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Monday May 31,2021

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Monday May 31,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Mon May 31, 2021 5:53 am

We worked til we dropped this weekend on kids house. Another 2 weeks til move in, still ceramic tile to set, kitchen to install plumbing, Lisa's bedroom to finish. Guys are on road, I am taking day off.

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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon May 31, 2021 5:59 am

Good morning,

What a treasured blessing it is to wake up in the Land of the Free because of so many Brave men and women.

FLO - I bet everyone's anxious to get that house finished!

LYN, did find any wonderful things at MSQC? I know they just reopened after being closed for a very long time, like everyone else. So I'm not surprised if some of their shelves were understocked. EVerything seems to be everywhere. Our truck & fiver are "only" 50' long and we had to park on a side street in Hamilton.

JANA - Stu is learning a lot of new things, trying them out to see what's a good fit for him. I'm waiting to hear how is ride-along with Aaron went. I bet he didn't nod off! :lol:

MARY Q - Lyn had a great idea! And perhaps you've already thought about it but if David's house works for you, your kids can buy yours and you can buy David's! Win/win! Lyn gets a commission! lol! Did you have fun sewing yesterday?

VAL - Glad you were able to get Dad his haircut. I bet you are right - he will always want a military haircut. My son-in-law (now 52 yrs old) was/is a Marine. He keeps his head shaved now. have you always lived about where you live now? If you're not crazy about the climate, do you think you'd ever move when you retire? Washington is filling up with retired Californians. None of my beeswax, but I'm curious. I live about 1/2 mile from the house I was born in (my godparents') and 3/4 mile from the house my dad was born in (my grandparents') and 2 miles from the farm where I was raised. But I love it here!

VELDA - I can certainly see why you try not to buy fabric ahead. Storage is always an issue in an RV. I've met folks who had a toy hauler and the 'garage' part of the rig was the sewing room. One person even had a long arm in there! Another woman had a yarn shop and when they parked, she dropped the back door, hung out her sign, and was open for business! Genious!

JUDI - how was your evening last night? Fried chicken and corn on the cob sounds pretty American to me! What's happening today? Are you sewing anything? I had to laugh at the big poker night! I picture a batch of teen sitting around a green felt table, wearing green visors, serious looks on their faces. Yahtzee and Uno are more my speed, though. I remember my mom playing a card game with us called Casino. I played Cribbage with my kids - It taught them some math without them realizing it. I don't like laundry in the basket either, but I usually wait until I have at least 2 loads - darks & lights. I will probably do some today so I can put it out on the lines. Going to be a sunny day.

SHERRY - So, did your favorite race driver win? My DBIL was watching the race, too, in CO.

BECCA - what's happening in your world today?

CHRISS - so has it sunk in yet that you don't have to make that long trek down the hall to work? You can make it down the hall to sew instead! You're welcome!

Our Spaghetti feed last night was nice. And there were no leftovers! I notice as we get older and have company (or ARE company) the evenings start earlier and end earlier. lol! So today, I will do a couple loads of wash, feed my roses, cut out some more stars, X-Stitch, read, or whatever else I feel like.

Mary Z

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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by velvet » Mon May 31, 2021 6:21 am

I have been so very lucky with being able to wrap a qov quilt around the shoulders of our veterans. (before co-vid) I have been told by all-- "if asked again I WILL GO!!" --many are bend with age. Their love and dedication to this country humbles me to tears. The words thank you really falls short of the conditions they went thru from WW2 thru today. My prayers are with them and their families on this special day.


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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by auntjana » Mon May 31, 2021 6:47 am

Good morning!

Yes, there's quite the story from yesterday with Aaron and Stu. Aaron got a call that there was a mother frantically trying to get help in the middle of the jersey barrier, in the center of the freeway. Another motorist saw and called it in. Aaron and Stu arrive, look at the situation and decide the best way to help. On Aaron's big work truck is a tow bar thingy he calls a stinger. He used that to move a huge heavy drainage grate. Then he proceeded to crawl into the culvert to start the rescue. He then gathered up, softly, all 7 of the baby ducklings that had somehow made it across all the lanes of the freeway, 6 lanes and a HOV lane, without getting hit or causing a accident. The mother duck was very grateful, we assume! She carefully watched Stu and Aaron with her babies at a distance. Aaron took the baby ducklings in a box in the truck, back to the other side of the road and safely, away from the road turned them loose. Mother duck came and took charge of her wayward children! You can add duck wrangler to Aaron's resume.

