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Saturday June 5

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Saturday June 5

Post by Becca » Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:59 am

Good morning everyone time to rise & shine Chris Your Rooster is needed
Prayers for Cindyg & Don
Hope everyone saw the update

Yesterday was a hot one I got lots of weed eating done in the morning before the heat
I have laundry going Hope to make it to my front porch swing today
Judi Your week of caring for grands is about over They are very blessed to have you
Chris I know you will find your niche
Sherry Hope your day goes well
Izzy Prayers for your DH & you too for better health
Kathy sure hope each day is better for you
Velda I am happy you are hearing better Mine sure makes a difference for me
Sharona Hope you got your she she’d cleaned
Maryq That was a lot more f totes you have Itvis amazing what we do for our children Sure hope your DGS gets to visit with you
Lyn Hope DH feels better each day
To all others have a great day filled with sunshine

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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Jun 05, 2021 5:37 am

Good morning Becca and others. Our visit was great with family. My Sloppy Joe's/ BBQs were a big hit. They have left overs for today. What a great day. It was a late drive coming home. Three hour trek. Got home at 11:00. Campground wasn't even noisy when we came in. Usually Friday night is party night. So we were off to bed and it was quiet.
Today I have to go and get a Covid Test prior to my colonoscopy. Even though I have had both vaccines, they require this test. Oh well, whatever. I don't mind.
Hope to do some sewing later.
Have a great day.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Jun 05, 2021 5:47 am

Good beautiful Saturday morning. It's only supposed to get to 97 degrees today, we will see.

Becca, it was super hot yesterday. Thank heavens for air conditioning. My rooster is next door but I think he might need his own alarm clock. He crows all day and all night. Thankfully it's a sound I can sleep through or he would become rooster soup.

Velda, I love that you had a nice bbq. I haven't had sloppy Joe's in forever.

Yesterday was dinner with the parents. sandwich makings and fruit salad. it was a nice visit.

Today there are 4 yard sales that need my attention, a friend will go with me. There is a second friend who usually goes but she is not interested in it today, actually she hasn't been interested lately, maybe I will try to see if something is going on with her. You know how it is. You ask how are you and they say fine, but are they really fine? I'll check.

And that is the excitement in this neck of the woods, you all have an amazing weekend.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:09 am

Good morning,

I hope you all saw the update on Cindy. They really need prayers. And perhaps a card shower. If anyone would like to send a card or a note and needs an address, please PM me.

CHRISS - Rooster soup! lol! We also live next door to a rooster, Dean. He crows all day, too. But he and his hens get shut up at night. I'm on our deck as I type this, listening to the rain, and I can hear Dean trying to wake up his keepers to come let him out! lol!

BECCA - Glad you got your outdoor work done before the heat. And I hope there is porch swing time in your very near future!

VELDA - I KNEW you'd love that party! Farmchick had the same kind of party yesterday with their Marine!

LYN - thanks for the update on your Garry. Will keep the prayers coming.

Two days ago Judi found me a yard and a half of the background fabric I need for my Star Bright quilt and yesterday Tina found another yard! Hooray! People on this forum are the greatest! I'm a good typist, but that's about all I'm good for when it comes to computers. It's wonderful that I have great friends here! Thank you so much, ladies! The little time I've spent in my sewing room the last few days has been to cut out pieces of this quilt to take camping. If it's nice weather and NOT windy while camping, I will set up my machine to sew outside. I have to be careful though. Once I was sewing by generator power up in the Cascade Mtns along a river when along came a breeze, blew some of my pieces into the river, and away they floated! :shock: Live and learn.

Today we are going to take a 100 mile drive towards the ocean to Westport Winery. We are club members there and it's time to go pick up our quarterly club selections. Bill's sister lives near there so we will be visiting them, and taking them with us to the winery. This winery has acres and acres of gorgeous gardens and paths to walk plus a really tasty cafe where we may have lunch. Bill and his sister are the only ones left of the 5 siblings so any time spent with her and her hubby is very special time. Before we go, I'm going to make some chili and get it into the crockpot. I will set it out on the deck to cook while we are gone. I always have a fear of appliances malfunctioning and causing a fire.

