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Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:04 am
by suzette58
Good morning everyone
I tried quilting hubby’s motorcycle wall hanging yesterday and had trouble with the ruler I was using. Even tho I have the correct foot for my Pfaff machine, it’s not working. So today I will un-layer the wall hanging and mark it for something else. When I took the dogs out this morning it feels like summer is gone. Finally. We will not have a pretty fall here this year. It is so dry the grass and leaves just crunch when you walk through the yard. I am off to find another cup of coffee. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:53 am
by grammiequilts
Good morning Suzette...49 here and the leaves are starting to turn. I always love fall...we spent most of the day at t eh campground setting up and chatting with the neighbors..DDs inlaws...then came home ate supper and headed off to the hockey game...Home and crashed,,,no sewing. Today is Applefest and I will walk the street fair later this morning, I am sure my sis will come down and a few others.. We see folks we havent seen in while. Suz I hope you get your quilting figured out. I hate unsewing a quilt...I need coffee and socks...trying not to turn on the heat yet,,,its the game we play every year...have a good weekend XXXXOOOOO

Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:24 am
by Becca
Hello everyone,cloudy here.

Suz Sure hope you get the Quilting worked out.I hate ripping.Our leaves here are just brown and falling off.Of course we have had no cold weather either.

Judi Sure hope the Apple Fest has lots of goodies for you.Enjoy your friends.

Maryq Last update the Twins were having tests & doing well.She will put one on today probably.

Val Glad the meeting went smooth.

Kathy So Glad Kim will be compensated.

My IPhone stopped working so guess that will be next project.Trying to decide on new one.I feel like going back to a flip

I got some bears cut & sewed for Benefit.Hope to get more today, Becca

Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:38 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

We are not quite freezing this morning, 33, right now. Gotta love, warm, snuggy quilts!

Today is Church. We have three sessions of General Conference today and two more tomorrow. So I will be watching and listening down in the Batt Cave. I have several projects going.

Uglies are done and even some of next week's uglies are done too.

Ethan loved seeing the train yesterday. Aaron put up the drone again and has some great footage. Gracie and Lila went too. We use the bed of Sarah's truck as a playpen, keeps Cup, Pint, and Quart corraled and safe, around the train tracks.


Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:41 am
by QuiltGram8
Suzette, Judi, Becca, you are the early birds today.
Suzette, sorry for the quilting woes. Hope you get it figured out.
Judi Applefest sounds fun. Hope you find some treasures.
Becca, hoping for good news on twins. It's been dry here and we have lots of leaves falling before turning colors. Some are turning, but peak colors will be another couple of weeks away.
Hard to believe that we will be heading south soon. Lyn starts here trek next week, and we don't start out until November 1.
Hope to sew a bit today on my Secret Santa project. Gotta go drink my coffee, it's getting cold on me. LOL
PS Jana, I love this new format, it allows you to see a new post that came while I was typing. Good morning to you, too. Glad you had a fun day.

Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:55 am
by zfatcat
Good morning.

Jana, how fun for the little ones to see the trains.

Judi, Apple fest sounds fun.

Suzette, bummer you have to in later and start again.

Velda, summer seems to have gone by way to fast. I do love Autumn though.

I'm off to an outdoor quilt show in Temecula today. We are meeting up with a group of about 10 quilters for lunch.
Should be a great day.

Have a wonderful day.

Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:40 am
by Quiltmom
Good morning all! Just a quick stop in this morning. Still sick. Went to Urgent Care on Wednesday and found not bacterial so can't get antibiotics. Just a very bad cold that I will have to work through with Coricidin HBP and Tussin DM. Couldn't go to Chris's football game last night. Found out that they won. Couldn't stand it anymore so bundled up with several layers of clothes and mowed my yard yesterday. The weather wasn't too bad. Today though I am paying for it. Will stay in this weekend. Doug and family have been so busy I didn't want to wait for them to do it. You know how mom's are.

Well time for more medicine so better go get it. Today is Michigan VS Iowa. Go Wolverines!! Since my Cubs didn't make the playoffs I am rooting for the Astros.

Hope everyone has a good day.


Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:48 am
by purrfect-lady
Good morning,

We moved to different campground yesterday near tiny town of Elma. Stopped at Warm factory and picked up my batting order. Bill’s sister lives here so we’ll have good visit with her and move to our third cg tomorrow at the ocean beach. Weather “iffy” at times, but camp-able. Home next Wed.

Mary z

Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 7:31 am
by suzette58
The good thing about my quilting is I have no stitching to take out. I was using a practice sandwich to quilt. So, I just have to unpin the layering and draw my lines I decdied I am going to do and layer it again.

Re: Saturday, October 5

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 7:42 am
by Marilynsgrammy
Good beautiful morning, it's going to be a stellar day today.

So many wonderful things going on here. I received my Amazon order. I had a refund gift card of almost $7 and was able to spend all but 32 cents of it. I ordered a cord that hooks my laptop to my cooling pad and got Moose some treats.

Grandma's house should be a done deal by the end of next week, this process has taken a full year and a half. My part won't be done until the bank account has been disbursed but at least I can move towards that end. I'm just thankful that I don't have to pay insurance and property taxes for 2020. This is the last thing I could have done for my grandparents. I am happy with the way I handled it

I will be working at the FOL book sale this weekend. Basically I will be straightening up books and pointing people toward the whatever section. It should be fun. I imagine someday there will be no books, what a sad day that will be.

Maryz, some September you will need to go to San Francisco go to their friends of the library sale. Oh my gosh, it's huge and just amazing.

Lyn, my grandma used to say ( about the bird who targeted your shoulder) Birdie Birdie in the sky, drop some wishwash in my eye, I'm a big girl I don't cry, I'm just glad that cows don't fly. :lol:

Lois, crock pot shopping sounds like an adventure. They have some you can turn on and off with your phone. If you take your crock pot to pot lucks they have them with locking lids. I've looked at the Lori Holt book too. I have two of her books and haven't touched them so I am not buying this one. It's on sale on the QIAD site.

Judi, I say it every year, someday I will be at the apple fest and we will have fun there.

Izzy, glad you noticed the batting missing before you quilted the quilt. You might need a check off list next to your machine. After reading your post where you notice the mistakes you made I wonder if people with Alzheimer's notice their mistakes? Maybe you are being shown something you will need to know one day to help others. Hope everyone is feeling better at your house.

Kathy, don't you just love to wake up and smell that it had rained.? It's one of my favorites.

Sharona, you always add happy to your tasks. I love that you are on security light changing detail. I imagine you as doing it with a smile.

Becca, I had to look twice when I saw you had "bears cut" then I remembered the great bears and dolls you make. Jerry would like to have a flip phone too.

Lori, some day I will come to that Temecula quilt show and then we will head to Judi's apple fest.

Looks like a lot of fall weather out there. I have my SS gift just about ready. Not sure if I will get something together to send a teaser this year or not. Maybe I will find something wonderful when Valerie and I meet at the quilt show in two weeks.

I am off for a big breakfast then to go play in the library, you all have a most wonderful day.