Not much here today, a few uglies. I may start the laundry room decorating, we will see. I have the wallpaper and the border strip arrived. I have decided that the stairs will wait to be cleaned, but will do the main traffic area in the carpet washing detail.

In remembering all who gave us our freedom, "all gave some, and some gave all".


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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Mon May 31, 2021 7:48 am

Happy Memorial Day. It was an exciting morning around here, I got up and got dressed and went to let the dogs out...Pepper needs to be carried or she will pee on the floor before she gets to the outside...I scooped her up and called grizzy to follow. at the door wall I opened it and boom the alrm went off..( i forgot about it as we do not have one at our house.) I scurried over to turn it off...I know the code. But the alrm company called the police anyway...so as i was watching the dog go a knock at the door told me who it was. I answered and there were 2 police men (women) asking me a bunch of questions...I am sure they realized I was a (not so bright ) grndmother who is technologically impaired. Doggs barked Police asked questions and left......KIDS SLEPT THROUGH IT ALL including the alarm. Today I will maybe make burgers on the grill and have the boys and their families come over here...if they are not busy.. I have been tidying up and reading a book till I get word who if any one is coming over. I do need to run u ti the market if they are coming...Ken will ket me know, till then Im waiting,,, hope you all have a grand day made possible by those who gave the ultimate sacrifice...XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by maryq » Mon May 31, 2021 7:48 am

Good Morning Girls

YEAH.. the sun is shining this morning! Looks like's it going to be a beautiful day! They are having a ceremony in town later this afternoon, to dedicate a new Veterans Park ... I just might go!

Flo... How wonderful too see the light at the end of tunnel.... 2 more weeks until the kids are all relocated into their own home. How long have they been with you? I bet they are anxious too!

Maryz.... David's house is beautiful.... but bigger than mine... on 3 acres (I have 1) with an in-ground swimming pool! I thought it would be great for Shawn and Kris... but they want 20 acres to have a barn etc for their horses... Once nice thing I'd love about David's house.. the lower level is finished off and would be a great place for a HUGE sewing room! And it's WAY out of my price range. It was great to be back at the sewing machine again. I got all those little dolls sewn!

Diane.... Check out the UFO contest! Over the years when I've gone to Wisconsin to visit Tom and Viv.. I've met Tom's Aunt Eleanor several times.. This last time I saw her, she showed me a book on WWII... In it is a picture of her DH when he was a POW in Germany during WWII. Years ago, she and her DH lived in AZ and attended POW support groups... they met a man who had been a POW and was in the same picture in the book. So I found the book on Amazon and am reading it now... I love history.

Jana... See.... I know Aaron could write a really neat book about all his experiences! Once upon a time I learned how to drive a fork lift and I remember my boss telling me "now you can put that on your resume" Even though I've never had a resume in my life! :lol:

Not sure what I have planned for today... I am going to bake a batch of cookies for the kids that are going to come help me clean out my fabric stash. Just so you can picture this... I have about 20-24 big plastic tote boxes full of fabric. When Michele was here, we packed it up in numbered boxes and I made a list of what is roughly in each box. All of it has to go out to the garage to make room for the kids. I have 2 teenagers coming to help tomorrow haul it all out... Just have to clear a path to the garage. Tomorrow morning the Disabled American Vets are coming to pick up a few boxes of stuff... left over from garage sales etc. I'm hoping Kevin and family will stop by for a visit today!

In a bit a good news... Michael (Jen's ex) is bringing Kaya and Eli to Minnesota for visit. But they will be at him Mom's one week and his Dad's the next. I'll get to meet them for lunch on the 19th. But then I had this hair-brained (or is it air brained?) that I could keep Eli for a week or so and them take him back to AK myself... and spend a couple days with Jen and David! Sounds like a wonderful plan doesn't it? I just have to talk to Jen and figure out days on the calendar. I'd share him with Michael's Mom, but he'd get to spend some time with Corinne and Nolan too! Win Win!!

Time for more coffee ... then to get in gear!

Yes... we are the land of the FREE because of the BRAVE!

