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Thursday, January 14

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Thursday, January 14

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:06 am

Good morning!

Our coastal campground was flooded so we came home yesterday afternoon. Our backyard is too flooded to maneuver our trailer into its shelter so it sits on the cement pad at the edge of the property. You can guess who is pretty upset about that! We unloaded perishable food and the basket of laundry and called it a day. Today I will empty more, start the wash, and Bill is going to try to figure out why one of our outlets downstairs, that powers almost everything in the family room, doesn’t work. But other than that we found our house spotless with sweet little notes and gifts all over. We would have that housesitter again in a heartbeat

Before I forget, several of you have asked and I finally have an answer. My son’s new book, “spring upon a crime” by ML Erdahl, was released yesterday. It can be found at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon.

Lori, I guess you are just going to have to teach your other kitty how to sew. Put treats and food next to your sewing machine and some comfy fabric. Your most treasured yardage would work best

Carol with an E! So happy to see you here. As we crossed Arizona I thought of you a lot and if times had been different, would have popped in to visit. But we skipped everybody this trip. Covid, you know. I remember that you lost your dear Luke, but your new sweetie sounds like a delightful handful! Hope you are doing well and that Ken’s back is finally fixed! Don’t be worried about posting later in the day. I think most of us go back and read what we missed.

Mary Q, your new quilt is pretty! And I vote for a dog! Statistics prove that people who own dogs are healthier.

Chris, you are awesome! Thank you so much for checking on Karhy. I wanted to do that too but was just too hard on the road. Now all I have to do is give her a call since you’ve done all the work. And I would suggest if anybody sends her cards or packages that they put Kathy‘s own home address as a return address so if she were to be discharged it would still go to her.

Diane, good report on your foot! My sister had about 7 inches of staples in her knee and just had them removed. The first one was an Ouchie but after that she said they were no big deal.

SHARONA, saying prayers for your cousin and your friend. I hate for anybody to go through such an ordeal.

Jana, I pray Sarah is doing OK and has no lasting effects from her latest injury. That poor girl! Great news on Matt’s truck!

Katie, what a bummer about those dog meds! I would be a little frosted! Years ago before I joined this forum and I only had four shelves of fabric, I had mice and didn’t know it. One day I was investigating a bad smell and found they had taken over my fabric. The bottom shelf with their bathroom, the next shelf up their living quarters where they shredded fabric to make nests, in the top shelf was their Dining room where they had more than a cup of dry cat food squirreled away! It was embarrassing given this is a cat-run household!!

SUE – I had forgotten how many miles of mountains those Suskiyous are! And how they can eat up the last of your fuel! We were never so glad to see seven feathers fuel station!! And I did give some thought as we drove along, to you and your last trip through there! 🙀

Going to be a while before I can sew again. We moved a lot of the furniture and fabric out of my sewing room so our housesitter could make a bedroom. Putting it all back together is low on the priority list This week. So I am still just cross stitching to keep my hand in the sewing world.

Hoping your day is a great one!

Mary Z

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