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Friday March 26th

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Friday March 26th

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:23 am

Good morning it is rainy here and has rained all night,,,I havent seen rain in a while and it is needed,
More house work today but I will get up into the sewing room later this afternoon or evening,,,Yesterday I said the pattern called for 15 reindeers but it is only 10 the parts for the reindeer are 15 and I am not sure why,,,I read the pattern and it doesnt say. I am doing 10 as shown and ignore the rest...Now to figure out the trees,,,
Ken spilled his coffee so I cleaned that up already this morning,,,not a fun way to wake up//
Well now to get my coffee is start the chores, hope you all have a great day, XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by suzette58 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:33 am

Good morning everyone.
Well, our rain storm yesterday fizzled out. We did get some rain just not as bad as it was supposed to be. Today after breakfast I am planning on heading to my sewing room and get started on cutting the fabric for the braid quilt. I keep saying I am going to work on it and something always comes up. I don’t know if I will get to sew because we are supposed to get some high winds. I hope everyone has a good day.

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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by Becca » Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:01 am

Good morning sunshine is here after a stormy day & night We got so much rain & thunder lightning
Lois We are saturated here from all our rains
Suz We got the storm I thought it would have reached you Things have a way of changing our plans I planned to sew but not in the storm
Maryq You would love my cleaning lady she’s fast Does excellent work & she’s an RN if you get sick
Chris Glad You & Jerry had a fun day Know you enjoyed your dinner with all your favorite men
Sherry Hope your weather is improving for you
Must get going I slept late Have a great day everyone Maybe I will get to my machine today if no storm
Prayers for all. In need. Becca

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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:50 am

Good morning

Judy, I don’t remember there being 15 of anything in the reindeer Quilt. But I will re-read my pattern when we get home. I do remember the pattern confusing me at first

Becca and Suzette glad you both survived your storm.

We had a beautiful day here yesterday. We drove to Tokeland, about 12 miles south. Everything there was closed so we drove another 20 miles to another town, Raymond, where we had best hamburgers ever in a pub. When we got home, we finally got our walk on the beach. Beautiful Day for it. You can drive on the beach here and a few people even hand RVs out on the sand for the afternoon. The evening was nice enough to sit out around the campfire for three hours. This morning we are packing up and leaving for yet another town, Montesano. We will spend one night there to see Bill‘s sister this evening and home tomorrow.

CHICKIE is back in the hospital for uncontrolled vomiting. More blood work. Low BP. Hoping for another update soon.


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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by auntjana » Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:52 am

Good morning!

I can see some new snow outside. Not much. When I went to bed last night, it was raining, then turned to snow.

I am making a grocery pickup run later and will add a pickup up run of a Ethan too. Sarah has a paper to write and my little Ethan is a chatter box, even if he is playing by himself.

Much much better this morning. My arm doesn't seem to hurt. A good thing. So I may see the Batt Cave today to play and sew in. A few uglies to catch up on, upstairs first.

My new bed and night stands are still somewhere in a Indiana trucking warehouse. Who knows for how long. Hopefully not much longer!

Stay Safe!

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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:57 am

Good morning. Just popping in to say hello. Hard to believe another week went by. Next week at this time, we should be watching campers go by our campsite coming in for the first weekend in camping season. Our park put in a brand new pool last fall. We watched it taking shape, step by step. It doesn't open, of course until Memorial Day. But, last year, the world was in lock down, so it opened much later.
I am getting anxious to get moved back into our RV "home". Then I can start planning my next sewing project.
Hope the storms stay minor for all of you on east coast. Here in the center, we should be having a pretty nice weekend.
Stay safe and happy.
Wow, two more popped in here as I was typing. Hello to Maryz and Jana.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by Quiltmom » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:33 am

Good morning all! Had some rain and wind last night but not as bad as they originally said thank God. Weather supposed to be fairly mild for the next week. So glad because I want to take Smoke and go see my son Rob in Elkhart for a couple of days over Easter. Just want to get out of town for a bit. Doug will come in while I am gone and take care of Sweetie and feed her.

You can tell the weather is changing because my legs just ache really bad in the mornings now. Will be glad when the heat gets here. Guess that is what I get for 28 years on my feet at Kroger's.

That supermarket in Boulder where that "nut" killed those people is a division of the Kroger Company. It is too bad they don't have the death penalty in Colorado anymore. This case sure deserved it even if he was a bit mental. Time to get off my "soap box" again.

Need to do some housework today. Yippee!

Got my stimulus money in my bank account the other day. Now I know the government is crazy. The last two payments came in paper checks but this time it was direct deposited into my account. Guess they found the checking account that I had for 30 years and filed my taxes through. My friends mom got her last two checks direct deposited but this time they are sending a paper check. Who can figure out the government any more?

Well, better go get something to eat and my morning coffee. Need to wake up. The wind is really howling outdoors. Hope everyone has a good day and stay safe.


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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by rosebud3 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:44 am

Good morning. Today will be a paperwork/bill day before sewing.