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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by mepeace2 » Mon May 31, 2021 8:13 am

Good morning All
I am back . Still gardening. Unfortunately my artheritis will not let me move as fast as I would like. But all veggies are in ground. And my green beans are up. Also most of flowers are planted. Except for three I bought yesterday in Galesburg. I need to stay out of places that sell plants and start visiting quilt shops. lol :lol: I did stop in to Joanns yesterday. I thought I would pick up some fake flowers. From now on when they have a flower sale I will be there the first day when doors open. Nothing left yesterday except bare shelves. I did pick up a bag of chocolate wafers to make white chocolate popcorn. Except it will be green.
I cannot believe how expensive everything is getting. I found fabric ON SALE ( haha) for $9.50. I dont think so. I only buy what I absolutely need now. Not what I want. If I find fabric on sale on line with free shipping if you buy $50 worth I might get some. lol
O yes the Sew a long block for week nine is up. Broken dishes. I have directions for block there also. And Mary posted pictures to help explain. I want everyone to have a good time sewing. This block is not complicated just a few more parts. LOl
I will try to get here more often. I still have two beds to clean and mulch. The darn rain has put me behind.
You all have a great Memorial day .

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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by WeeOne » Mon May 31, 2021 9:25 am

MaryZ, you had me excited about my commission, until I read MaryQ post. Oh well, easy come, easy go. As for Missouri Star, I bought to Artsi2 Quilt boards. They are the no sew wall hangings, that are dense foam with a design cut in to make a Quilt block. The 12" is a Carpenter Star and the 6" is a Dresden Plate. Picked up Kona Peacock Palette charm pack and jelly roll. Love the colors! Bought the Triangle Tango pattern, which is also known as Falling Triangles in a tutorial Jenny did. I have fabric at the house for it. Could not pass up the Evergreen pattern. I may have fabric at the house for it, too. I'm leaning towards batiks for that one. Also found a yard of blue batik and 1 1/2 yards of a loon border fabric, both on sale. They were 'because' buys....because I loved them. :lol:

Flo, I bet y'all be glad to have your house back to yourselves. You're good parents to help out like you have.

MaryQ, please share the sun. It's raining here.

Jana, thanks for the duck story. I like seeing the ducks that go through a school every year, it was on Facebook, again, recently.

To everyone, I hope you have a great day!

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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by womster » Mon May 31, 2021 10:00 am

Flo – I bet you’ll be glad to see the backside of this project. Enjoy your day off.

Maryz – I agree with your beautiful sentiment about Memorial Day. Re eating earlier – we call it senior dining hours and love it. Enjoy your day, doing whatever you feel like.

Diane – thank you for that reminder, and for what you and your organization due for our veterans. I’ll never forget how happy the vet was that you helped me get his quilt. Sorry for the poor English! Don't you hate when bad things happen to good sentences...

Jana – oh I love the duck wrangler story! Good for them.

Judi – so sorry about the alarm going off. Did you get the dog outside in time?!

Maryq – my gosh your month is already jam-packed. What a great idea about Eli. Good luck sorting through all that fabric.

Katy – I know what you mean about gardening with arthritis. I now do what I call ‘adaptive gardening’. I use a folding chair to plant because I simply cannot bend over nor kneel on the ground. It takes skads longer but at least I’m doing it! Best of luck to you. I agree about the price of fabric.

Lyn – I like your ‘because buys’. Great advice.

We got the news yesterday that my granddaughter who is in the Navy, currently stationed at Virginia Beach, got married on May 27th. Her mom is extremely upset, mostly because Roz had her dad (the much-despised ex) call and tell her. She’s the first of our grandkids to get married. It is still so dark here (because of the rain) that the lights controlled by sensors are on. Nothing much else new here. I can’t wait to get my sewing machine back! Two more weeks. Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Monday May 31,2021

Post by zfatcat » Mon May 31, 2021 10:31 am

Sharona, congratulation to your granddaughter. What does she do in the Navy?

Lyn, I wish we could have rain. It's just cloudy here. The sun will come out later.

Maryq, that sounds like a big job in the garage. Good luck.

Judi, oh no!

Jana, when I was working, I got a call of baby ducks cross a busy road. In fact we got numerous 911 calls regarding the ducklings. I sent an officer out to handle. They stopped traffic and collected the babies. He put them in the patrol unit. Took them across to the wildlife refuge across the street and gave them back to mama. As he's driving, he hears cheep, cheep, cheep. Pulls over looks everywhere for the little thing can't find it. The little darling got inside the door panel some how. They had to remove it to get the chick out. I still tease him about that to this day.

Flo, I bet you are glad to see the completion in site. Lot's of hard work put into that place. I sure hope they appreciate it.

I posted a few pictures of quilts in the photo section yesterday.

Thank you to all the men and women who protect this country and give the ultimate sacrifice. They are the reason we are free today.

Have a great day.

Lori 8-)

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