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Happy Monday November 12, 2012

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Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:35 pm

Good Morning Everyone,

Well today is monday and I don,t know if I have to go to work only because we deal with mail and when the post office is closed they might cancell the PT without pay of corce.

If they do cancell us then I will work on my quilt .

I Hope Everyone Has A Great Day.
Prayers Go Out To All In Need.

Lois BBL

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by msdeets » Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:40 pm

Good Morning Cotton Pals

Well I finally got my cable and internet back

It has been 14 days I was lost without it.
I just hope it stays on.

I have the roofer and possibly an adjuster
coming today.
The adjuster for the flood will not be here
until the 23rd.

Hopefully I can start some sewing today
I am exhausted cleaning up and throwing
things out.

I almost cried when my sewing machine
went into the dumpster.
Have a wonderful day everyone

Thank you to all who serve our Country.
We really appreciate the sacrafice that you have made.

Dgod bless

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:50 pm

Good Morning

I up and reading posts, but not doing much better. Got some of my voice back, but the brocitis cough is really loose. It's breaking up that is the good news. We leave early Wed morning for DC. That only gives me today and tomorrow to shake this thing. ugggh!!!

Have to start lining up my clothes and things to take with us. Have to start getting camper ready for travel too as we will only be here one day after this trip and we will be heading south. hip hip hurray!!!

Now I know I have no time to sew until we get settled in at the RV park in Texas. Boy, I can't wait!!! It was nearly 70 degrees on Sat. Then yesterday it was wild, wild, wind. Today after rain and cold front, the highwill be only 38 degrees. I am hating this weather. But then my thoughts go out to our NJ friends who have suffered oh so much more. That puts me back into a better state of mind, with prayers for their comfort and healing. God Bless all of YOU.

Luv and Hugs
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by suzette58 » Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:04 am

Good morning Delores, Velda, Lois and those that follow.
Well, yesterday I got the 9 patch straightened out. Today, I will put the final border on it. Then I can go and get the backing fabric. It looks so much better. I also am hoping to get more work done on the Christmas stockings. That was a whopper of a fight at the NASCAR race yesterday. They had to stop the race until the fight was over. I am sure the officials will be meeting today. Anyway, have a great day.
Delores - I am sorry about your sewing machine. Hang in there.
Velda - make sure to bring a combination of clothes for your trip to Virginia. I live in the area where you are going and today is supposed to be pretty. But, then the temps are supposed to cool again. Where is your son retiring from?
Lois - have a great day. Even if you have to go to work.


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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by momof6quilts » Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:21 am

I got the Pineapple block done :-)

Going to my MIL's this morning, Then coming home and getting ready for Shannon to come tonight with her children. We are having a movie night. Watching October Baby. Tomorrow Tia will be coming with Jovanna. I'll have to call Kim and see if she can come one day this week too.

I hope everyone has a great day!

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:27 am

DELORES - your sewing machine going into the dumpster almost made ME cry, too! I hope you have replacement insurance.

VELDA - a prayer for a speedy recovery so you can enjoy the retirement ceremonies and then the trip south.

LOIS - I hope your day turns into whatever you wish it to!

VICKY - how many blocks are done now and how many to go on Kim's quilt? Enjoy your girls and DGK's tonite!

SUZETTE - how many stockings are you doing? I know you've said, but my old memory just isn't what it used to be.

Wurstfest is over and we are back in Georgetown. Sue and Cindy and their DH's are much fun to oompah around with! My DD and SIL drove down to spend some of it with us, too. She brought me a package of fabric I'd ordered from QIAD and had delivered to her, and also a package from my SS! 2 cozy mysteries with a crocheting theme. Can't wait to dig into them!

I think I told you that while we are here I'm going to be volunteering 1/2 day every Thursday at my DD's library. Well, as my volunteer work, she decided she wants me to sew! This is just getting better and better! Big cushions for the little kids' room for them to loll around on during story time.

Today, I think I'll get out my sewing machine - first time in 5 weeks! - and sew DH and I some stockings for Christmas.

Make your day count!

Mary z

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:39 am

Good morning, I was up early this morning,,Art woke me up with back and hips...I took tylenol and got the bread dough going. it is windy and rainy and that probably accounts for the aches.but it isn't too cold yet,,,,tomorrow we will only get into the 30s. I know you all head south and complain about the cold but I actually like the colder weather,,,I get a ton of sewing done and I especially love the holidays in my home. DH would head to Florida the first day it went below 40. Not me,,,,but in March we head down for 2 weeks vacation and by then I am tired of the cold and needing a break....Everyone is different, My babies are coming in next Sunday for a week.....Thanksgiving with us...and hugs and kisses time....They will have a couple of dinners with other side but I can go to their house and see them the whole week...In laws have not moved in yet. I am excited.

