USA and living close to you! He deserves a pumpkin pie!

VALERIE - I'm thinking of you, GF! You have a lot on your plate. How long until you retire? Let's talk sewing machines for a bit. You said you may buy one before you retire. A wise retiree once advised us to buy your toys before that day comes and turns out it was a good bit of advice. Do you know what you'd like? I don't buy machines often, but when I do, my dealer is always willing to toss in an extra foot or two (I choose 1/4" foot and/or an edge foot for SITD) to clinch the deal if I ask. Just sayin'. And don't forget Oregon doesn't have sales tax. Would it be worth the drive to save that?

LYN - you, too, have been dealing with a lot of life. I'm glad you saw the doctor and eased your mind. I have that same collarbone/1st rib issue. My chiro helps with that, plus he gave me a few exercises that worked well for me. We think it's all the hand-stitching I do that causes my problem.

IZZY - you are really getting those quilts knocked out! Very nice work!

Today is going to be uglies and laundry here. Ugh-lies aren't bad, really. With the warm weather, we've been living out on our deck all summer long. Most of the rooms in the house, we just pass through, so they stay pretty clean and only need freshening up. Laundry will be 3 loads. I know I'll sneak an hour or two in the sewing room, too. Still working on Halloween blocks. (we still have 8 spots left and sign-ups are open until Aug 15).

Bill just told me that we have a boondocker request for tonite. Our first one! This will be interesting . . .

It's Saturday! Play day for all of us but Mary Q, who has chores to do! 😜

mary z

Re: Sat July 31st

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:12 am
by Marilynsgrammy
Good beautiful Saturday morning, it's going to be a scorcher today. We are supposed to see 105*

This morning will be yard sales. There are 6 sales in town, two are estate sales. Not sure I will make all of them, they are pretty spread out around the county. I'm also going to the health fair put on by our little hospital. they are giving away back packs for the kids and I am getting one for each of my neighbor boys, they are going to the water park today so won't be able to get their own.

My HICAP training is going well, I've only had two sessions so far. I go back on Tuesday. I am learning quite a bit. Too bad Medicare isn't just the same everywhere. In my small county there are only a couple of choices but if I lived in a larger city I would have more choices. I can see where it would be overwhelming.

I'm also considering, not sure if I will yet, but am thinking of going back to work. There is a job opening in the next little town for a secretary for the utility district. Basically the water department. Not much more than I was making while working but it does have benefits and a retirement. I am going to submit an application and see where it goes. A second retirement would be nice and I would be fully vested in 5 years. And it would give me health insurance on top of what my current retirement offers.

Life isn't just cut and dried, there is always a path to follow and often a fork in the road. It's an adventure.

Judi, ugh, mosquitos. those little suckers are awful. hope the water subsides so you can do your weeding. I also love Nannie McPhee, Marilyn and I watched it often along with Matilda.

Velda, you're on your way, first step is listing the camper. You go girl.

Lois, glad the tornados didn't affect you. I remember my first tornado warning, we were in Arkansas, I was very nervous and with an aunt who thought I was crazy because I came from earthquake country.

Flo, I read that you made a stuffed Llama and laughed. We stuff chickens and turkey's here, guess they do it differently where you come from :lol: . Have you read Velda's post in the picture section. She made a great tutorial on posting pictures, I post pictures so seldom I often have to refer to it. If that doesn't work for you you can email me the picture and I will gladly post if for you.

Maryz, I did see the wonderful Halloween blocks being posted, they are very creative. Wishing your sister safe travels. Can't wait to hear about the boondocker experience. Do you need to entertain them or are they on their own.?

Sharona, I would love a monsoon, I just wish God would open up the sky and let it pour. Maybe not Noah style rain but a fourth of that would be very nice for our parched land.

Jana, glad you put the wheel chair ramp to good use, such a blessing that they are able to use it. Guess you will need to be sewing orange fabric every ball game from now on.

Izzy, thanks for the goat explanation, I had always wondered and never thought to ask.

Jerry and his dog Moose are outside. Jerry waters the trees with a hose and Moose tries to eat the water before it hits the trees, both come inside rather damp.

Last night we had dinner with my parents ( dad and stepmom) at the Elks Lodge. I went way off my diet and ate all the wrong things including cake. You bake a regular chocolate cake from a mix. While it is still warm you add a jar of caramel ice cream topping and a can of condensed sweet milk and mix it all up, really make a mess of it. Then top with cool whip and if you like nuts. It's a wonderful gooey messy cake. I brought most of my dinner home and will have it later today.

I need to hit the showers, my sales start soon and I want to be sure to get the good stuff because I need more stuff. I'm a bit crazy for yard sales but it's the thrill of the hunt I like.

You all have a super day

Re: Sat July 31st

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:22 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

Hot and muggy, standard fare for August and our monsoons. Later around 2pm - 4pm, or so, the thunderstorms will fire off. I can almost set a watch by them.

Not much here, rather quiet. The kids will be back from their backpacking hike, later this afternoon. I am sure Ethan will have much to tell me. He loves to hike.

I finished sewing those 80 orange blocks, now all they need is squaring up. So all 320 are ready to assemble. Also fussed around the Batt Cave, opening up boxes from moving here. Found the very old ice cream maker that belonged to Michael's grandfather. He would always make my kids strawberry ice cream in it and Sarah wanted it, but I wasn't sure where it was. Now I do, and it will go to her house to live. Not sure it even works, but she will enjoy it.

That's about it from my part of the woods,
Hugs and prayers,

Re: Sat July 31st

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:11 am
by womster
Good morning!

Judi – I hope you get the breezes to keep those pesky mosquitoes away. I had to get a special SITD foot that has like a blade down the middle to help, but I still can’t make it look perfect. The struggle is real! I bet the girls will have fun at your DD’s house.

Vel – best of luck with selling your camper. From what the others have said, it sounds like it will go quickly.

Maryz – is it normal to be that hot that early? I will join you doing uglies. How nice that you can just freshen up most of the house. I’m confused – are you renting out a spot on your land via Boondockers, like an AirBnB? Thanks for your sympathies – it was my DGS’s friend. The service yesterday was at the Russian Orthodox church – DS said his parents looked defeated. Then there’s the ‘American’ service Monday, followed by enternment. Different customs…

Chriss – yuck to 105. My sister that lives in Scottsdale, AZ was at 117 yesterday. Too dang hot for me! It now looks like we won’t be the recipients of any of the rain, which is too bad. Oh well – maybe the next go-round. I sure hope y’all get some rain soon. The secretarial job sounds perfect. I agree – life does not progress on a straight line. I’m glad you’re not beating yourself up over the cake and such last night. It’s all part of the dance. Have fun on your treasure hunt today.

Jana – isn’t it amazing what you find when unpacking boxes? I know Sarah will love it. Wow l- that is a LOT of blocks.

Today is the final push before the girls get here tomorrow morning. It's only going to get to 72 today - so nice to have the house opened up. I have the bedclothes from the cat’s room in the washer – one of the girls loves to sleep with the cat. Ugh – not me. After vacuuming I will be out sewing. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona