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Saturday, December 19

Daily discussions.
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Re: Saturday, December 19

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:03 am

Good morning, it's a chilly morning here in the middle of California. Sitting here in my recliner with my laptop and coffee and a quilt over my legs. Jerry is in the other recliner with a warmer quilt and his tablet reading me news blurbs as he sees them. Moose is sprawled out on the couch laying on top of a quilt. Makes for a cozy and lazy morning.

Suzette, the Christmas Chronicles is a cute movie, have you watched the second one yet? Glad Michelle is on her way to getting that job. Jerry would like your Molasses sugar cookie recipe please. Yesterday he made ginger bread men and bought a jar of molasses. I told him he could have just hunted for moles and cut off their butts but he chose to get a jar. ha ha

Lois, love that your music decided to play in your manger. I recently went to the dollar store nearest to me ( we have to travel 30 miles to a town with grocery and other shopping) It's where I get the containers needed for giving Christmas cookies. Of all the dollar type stores this one is the best but in a bad part of town.

Maryz, sounds like that quilt shop you went to needs a new fabric cutter person. Your houses are adorable. I love green chilis, sounds like a good idea to add them to macNcheese, I have also added ham and that makes a good meal. Yes, my mac is really cauliflower, amazing how it is an acceptable substitute for rice, noodles and potatoes. My next try will be pizza using a slice of cabbage as the crust. it's fun to try new things.

Diane, I have to say I am glad you aren't flying. Best you be safe and have a chance to see those grandkids for years to come rather than take a chance on catching the virus and perhaps minimize those years with them. Anytime I have flown I have caught some kind of a cold, recirculated air I guess.

Judi, Your basement is going to be the go to place. I bet you all spend lots of time there after it's all done.

Flo, floors and walls. It's getting there. Yay you. Bet it's done soon.

Valerie, I wish we had some kind of a quilting class or open sew thing here. the closest place would be either Hilmar or Fresno both are over an hour away. Funny, many years ago my grandpa got an artificial tree at Sears at the after Christmas sale. they packed it up ornaments, lights and all. Then I inherited it and still use it today. Every year I say I wish I had a new tree then see the prices and decide this one is good enough. Probably best to not travel to Reno. Perhaps you can have Christmas in a couple of months.

Becca, sorry DH's blood work didn't turn out as expected. but thrilled you have a proactive doctor,

Jana, that Stu is a smartie, bet you and his mom end up making that doll and some clothes for her before it's all over. Yesterday you were up before the chickens, this morning I took Moose outside and heard two roosters, one next door and the other down the road in the opposite direction (crowing in stereo) they sounded like they were trying to out crow each other and had sore throats. it was pitiful.

Velda, I love self check out. it is so perfect for me. Nice to get in and out quickly.

Maryq, great deals on fabric, glad you got them. I am so not ready to pay crazy prices for fabric. There is a store about 1 1/2 hours from here that will take your unwanted fabric or patterns, books or tools and give you store credit. you can purchase other peoples unwanted things. It's a great concept but for me too far away to go often.

Sherry, Jerry and I are also staying home for Christmas. The neighbors kids will be with their grandparents so we will have Christmas with them on New Years Eve. Kind of a crazy year.

Judi, I wonder if we could get the address of the rehab center Kathy is going to when she goes. that would be a great place to send cards. I so appreciate Kimberly telling Chrissy who tells you so you can tell us what is going on.

My goal is to play in my room, I want to finish the boys stockings and cut up some scraps. I have two piles of scraps. Strips and not strips.

And that is it for me. I pray you all have a warm day, see you at noon for the prayer circle.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Saturday, December 19

Post by maryq » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:21 am

Good Morning Girls

Here I am, bringing up the rear again... still in jammies.. I should really try going to bed earlier at night, maybe I wouldn't sleep so late and waste so much of the day!

Since it's so late, and I have a few things on my to-do list today... I won't answer you all, but I will think of all you bakers and sewists today! I'll be in the kitchen myself for a while.. making my pickles for Nolan... last Christmas present to finish up. Took out butter to make sugar cookies, but not sure I'll go through with it. For me the sewing room is much more fun than the kitchen!

Facetimed with Shawn last night, he's going to try to set up a Zoom thing for all of us either Christmas Eve or Day. With everybody in different time zones it might be a little tricky. I don't know about all you guys, but it sure doesn't seem like Christmas in only a week away. Maybe it's because we still don't have any snow... Might have to turn on Christmas music today to get me in the mood!

Better get self dressed and get going on my pickles!

Wishing you all a Wonderful Saturday!

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Joined: Thu May 10, 2007 12:30 pm

Re: Saturday, December 19

Post by suzette58 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 2:38 pm

MaryZ - she is a nurse practioner but I am not sure what type of office she will be working in. I know she will be working Mt. Airy, NC. It is only about an hour away from here. When I find out I will let you know.

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