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Tuesday, August 20

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Tuesday, August 20

Post by suzette58 » Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:47 am

Good morning everyone.
My son Ricky sent me a text yesterday and he is coming down for a quick trip on the 30th. I can’t wait. I spent just about all day in my sewing room quilting a baby quilt for our great niece. I may have told you before but I used a tan and cream jelly roll and sewed 3 together and cut it into squares and sewed them in different directions. One up and down and then one across. A woman that comes to the quilt shop does machine embroidery and I bought a sloth stuffed toy. The face is emroidered on so it is safe for the baby. To post pictures is it done the same as before? I am off to find more coffee. Have a great day.

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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Aug 20, 2019 4:26 am

Good Morniing Sue n everyone else...Today is morn of the same...Liam will work on his tractor and I will make sure he isnt getting into things he shouldnt. Our youngest son dropped by for a visit last night,,,He rides a harley and since we are out in the country sort of he likes to ride here,,,We have all of our nieghbors that ride,,,Except for the elderly couple across the street who complain about the noise;;;I dont pay attention cause they are good people.
I will start taking more stuff out to the camper today while Liam does his thing,,,They got all the body parts repainter (John Deer Green) and will work on the mover deck tonight, (john Deer yellow) Then Ken will trailer it to their house where Liam will resume his landscaping business...He does cut for 3 neighbors and before my sis gsve him this tractor he did it by hand,,,he is excited to use the tractor,,I am hoping hr can get it done befroe we leave...
I did work on the woolie table runner a bit last night,,,it will be my take along project,,,
Well I need coffee before Liam gets up...He puts in such hard days working on things,,,the boy has a work ethic that rivals most adults....Have a great day XXXXOOOO

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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by FlorenceM » Tue Aug 20, 2019 4:31 am

Surgery went well and no problems. For me it's take it easy still. No real pain, just sore. Nice to have it behind me.
Suzette quilt sounds wonderful.

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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by Becca » Tue Aug 20, 2019 4:54 am

Good morning everyone,cloudy & foggy here.

Suz Sure you a e excited about DS coming.Your quilt sounds cute.

Judi Sad to say but many adults today have no work ethic.Its surely been taught in our family.My DGSs & DGDs all are good workers.

Flo Happy surgery went well for you & Know it’s a big big relief.Rest & recup.

TWINs report on scan.Blood is dissolving on its own.Thats a great blessing.They continue to grow & thrive.Thank you for praying.Levi starts back work today.Will be a lot of traveling for him.

Have some uglies along with taking DH for haircut.And a couple errands too.Hope everyone has a great day. Becca

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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:28 am

Good morning Everyone,

Today we have a few errands to run and my Dgd Olivia and her girlfriend Sky are coming down for an overnight visit they will be going to the beach on Wednesday she is also going to cut my hair.
And when we get back I want to sew.

Suzette you really whip those projects out.
Flo prayers for a speedy healing.
Judi have a great day with Liam.
Becca glad the twins are coming along prayers are continued.

Well time is Everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:29 am

Good morning Everyone,

Today we have a few errands to run and my Dgd Olivia and her girlfriend Sky are coming down for an overnight visit they will be going to the beach on Wednesday she is also going to cut my hair.
And when we get back I want to sew.

Suzette you really whip those projects out.
Flo prayers for a speedy healing.
Judi have a great day with Liam.
Becca glad the twins are coming along prayers are continued.

Well time is Everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:46 am

Good morning,
Been neglectful getting to daily sew in. Turns out caregiver has no kitchen skills so prepping Dad’s lunch everyday before work and had a busy weekend. I need to find some TV tray type devices so I can prep on the weekends and freeze.
Izzy, a two year old with an attitude that needs rearranging, how odd, LOL! I am sure you got your point across.
Sharona nice job on the quilt. Nice job on the grandson too!
Mary I guess I missed before that Vicki has Huntington’s. Probably one of the worst diseases there is. But I am with you, the Rats gotta go! It won’t be long you will have rats too!
Chriss when I called my older sister that Mom was imminently dying she refused to get on a plane and let her husband take care of the dogs and then drive out on his own. Needless to say, Mom died before she got there. Nothing you can do, it is up to them to make the decision. My sister’s don’t come see Dad here either.
Becca great news about the twins. Glad the clot is resolving.
Flo glad the surgery went well.
We have a new weekend supervisor at work. We will be heading up to Vacaville today so I can show her how to do an in home visit audit. We have 5 patients at one assisted living up there so we will do them all. Plus supervisory visit for the home health aide we send up there. On our way back, if our little lady in Fairfield is still with us, we will stop by and see her. She is hanging on to we know not what, just isn’t her time I guess.
Not much else new. I got the Jelly Roll off to the quilter. Will start my Vintage Christmas next.
Off to populate nursing notes as I won’t be in office today to do it.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by cindyg » Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:48 am

Suz - I'm confused (what else is new???) on your quilt. I understand sewing 3 strips together and then cutting squares then putting them one up, one down and one across. Are you doing a Rail Fence where you put the squares one up and down and then one where the stripes go sideways? How long is your son staying? That is Labor Day weekend so I'm thinking he might have an extra day.

Judi - my DH would love to have Liam around to putz with him. He's quite a kid. How long will you be gone? Thru Labor Day? I don't mind motorcycles except for one thing - people don't watch out for them. Gavin's friend was killed on one a couple of weeks ago. He was driving along and a lady pulled out in front of him in a SUV. So sad, so young.

Flo - good to read that your surgery went well. How long do you have to take it easy?

Becca - I have superb work ethics if I do say so myself. My girls are pretty good, too. My DH has almost no hair so I give him his haircuts....with the dog clippers. Bzzzzzzzz - done! LOL Great news about your twinkies.

Nothing new here. Today is lunch with the church friends so DH is on his own for dinner because I only eat one big meal a day. We only have one more segment of Downton Abbey to watch so after tonight we'll be done with it. I can't wait for the movie to come out around Sept. 20th. We'll wait for a couple of weeks because I suspect the theaters will be packed with Downton Abbey fans at first. My crock pot chicken and dressing turned out pretty good and there's enough for tomorrow night so I won't have to cook anything except a veggie. Yea! Then maybe I will start on the baby quilt.

I hope we can all fondle some fabric today.

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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by auntjana » Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:02 am

Good morning!

The hustle and bustle of school starting has livened up the neighborhood this morning. I can hear more car noise outside as the school is just a block away.

Not much here. Just another day in paradise. I don't has plans for anything. Will just see what kind of trouble I can get into.

Do something fun!


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Re: Tuesday, August 20

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:12 am

Good morning,

JUDI - I bet you and Ken are so proud of Liam! Heck! I am, too! Have more fun packing for camping.

FLO - glad the surgery is in your rear view mirror.

BECCA - such good news to hear about the twins! I look for your report every morning!

JANA - happy first day of school to Ethan and the gang! School never starts here until the Wednesday after Labor Day. Since I walk a couple miles every morning I dread school because of the traffic. We live on the route to two high schools and an elementary. Lots of teen drivers.

SUZETTE - I made a quilt like that once. It was called Split Rail and I made it for Bill's Dad but he died before I could give it to him. Bill has it now. How fun to have Ricky's visit to look forward to! When is he getting married?

I straightened and rearranged some of my fabrics yesterday and made brownies for our floor crew. They are maybe 20% done with the floor and we're loving it. Vinyl planks of varying colors that look like old barn boards. Laid on a 45* angle. We love it!

We called the Crisis Line at Adult Protective Services. FINALLY someone is listening! The person we talked to said she thinks we have enough to go to the courthouse and file a petition for involuntary commitment for Vicki. Up to 72 hours while she is evaluated. Depending on the outcome of that they could keep her for another 30 days or 90 days, or place her permanently. To do that we have to have pictures, videos, witnesses, a written time line of major events, and our journal. We have all that and more, but need to get it organized. But this is serious business, getting another person removed from the home of 43 years that she truly loves, rats or not. It hurts my heart and now I'm hesitant. :( I'd just like to have our old neighbor back.

I had to order batting and wide backing for Bill's sister's quilt - Grunge fabric in "ash" color. This quilt is about 96"" by 104". I can't wait for it to be quilted. Their new house should be finished about mid-October so I have a little time.

Today I have my annual physical. I'm not expecting any surprises, but will be glad to have it behind me.

Make your day a good one!

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