MaryZ, happy to see you finally got your walk on the beach.

Judi, which reindeer quilt are you working on? I seemed to have missed where you said. My coffee maker decided to turn off after only making half the pot. What's up with that?

Suz and Becca, glad you survived your storms. It rained here again this morning, but nothing compared to what you got.

Prayers for Chickie and Kathy.

I need to see what is in the freezer that I can fix for supper, then I need to go to the store to find some binder clips or spring clamps that I can use to attach the quilt sandwich together with for spray basting. A couple days ago I watched a number of you tube videos about different ways to spray baste and found one that will work great for me.

Everyone have a blessed day.


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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by maryq » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:52 am

Good Morning Girls

Oh boy, am I am happy girl this morning! Got my 2nd shot yesterday and other than a sore arm... I have NO effects... well not yet anyway... Am thinking I just might be lucky enough to miss out on them? Please? Have fun plans for the day so... I AM a happy girl

Judi.... Maybe the pattern wants you to make extra reindeer in case you goof up one or two? :lol: :lol: I'll have to go back and see if I can find the picture of Mary and Lori's quilt. You're doing the one like they posted before Christmas?

Suzette... You don't sew when it's stormy outside? I've heard you have to be careful with computerized machines when it's stormy and lightening.. But as long as I have power... I sew! :lol: :lol: And somedays if the power does go out... I wish my Gramma's treadle machine still worked!

Becca..... Can I borrow your cleaning lady? Though if she did come to my house... I'd have to clean it first... right now I wouldn't let anybody in my house.. With all the rearranging I have been doing there is stuff every where!

Maryz.... Oh NO poor Chickie... For sure she will be on my prayer list all day today! So wish they could figure out what's up with her and get her BETTER!!! She has great grand babies coming this summer doesn't she... ? don't forget to stop by and pick up your mail on the way home...

Jana.. This sure has been quite a saga waiting for your new furniture! Bad enough you've waited so long, but they can't even tell you WHEN you will get it?

Velda... Can't believe it is Friday again already.. the weeks just seem to go by so fast...

Sherry .... Don't even try to figure out the government.. you'll make yourself crazy! I've always gotten my checks direct deposited.. such a nice surprise to check my bank online and find I have money. funny how the amount we got this just about covers the taxes I have to pay this year! :lol: :lol:

The sun is UP here, but definitely not out. A layer of clouds covers the sky this morning, but that's okay.. It's supposed to get up toe 50 something.. and that's a good sign. Am so thrilled I have no reaction from the 2nd shot and feel really great this morning.. I am driving out to a gal's house this afternoon that I met last year when we were making masks. She started a local group on FB for MN mask sewists. Now she buys and sells fabric and sewing things and lists them on FB... books, patterns, fabric etc. So I bought a bunch of fabric from her and I'll go pick it up today. She also has 11 horses--I love horses.. such beautiful animals... so I get a tour of her barn and arena.. So I probably won't see my sewing room today.. and tomorrow is chore day... Definitely chore day... I've been trying to organize stuff the the Wisconsin Garage sale and have tote boxes of stuff every where! Time to make a haul out to the garage... and man is it getting FULL!

so it's time for more coffee and to get butt in gear.

Wishing you all a Fabulous Friday

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Re: Friday March 26th

Post by womster » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:54 am

Good morning!

Judi – yay for the rain. That is weird about the reindeer – I wonder if they made a mistake in the instructions. Spilled coffee is indeed not a pleasant way to start the day. I hope you get to sew some today.

Suzette – I can empathize with life getting in the way of our plans. Sure hope those winds give you a pass today.

Becca – sunshine - what a blessing after the storm. Enjoy your day.

Maryz - what an ideal day y’all had yesterday. Sounds very peaceful. That is awful news about Chickie. Thanks for the update.

Jana – I sympathize with your arm pain of yesterday – I had the same thing. I felt no pain until about six hours later. Thankfully it’s mostly gone today. I sure hope your furniture is enjoying its tour of America.

Vel – I’m with you on the passing of time – I can’t believe April is almost here. Your moving time is almost here.

Sherry – we have two granddaughters that work in the Kroger in Troy, OH. The CO death penalty was a joke – they stopped using it in 1967. In my opinion, there are some people who forfeit their right to live amongst humans by their actions. Now I’ll get off my soap box. Take care to not blow away in those winds.

Mary/Rose - I forgot to tell you that I use basting spray a LOT when I'm making minky quilts. It works great. Isn't Youtube the best?! Did you hear back from Human Resources on extending your leave?

Maryq - which shot did you get? I got the Pfizer one. I hope you see zero side-effects. I also want to borrow Becca's cleaning lady. She could do a nice little tour! Have fun visiting the horses. If you ever came to CO to visit your BFF, AND if they still own that horse ranch, I would love a tour of that. I love that horse smell.

Today I get to stay home – YAY! I will be out in my sewing hole, trying to tame the chaos it has been in for much too long. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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