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Tuesday 29November

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:37 am

Good morning all... I get to have jury duty today.. if I am there at least 4 hours my job will pay me for the day... if I am there less than 4 hours I have to go back to work and will get paid for the day...

I plan to get to the post office today and get my packages off..I wouldn't want anything to be late...

Teresa, my fav cookie is oatmeal with butterscotch chips... Jerry will make cookies he makes a sugar cookie with a cookie press, it's his mom's recipe.... prayers for your proceedure.

Lois.. what are you working on?

Dolores.. I love the quilt class idea... the local community college here offers an adult education class for free...maybe there is a college near you needing your services incase the high school doesn't come through... glad the ankle is working...

MaryRose, glad you found some workable fabric... and extra glad it required a trip to the quilt shop... our quilt store has a 40% off sale on 12/31 I think I will grab Ashley and take her with me... but I haven't told her that yet... wanna go?

Suzette, glad your heat is unclogged... as for the ugly quilt, some little kid is going to fight over that quilt one day... a bigger kid will either call it ugly or try to take it from him and because he loves it so much he will defend it and fight for it....I can picture it now a little Opie Taylor with his dukes up...

Jules..I love a good pair of slippers... a hard sole is important.. especially if it has enough tread to prevent you from slipping... if I am home I am in my slippers... still looking for a dressy enough pair to wear to church...lol

Vicky.. weren't Tia and JR building a house? how is that coming.. bet there is a lot of work for both of them with the construction... hope you get that quilt top done..

Kathy, it always takes time to learn a new routine, I think getting things done before work is great... then you come home and have you time...glad you go so much done in the basement with the Christmas decorations...

Luv2... not sure it's any safer to stay home.. there are home invasions here that are really awful... and I really don't think it's going to get better out there as people get more desperate..

Mel.. what a treat, free air fare to Germany... how exciting for you...

Jana.. wow, when you say 21 days it really seems closer than when you say 3 weeks.. I am so excited for you

O'Dorothy, sorry the kids had to go home... but glad that you got to have time with your son...

Ashley, it was fun having you around for turkey day... hope there are many more...

guess I need to hit the showers, don't want to be a stinky juror.... you all have a marvelous day
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by Joannequilts » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:01 am

Good Morning from gloomy, 40's, and getting ready for a little snow this afternoon!

As soon as Jeff, Earl's son that lives next door, gets home from work, they will haul Earl's train display into the village and set it up at the Insurance Office so it will be ready for the Christmas Walk on Friday night. He sets it up every year.

Today I have to go to Windy's World for the bias binding for the checkers bag..and hopefully finish the binding on the quilt part. As soon as I have my toast I'll go there.

Dolores, what a great idea for "if" you get laid off! Wanda, that owns Windy's World does something similar. She has a quilting group in the high school that meets after school in the Home Ec room to make quilts for charity. They learn to quilt and give at the same time.

Jules, where did you get your new slippers??? I have some that are made out of deer skin and fir...they were $50, but I love them! And they generally last about 4 yrs. They keep your feet warm, but never make your feet "sweat"! They have no soles, but the deer skin is tough and I can run outside for a short time in them.

Well, gotta run!


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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by grammiequilts » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:13 am

Good morning all...Teresa I think you are right, I messaged CindyB on facebook to see if she is sending out the list. I will send out cards and whatever will be will be. I started writing mione already and have a few to post out of the country so a trip to the post offic4e is in order this week. Ity is very windy and sideways rain today, It blew all night and there is flooding. My yard is a lake instead of a river today.

I will head to weight watchers this noontime. Not looking forward to it but it must be done. I am still trying to lose the elucive 5 lbs. I am sure I gained this week with Thansgiving. But I will keep trying to keep the weight off. I woke up with a sinus issue this morning,,,I am hoping the hot coffee will relieve it. hate headaches.

I have 2 pair of slippers I have all but worn out.....maybe santa will bring me some new ones. oh there is a pair out in the camper too.

I will sit with the kids tonight I haven't seen them all week so a fix is in order.

Hope you all have a great day.....stay warm and dry. XXXOOO

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:41 am

Happy Tuesday!

JULES – postage can be a shocker! But it’s Christmas, so I suck it up and pay. When DH and I were in Europe for 6 weeks in 2003, we mailed some things home from Brugge, Belgium. It cost $82 American. Just clothes and a few small souveniers. The post master gave us such a scolding for wasting our money that we almost missed our train! Have fun playing with your toys in your studio today!

TERESA – sorry you have to have a ‘scope, but better to find out what the problem is. The CC card company didn’t call us, but Target did. They said it just seemed fishy to them that we would buy $140 of Legos and have them sent clear across the country. Doesn’t seem odd to me but something flagged their attention. Then we called our CC company. Now we’re checking our account every day.

LOIS – we don’t often see one of us saying, “I hope to come home and do uglies”. lol! I hope you get at least a little sewing in there.

