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Friday, May 1

Daily discussions.
Posts: 12646
Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Friday, May 1

Post by maryq » Fri May 01, 2020 8:15 am

Good Morning Girls

After a few beautiful days in a row, today we have rain.... but no worries, it makes the grass grow and the leaves on the trees pop open! I'll take it!

Suzette.... I'm with you... get as many errands run at the same time as possible. Used to do it that way just to save gas. In all that fabric I bought... there were 2 mystery quilt patterns. I just might have to try one ….. one of these days :lol:

Lois.. Love your table runner... SO Cute! When do your DS and DDIL get to move into their new house! This is sure the time to buy a new house with interest rates so low!

Judi... My goodness you sure worked your little fanny off yesterday! I'm going to enjoy every minute of today, because tomorrow is chore day at my house and I know I am NOT going to enjoy that! So many things have gotten ignore while mask making.... Including some windows. What's your formula for streak free windows! I did my patio door the other day, but now I see streaks UGH :cry:

Diane... We are on lock down here for another couple weeks, but boy are people getting mad at our governor. I hope your fund raiser goes great for the Vets Café... Local businesses really need our support now more than ever.

Becca.....When my kids were little, if the house was really clean, they thought we were having company. Now if they come to visit and the house is really clean, they think they are in the wrong house.

Maryz…. Is your Joann store open? I heard where SOME Hobby Lobbys are opening up. IF everybody would wear masks, that would be perfect. I was surprised how few people at WM were wearing masks. But I see where Costco is now requiring them. I'm still sewing masks.... talked to the gal the cuts my hair the other day... It was ESP as I was going to call her and see if she wanted masks for when they can open again. But since they can't open until after May 18th now, I have lots of time to make her some. Remember... gloves still carry the virus. When I go shopping I keep wipes with me, and wipe things as I pick them up, and constantly wipe my hands. Can't wait to hear what Bill got you for your birthday!

Sherry.... That's where I keep my masks.. in the car... and a little bottle of sanitizer too. By next week it will time to mow here too! Thankfully I have someone to do it for me! Still have my mower but it's dead dead dead and has a flat tire! Think I might try to get it running and sell it this summer! :lol:

Jana... I'm not much of a gardener at ALL, but I have been sort of thinking about getting a raised garden box and planting a few things.. No way I can get down on the ground for planting and weeding etc. But fresh tomatoes and cukes out of the garden would be so great! may be some onions! Send Sarah up here please!

Guess I'm going to get more masks done here today I better get to it. I have a commitment for 50 for a hospital not far from me... I have a zillion pieces cut out and lots of elastic, so I'll just keep going for a while. Tomorrow I'll take a break and do house chores... maybe do a few windows. I can really see how dirty the window is that I look out while I sew! UGH!

Wishing you all a Fabulous Friday!

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