Well I must confess I really blew it....It was almost 70 and beautiful yesterday and I should have gotten the lights out for the outside. I didn't and now it is cold and rainy, My bad. and my clean windows are covered with rain...it is really blowing out there. Now I will probably have to decorate for Christmas in the cold....we shall see.

Maryq I always count on you and DD to tell me the weather,,,cause it come from your way.

Well everyone have a great day..stay dry and warm where ever you are...

A few years back(before we moved here) we had a basement flood from storms and I lost a lot of stuff...I did clean and dry out an old sewing machine and had it serviced and it worked fine,,,So sorry your went into the dumpster, Lois. Hope you were able to save some things. Also let me know if you didn't find the pattern for the 10 minute tablr runners...I will try to send a link if someone will show me how....XXXOOO BBL
Sorry I stepped on you Maryz are you home yet?

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by suzette58 » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:22 am

I am so proud of my son. Our health care is jumping the first of the year. I talked to him this morning about him taking over his car insurance. I was worried that he would be upset. Not at me but at something that is totally our of his control. But, he was really cool about it. He was more then agreeable. We are so lucky.

MaryZ - I have 6 stockings to finish up. I have been trying to work some on each project.

Have a great day everyone.



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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:30 am

Good morning... I am still trying to finish up this cold.. I think I have attacked it pretty well and am on the winning side.. which you all must be greatful for because I am probably starting to sound like a complaining whinny baby.. sorry, new subject..

Dolores, sorry about your machine... but so thrilled you have power and are on your way to getting it all cleaned up... why does it take the adjuster so long? is it because he has so many places to go see?

Velda, hope your cough goes away soon... happy traveling south.. what fun...

Suzeete, glad your 9patch is all figured out..it is a great pattern and makes a nice quickie quilt... have fun with the stockings, I loved making mine...

Vicky.. enjoy your movie.. will there be popcorn? smooch the kids for me...

Maryz.. glad DD wants you to sew... I thought that machine of yours would never see daylight...kids love cushions... you could make then in differnet shapes.. triangle, circle, dog bone, HEXIGON, the fun will never end..... glad you girls had fun at the wurtfest....

Judi, sorry the windows are getting wet... see, you should just leave them alone...lol.. happy grand visiting.. hope you leave lip prints all over those kids...

Suzette, you son is so wonderful because he has great parents.. had you not parented him to be considerate and kind he would have thought you owed him the insurance.. instead he appreciates what you have done... he is blessed with a great mom and dad who have guided him... gosh I wish kids now adays had participating parents...

Lois.. if you work hope it's a quickie...

Dolores.. here are links to the 10 minute table runner

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGhUslU0 ... GhUslU0WGI this one is utube

http://www.rgadesignquilts.com/store/im ... %20Bag.pdf this one is the pattern.

yesterday I made something for my SS and I sewed it on the wrong end and before my head engaged I cut the corners off so I need to have a do-over..maybe I can tackle it tonight...

and it's time for some breakfast.. bought a new cereal something with yogurt clusters??? not sure but it was cheap and intriguing...

you all have a super duper day...
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:30 am

JUDI - I must have walked on you. I, too, like cold weather, though I admit ours at home is kind of miserable at 40 and drizzly for 4 months. I'd prefer 30 and snowy! I wouldn't be doing the snowbird thing for myself, but this is for Bill. He hates winter at home. And since my DD moved to Texas, we thought we'd really do it up brown and spend the holidays with her since she is too new to her job to get time off to come home for the holidays. But I wouldn't do this every year! Not for 4 months! I love Christmas at home, too, and love decorating, baking, shopping, and all that goes with it. So our plan is to leave here Jan 2 and slowly work our way home through AZ, getting back about Feb 1st. And we have someone in our house until then - a nephew transplanting to Seattle area - so even if we come home early, we'll still have to be in our trailer.

CHRISS - you, too? Guess I was careless with my walking-on-folks this morning! glad you're feeling better. But really - HEXAGONS?? I have a thought about that . . . but maybe I'll save it for later. lol!!

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