DELORES – perhaps your stint at home with your ankle was divine design to let you see the positives of being at home! I think your class idea is awesome. Do you have a nearby LQS? They might like your classes, too. And they might even bring in some $$. Or better yet - fabric!

MARY ROSE – Thank heaven it was only the vacccum that broke and not your sewing machine!!

SUZETTE – so happy you got your furnace fixed! I hope you can get the Kids’ Ugly Quilt done today. Don’t forget – you promised us photos!

VICKY – I feel sad about your son’s dog. Will he check out the home he sends her to to make sure it’s a good one?

KATHY – I would hate starting work at the time you do. Not enough time in the morning to get into anything and not enough in the evening. How come you’re taking your Christmas decorations back to the basement? I thought you just brought them up.

L2Q – sorry about your neighborhood crime wave. I saw an interview on TV once from a reformed thief. He said one easy deterrent is a BIG dog dish on the front porch. OR – a big dog! Even our sheltie lets nothing come in the yard without our knowing about it.

CHRISS – will you just be interviewing today to see if you get selected or are you actually there to act on a jury? I can see you now walking into church in your dressy ‘slippers’ – high heel slides with a fluffy feathery pom pom over the toe! People might get a certain impression! lol!

JOANNE – is it time for your Christmas Walk already?? Don’t forget to show us this checkers project. I’m dying to see it.

JUDI – the coffee might help your sinuses if you hold your nose over the steam. I’ve got slippers on my list, too. They’ve been on my list for 2 yrs so you can imagine the shape my slippers are in! They are suede leather with sheepskin lining and outdoor soles. I live in them when inside. I only wear shoes if I absolutely have to.

DH has only two borders left to do on our friend, Betsy’s quilt! The pattern he chose is fantastic. I can’t wait to show it to you. And you’ll all smile to hear that he has learned how to frog!! We do have a problem, though. This quilt was pieced 8 yrs ago and then stuffed in a bag. Over the years, one border has really stretched out of shape. Almost to the point where I’m considering taking a few narrow little darts in it to take up the excess. Anyone here have any other ideas?

I’m all ready to sew the binding on that quilt today when DH is done with it. Plus, I plan to do some Christmas shopping. Our family Christmas begins Dec 8th so I gotta get it together pretty soon. Yesterday I wrapped most everything I have, but I’m only half-done. And there’s uglies to do. So it will be another busy day here at the Hopping Z!

Hope your day is sew fine!

mary z

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by womster » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:45 am

Good morning and Happy Tuesday!

Jules – sounds like you had a fabulous day yesterday. I hope your new slippers work as advertized – how comfy you’ll be! Have fun sewing today.

Teresa – darn – too bad we have to wait until Thursday to find out what is going on. So sorry you’re not feeling well.

Lois – happy short work day! I hope you get a lot of sewing done.

Dolores – so glad you’re happy to be back at work! I can’t believe they doubled the number of people being laid off - wow. I love your new attitude. What a gift you would be giving those high school students.

MaryD – how fun that your DH was helping you at the LQS! Glad you were able to find a couple pieces that will work. Have a great day at work.

Suzette – so glad your furnace is working again! Hope all your numbers come out well. I’m cheering for you to get the quilt done so you can get it behind you and start on something you’ll love.

Vicky – Caleb is being very mature about the dog. Good for him for wanting what is best for her, even though it will be very sad. I hope it works out for all of you. Too bad Tia can’t come. Why did your MIL cancel her test? I’m glad you were able to get some rest.

Kathy – I think I like your daily routine. I’m lucky to make it down the stairs and make coffee without hurting myself, so I pretty much just get on the computer and drink coffee until things start clicking. Good luck getting the stuff back down to the basement. Hope your rain ends soon.

Luv – what a shame – did they catch these guys? I’m so sorry you and your DH have to live in fear like that – it’s just not right. I pray you have a great day today.

Chriss – have ‘fun’ at jury duty – which outcome are you rooting for? It was always nice to have a change in routine – jury duty provided a distraction…

Joanne – how nice that Earl’s train is taking a trip into town! Hope you find the bias you need. Happy sewing.

Judi – brrr – your weather sounds cold and dreary. Have a great time with the DGKs today.

I did manage to get my prototype cupcake mini-bag done yesterday. I got hung up on ‘boxing’ the ends. I decided last night to do an internet search, and finally figured it out after reading three or four different descriptions with lots of pictures. So today it’s back up to the sewing room to fix the prototype and then start on the real ones. Our DS2 called from Ohio this morning – they’re all sick with awful-sounding colds. As for slippers – I have my ‘Old Friend’ slippers on – they have a rubber sole and my old orthotics are in there as well. They’re lined with that sheep stuff – love ‘em! Hope everyone has a great day! xoxo - Sharona

Maryz - you snuck in!! I sure hope you get your slippers. I can't wait to see pictures of the first q-bot quilt. Have fun finishing up your Christmas.