I decided besides my Star Bright, the next quilt happening here will be another Gypsy Dancer (my 3rd) all in pinks. It will be for Autumn. Just because. I'm excited to get started on that! I finished my cross-stitched retro trailer set and posted a photo. They still aren't hung up though. Waiting for Bill to help with that and he's got his own projects going on.

Wishing everyone a fab day! We are cool and rainy here this weekend. I love it - it's what keeps WAshington green.

Mary Z

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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:29 am

Good morning everyone!
We had a cloudy cool morning yesterday so I pushed it a little and finished painting the front of the house. We only need the replacements on the west side of the porch, the new skirting and the trim. I'm figuring 1 side per month to be completed. The front of our house faces south so we needed to get it finished first because of the scorching sun and before our cooler morning temps disappear, the rest have lots of shade.
Becca, I hope you make that front porch sitting appointment today, sounds perfect!
Vel, are your sloppy joes regular sloppy joes or bbq sloppy joes?
Chriss, I can certainly agree that "fine" can mean anything but fine. I hope your friend is ok. It's good that you noticed.
Maryz, you're welcome ❤ I bet your gypsy in pinks will be awesome!!
I'm off paint duty for today, Frankie needs to get ahead of me so I have something to paint LOL after he replaces the west wall then I'll be back at it. Plus I have the skirting to paint. But today I'm going to the school with DD to help her get her classroom ready for next month. She gets a brand new, freshly built, bigger classroom and she's excited! I help her every year, it's fun.
Judi, teenagers sure are moody. Jazmyne I think could win the Stanley cup of teenage moodiness! But she has a grandma that won't put up with it and is very goofy with her and she tries not to laugh but fails 98% of the time 🤪😂🤣 but I still have to be stern to get a fire going under her sometimes. The thing that gets me is the grouchy attitude mouth, that just doesn't fly with me.
Prayers for Don and Cindy, Lyn and Garry, Izzy and Bill, Maryrose, Lori and all others in need.

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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by auntjana » Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:51 am

Good morning!

It is hot! My mom would say, hotter than blue blazes. My phrase is hotter than the hinges of he**! We went to 100 yesterday. Michael has fired up the tractor and is out mowing the lawn while it's only 82. The lawn really needs it's haircut.

I got the stair rug washed. Not as bad as I thought. Then spent the rest of the time in the sewing area of the Batt Cave. I have two projects in the drawers there to work on. Same plan today.

The kids will all be rolling in back home later this afternoon. Aaron went up yesterday, to spend the day , but came home early, as Gracie got sick.

Many prayers for all, and Cindy and Don. It is a hard thing.


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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by Quiltmom » Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:57 am

Good morning all! Not much planned for today. Starting today and next five days temperatures are going to be 90+ degrees each day. Good time to stay in with the A/C and sew. Going to store this morning and get some milk and a couple of other things then home to stay in. Glad I mowed the yard last Wednesday. Will be watching horse racing Belmont Stakes today and my Cubs baseball. My Cubs are doing well.

My prayers are going out for Cindy and Don. They are in my prayers every morning.

For the person who asked yes my driver Julio Castroneves won the Indy 500 this year.

Well, better get going. Hope everyone has a safe and good day. Prayers for all who need them. Stay inside and keep cool.


