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Friday February 14,2020

Daily discussions.
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Re: Friday February 14,2020

Post by zfatcat » Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:52 am

Maryq, I bet everyone will love their personalized bottles. Sounds like a lot of work though.

Sherry, glad your son is going to stay. My son live in Utah and I sure wish he was closer. At least I can hop on a plane and be there in a couple hours.

Not much going on today. We don't celebrate valentines. I already got the boys walked. DH went to breakfast with his DD and is going to see her new apt today. She will be moving in over the weekend with her boyfriend of 2 years.

I need to vacuum and dust. And sew! I haven't done much sewing this week.

Have a great day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Friday February 14,2020

Post by cindyg » Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:02 am

Got to work a little early so I could post but I was bombarded as soon as I walked in the door. Grrrr.

Jana - I hope you had a fun and blessed birthday yesterday. Yummy - that rootbeer float sounds so good!

Sherry - congratulations for your son on his raise and signing bonus. I'm glad he's staying sort of close to you. It was just at freezing this morning and there was ice on my windshield. Had to sit for a couple of minutes until the defroster melted it. When I got on the freeway I was behind someone whose windshield still was covered in ice and they were trying to drive...on the freeway...I couldn't see a thing out of their front window. They were weaving around. Scary! I slowed down to let them get way ahead of me as I didn't want to be anywhere close.

Diane - I don't know why Laura is having nerves burned but I sounds excrutiating. Prayer went up for her.

Maryq - 14 below. That's just waaaaaaay too cold for me. How long do you get socked in for? I like cool weather - just not below 50*. What is a Cameo? I suppose I could look it up, huh?

Maryz - Happy anniversary to you and Bill. You are such a super couple. As for Don and M.D. Anderson - we will wait until his next appointment with the oncologist to see what kind of cancer it is and the prognosis. If it's the worst kind of cancer then I'll insist on M. D. Anderson but we no longer have to go all the way to the med center downtown. They have satellite hospitals now and two of them are so much easier to get to. He said he wants to stay at North Cypress Med. Center because we are both still working and it's the closest and that where all of his doctors are. His pulmonologist, oncologist and pathologist are putting their heads together to come up with a treatment. Thanks for the prayers.

Becca - we were cold this morning (for us) but it will warm to 60* here, too, and it's going to be a bit warmer with sun all weekend. YEA.

Judi - enjoy the kids and Annabelle.

Izzy - I don't envy you with you mom. I hope you have hidden her meds so she won't be taking them all the time.

Suz - I'll be climbing Mt. Washmore this weekend. And hopefully sewing some.

Lois - enjoy your lunch with your son. I enjoy having a meal with Gavin or with my DD and SIL because I can concentrate on and conversation with them and not have all the other family distractions and noise.

I know I have laundry tomorrow and I hope to get in my sewing hole. Sunday we are either going to the RV show at the Reliant Arena or to the Texas A & M Cadet Choir thing at our church. I love RV's and I love choir music so my Sunday should be fun.

I hope we can all fondle fabric today.

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Re: Friday February 14,2020

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Feb 14, 2020 7:06 pm

Good evening, it's been a great day.

Jerry fixed my favorite supper, bbq steak, baked tater and instead of salad he made broccoli. Moose has two big bones in the fridge. just a wonderful end to a nice day.

So did you see, QIAD is offering teacher training in Paducah, KY. If a group of us were to go, I'd drive and we could share a room. It would be a dream.

I mentioned I wanted a new machine. Tina texted me today. the babylock Jazz is on sale. It's really a pretty machine. I'm so tempted.

Cindyg, I am so sorry to read about Don. Know that I am adding my prayers to the others here. And I am sending you a special hug.

Maryq, how was your dance with Mr. Maytag yesterday? I hear he loves to do the twist after being agitated. Maybe, if you're nice, he will take you for a second spin. I really think, that if I had a kid in today's world, I would consider home schooling. They offer tutoring for the hard stuff, it's a great option.

Lori, I really do like that quilt. Glad you tempted Mary and not me. do you just put all the blocks together then just fill in the spaces with strips or squares or make 4 patches or something. It's not for me, I'm asking for a friend.

Becca, I have been wondering about Sharona too. I have seen her on facebook recently. How is DH doing and the twins?

Judi, wow, Jana talking you into spring cleaning and Lori talking Maryz into making quilts. I had best be very careful, no telling what I can be talked into.

Lois, how did WW go? are you a big loser?

Suzette, you love those mystery quilts. I am always too chicken to try one because I worry I won't like it. Silly, I know.

Izzy, hope your mom and you get it all worked out. I remember having to write down the time that grandma had to eat or drink water so she would do those things. and when it was time to change the clocks back or forward she needed to know if she was still supposed to get up at a specific time. Yay for going potty like a big boy. He deserves a sticker, or some kind of treat.

Maryz, hope you had a wonderful anniversary, and that Bill loved his cookies. Mar has had a couple of boyfriends but if she doesn't like what they do or how they treat her she ends the relationship. Surprisingly, all the junk she's been through, she isn't a pushover. Things will be her way and she will stand up for herself. I'm really proud of her for that. Right now she is taking a vet class of some kind. It's an elective course at her school she is learning about animal health and how to treat them if needed. Not sure she will go on to be a veterinarian but at least she is taking something she can learn. So? are you going to make that Lori quilt?

Jana, I am sorry I missed your birthday. Happy belated birthday. Jerry's mom used to make a birthday cake, or a couple of cakes, each month for the family birthdays. Most in his family were born in September. it was a fun gathering.

Maryq, how did the water bottles turn out

Sherry, congrats to DS. what does he do? how nice to get a raise. I do love that Mar comes to visit. We try to do something fun while she is here. she is already planning to come back during spring breatk.

Lori, how is your granddaughter doing with the sewing machine you gave her?

Well it appears I need to search for brown bag mystery, thanks Suzette. You all have a marvy night

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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