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Tuesday March 23,2021

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Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:25 am

Good morning Everyone,
Today is a little chilly start but its suppose to get up to 60's today and after we get back from an errand I will start putting my star together after all that the I have to make a zig zag border this quilt is a learning experience for me a bit out of my comfort zone.

Happy Birthday Mary Z I hope your day is wonderful.

Well thats all the news here I hope everyone has a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:50 am

Good morning

Thank you Lois for the birthday wishes. You will conquer that Lonestar yet! It will be a beauty. It’s good to step out of our comfort zones now and then and stretch ourselves. That is exactly how I felt with my DWR.

Today I turn 70 and my kitty, Foxtrot (Foxy to his friends), turns 7. I can still remember my 7th birthday so vividly. I got a real fishing pole 🎣and a dark blue and burgundy book bag. 💼. The years do fly by!

We are camped at the ocean but can’t walk to the beach. All the beach trails are flooded. We will have to drive out of the park and find a beach road, I guess. I am not sure what else we will do today but probably drive into the little town of Westport where all the fishing charters are. Not much is open this time of year but it is always fun to walk around and check out the docks and read the names of all the boats. There is a long jetty with huge rocks. Lots of feral cats live there and the Community feeds them. I always like to check them out.

SHARONA, did you make it to your dental cleaning? And is everything OK?

Mary Q, I can’t get rid of the few things I have of my mothers either. But you have granddaughters coming up that may really treasure those family things. Put them on the top shelf and save them with notes about their history tucked inside. And put things you get out now and then on lower shelves.

This is short because I am on my phone. I will try to check back later and see what everybody’s doing.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Mary z🥳

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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:14 am

Happy Birthday Mary hope your day is filled with travel adventures...Ocean breezes and good company. Happy Birthday to foxy too.
I am still wallowing in unpacking and cleaning, Mt sister will come and get her car today so I need to get presentable. Ken is off today so he heads over to Colleens to work on her kitchen...Hoping he can make a big dent in it,,,appliances are ordered and stil back ordered. but the rest of the kitched is in pieces around the house,
I will get my house cleaned and maybe ......just maybe I can get into the sewing room today,
Well coffee waits...take care eveeyone...XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by velvet » Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:22 am


Next Monday my DS and DDIL are coming from Mon.to Fri. to look and hopefully find something that they like. We have so many new developments here, the difference is in the prices. Building supplies have gone thru the roof as I'm sure Flo and her hubby know about. We did see 1 that might be of their liking about 15-20 minutes away. So fingers crossed.

LAer Pat did a beautiful job on Daryls thank you quilt. It will go to LI when Joe and Fran go back. I'm not sure how to word the label. Thank you is not enough. Any ideas??????

Off for coffee on this gloomy grey morn.

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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by Becca » Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:40 am

Good morning everyone cloudy but sun is coming
THANK EVERYONE for all my Birthday wishes I treasure my friends here
Maryz HAPPY Birthday to you Have a great day & HB to Foxy too Enjoy your special day
Suz I’m sure your quilt will be beautiful
Diane I need to know more to help with Label Is he a vet or does he help with QOV
Lois Enjoy your sew in today
I have had days of family &! Gifts & love shown to me The flowers & hanging baskets are all over until they can be outside full time It has been something
Bethanys family came yesterday loaded with my favorite cookies & flowers
And both Sons on Sat & Sunday
Jana What a close call on Aaron So thankful he is ok He must sleep good or either have lots of nightmares
Laundry is waiting Hope everyone has a great day filled with sunshine
Chickie & Kathy & Rosebud prayers for all of you
Rosebud I was so happy your blood work was better Sure hope it stays that way & they get the rest taken care of That is some quilt you are making

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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by WeeOne » Tue Mar 23, 2021 6:20 am

Becca, belated Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day.

MaryZ, Happy Birthday! Now the truth comes out....a fishing pole for your 7th birthday. So fishing must have been fun at one point.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by rosebud3 » Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:39 am

Good morning. I will be working on the quilt backing again today. When I went to the LQS for more backing material yesterday, they were out of the one I already purchased, so I will be piecing my alternate backing. I started making another 7 blocks to put across the top. I should have those finished today. My DMC floss shipped yesterday so it should be here soon.

Have any of you ever done spray basting on your quilts? If so, does it work well? I was thinking maybe that might be the route to take for this quilt since it is so big.

Coffee is finished, so I am going to fire up the production line again. Everyone have a blessed day, and prayers for Chickie and Kathy.


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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:11 am

Becca I wrote a belated Birthday Message to you and now its gone....Happy Belated Birthday hope it was grand,,,

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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by Quiltmom » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:18 am

Good morning all! Will be a beautiful and warm Spring day today. I am so glad to see the sun out. Not much planned for today. Watched alot of basketball yesterday but threw out my bracket sheet when over. This year was the absolute worst year for me in my brackets just like alot of people. So many high ranking teams lost to lower seeds. My Michigan Wolverines are still in it though so will be watching next Friday when it starts up again.

Maryz - Hope you have a very Happy Birthday today! Enjoy yourself.

Becca - So sorry I missed your birthday so am saying a Happy Belated Birthday.

Judi - So Glad you got home safely finally. Other than your truck sounds like you had a good time.

Well, better go get some breakfast for me. I feed the furbabies first in the morning. If I don't Sweetie gives me a dirty look.

Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable day.


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Re: Tuesday March 23,2021

Post by auntjana » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:31 am

Good morning!

A beautiful day here, puffy white clouds, a bit of fog and no snow.

After the escapades of the other day with Aaron, it was a good day, something he loves doing, helping others. It was worth it yesterday. He and a trooper saved a person from a suicide. It took a bit of hand to hand combat, but the two of them prevented the person from jumping off a overpass bridge. Yes, I get gray hair, I have 2 sons, out there in harms way, but that is what is in their DNA, stepping up to help another. Daniel and Aaron share their escapades between each other. Sometimes I learn of some of Daniel's stories from Aaron. And then add my Kate in the mix, well, let me tell you, prayer works!

Not much new here, just sewing and fiddling around my Batt Cave.

Happy Birthday Maryz! You have lots of yummy cake! Happy Birthday to Foxy as well.

It is also my niece Sandee's BD.

Stay safe!

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