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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:36 am

Just a quick hello as I pack up my stuff in the car. the parents will be home tonight around 6. I am ready for windows and anything else my house can throw at me at this point. Liam is a wonderful kid always does what you ask of him...Nolan is 15 and doesnt like to be bothered but will also do exactly as asked...I had 3 boys and although they were challenging they survived and so did i...Now the girl???? Her Mom was a great kid...did not mouth off offten We had a deal " you. can think what ever you want about me...but the minute it comes out of your mouth we will be at war." she kept her thoughts to herself and we got along fine even through PMS and teenage years,,,so I guess I am not used to a 10 1/2 year old who thinks she is an adult and can be very mouthy. so I just ask her once and if she doesnt do it It will not get done ( there has been a cereal bowl in her room for 6 days) she is not allowed to eat in her room...its still there I will let her Mom deal with it and her. She is sweet and cute and when the mood strikes her very talkative and knowledgable...We had a great discussion about heaven and ghosts and she said she wanted me and grampa 0( when we die)to haunt her for her whole life so we will always be close by. My sewing machine is back from the repair spa and I cannot wait to sew with her again. He repaired the needle threader and the thread cutter...and reverse and cleaned her bottom half which he said had enough lint in it to stuff a pillow. she is like new for an old girl.
Weel I need to make a pan of chicken enchilladas for supper and get them ready to go into the oven...i will also do a load or 2 of laundry so DD will be somewhat caught up when she gets home...Thank you all for being my friends and listening to me gripe....I love you all...XXXXXXXOOOOOOO the word of the day is ....Hope I hope you all have a great day

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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by maryq » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:43 am

Good Morning Girls

Sunny and HOT... blazin' hot here today! We rarely get up to 100, but today we will be darn close.. Needless to say the AC is running full time here.

So sorry to hear the news of Don and Cindy .... I met them in 2016 when I went to the Houston quilt show..such gracious people. For sure my thoughts and prayers are with in these difficult days.

Not much other news from here... I would love to sit and chat with each of you, but since I didn't get to sleep until after 0100 I didn't crawl out of bed until 0900 and now I feel like I'm so far behind on chores etc. It is Saturday which means it's time to wash floors, dust & vac and scrub toilets. I'll have to confine myself to the upstairs .... if I go down for anything I will get distracted by my sewing machine and nothing else will get done. I have 2 weeks to finish getting ready for the kids to move in and while I'm making good progress... still a few things to do !

SO, Will go grab myself some more coffee... get going on chores and see you all tomorrow!

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Re: Saturday June 5

Post by womster » Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:14 am

Good morning!

Becca – I sure hope you can get your porch time in today.

Vel – I’m glad you had such a nice time visiting. Hope you pass your test!

Chriss – have fun with the yard sales. It’s nice of you to see how your friend is really doing.

Maryz – oh NO! That’s so sad that you supplied the river with its own quilting pieces. I can’t wait to go check out the pic. Did y’all ever finish with the stairs? That’s touching that Bill and his sister spend time together whenever they can.

Tina – how lovely to see you! That sounds like a whole lot of painting. It would be fun to get the room ready for the new year, and now it’s a new room even!

Jana – lawn haircut – ha! That’s a cute turn of phrase. I hope Gracie is feeling better.

Sherry – you’re smart to stay inside where it’s cool.

Judi – I hear you about the attitude. I will never forget when one of our grandsons informed his mother he would NOT drink orange juice that day. It sounds so benign, but they yelled at each other for five minutes (in front of us!) and she capitulated. If one of my boys had done that, they would STILL be looking for a place to land. Such blatant disrespect! It was awful. I’m so glad your sewing machine is back. Won’t you both have a lovely reunion. Chicken enchiladas sound really good.

Maryq – good luck on getting your chores for the day done.

I did not sleep much and had to get up at 4:45 to start the day’s errands. DH wanted to get to Home Depot before the crowds. Our poor little dog is starting to succumb to her heart problems. She slept on the bed, touching me, and her breathing is rapid and labored. She's only 11 and it breaks my heart. We will be in the mid-80s for the next ten days – I am also so very grateful for air conditioning. Need to get to mogating – I will be gone all day Tuesday and then we will be in Alamosa Thursday and Friday. I have to get eight more periwinkles planted and all my inside chores done asap. Have a lovely! xoxo Sharona

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