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by cindyg » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:50 am

Jules - I need slippers like that. What kind are they? I hope they work great for you. I thought about you last night. I opened the closet in my sewing studio and thought "I really need to pull a Jules and get in here and straighten all this up".

Teresa - good idea. I might have myself a fire in the fireplace, turn on Christmas music and finish decorating my tree tonight and get it over with. I am so NOT in the Christmas spirit. It's selfish but I'd rather be sewing. I hope you feel better soon.

Lois - I'm jealous - you get to sew today.

Delores - oh, I hope you don't get laid off. It's very generous of you to go to the school and offer your free services of teaching a quilting class if you do get laid off.

MaryD - I LOL at your DH pulling fabric to help you. I won't let my DH pick out anything - he's color blind but will never admit it. LOL

Suz - did you watch the heater repairman so that if it happens again you can unclog it yourself? If I have to have fasting bloodwork done I schedule it for 7:00AM. I fix my cup of coffee and leave it in the car so that as soon as I've done the lab thing I can drink my coffee right away.

Vicky - sorry Tia can't come today. Caleb is very mature. He's putting the dogs well-being ahead of his own feelings - bless his heart. You got lucky with your MIL yesterday. God knew you needed some rest.

Kathy - at least you get up and go something before you eave for work at 9:45. I'm afraid I'd stay up late and then sleep until 8:45 on work days - LOL.

Luv_2 - I hope the theives ran away when she came home. It's a pretty sad statement about the moral state of the world today but everyone in my neighborhood has a security system. I don't set it at night when we are there but we set it when we leave the house.

Chriss - I hope you are at jury duty for 4 hours and 5 minutes so that you can go home but get paid for a whole day. WOO HOO

Joanne - how cool that Earl set up his train at the ins. office.

Grammie - maybe you should write a note for Santa with the exact slippers you want and the size and where to get them. My santa needs to be hit over the head! LOL LOL

Well, I'm at work with lots to do. Going to mail off my SS gift today, go home and fix dinner and then try to get myself in the Christmas mood by lighting the fireplace, turning on Christmas music, and decorating. I've been procrastinating - just not in the mood. But it's time to do it and get it over with. We didn't take any pictures of our sew-in at Sue's over the weekend. Heck, I was trying to remember all the sewing stuff I needed to take and it didn't dawn on me to take the camera or even use my phone to take pix. Sorry.

I hope you can all fondle some fabric today.

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by cindyg » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:55 am

Maryz - yes, taking a few small darts in that border is the way to go. It's much better than pleats on the front! Can't wait to see it. Another theft deterrant is a HUGE pair of work boots sitting by the front door.

Sharona - can't wait to see your cupcake purse pix. I know they must be adorable.

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by Jules » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:24 am

Stopped for another break, Im nearly done woohoo, trouble is now I’m almost done I’ve got an urge to just shove the last of what needs sorting off my desk and start sewing again LOL

Vicky – sorry Tia can’t come to sew today but glad you’re still going to sew, and its hard to give up pets but glad Caleb has made the right decision, i had to rehome my 2 dogs when I had an exceptionally bad bout of sarcoidosis, was such a hard decision, and Charley was distraught but it was the best thing for the dogs......glad Emily’s concert went well, hope you don’t get too tired today :)

Kathy – never heard of the Container Store and i think it’d be dangerous if i lived near one, especially if i found a container big enough for DH, then the place would never get messy again LOL

Luv2 – it can be quite frightening when you hear of break ins very close by......have a good day

Chriss – ooh it’d be nice if jury duty lasted 4 hours and 5 mins, you get paid and can head home :) i love slippers too, once i went shopping and when i got to the shops i realised i still had my slippers on, i dived into the first shoe store i found and bought something to wear round the shops :)

Joanne – i ordered them online, they are called Skechers Tone Ups Lands Slippers and were £45/$68 but i’ve felt like i was walking on air all day, so i’m very pleased....yours sound fabulous, deerskin and fur

Grammie – good luck at weightwatchers and the elusive 5lbs, hope your sinus and headache clears, enjoy the kids later

Maryz – yep postage is a shocker and i feel we get held to ransom in the uk, we pay a lot for mail to be delivered but they will only guarantee one service and of course thats the one that costs an arm and a leg and with it being Christmas they will openly tell you that if you want it to arrive you’d better pay the top rate else it may never get there.......why do they bother having the cheaper rates if they can’t be bothered to deal with it!!!! Ok off my soap box now, i do pay whatever it is cos i’d rather people get their gifts than not at all........glad you got alerted about the CC, we got done once in Costco......the cashier asked DH to put his pin number in for his debit card and then told him it hadn’t gone through could he do it again, then alerted another member of staff to check the card and asked DH again to put his number in again, they then told us to use another card, DH couldn’t understand why it hadn’t gone through and the next day he logged on to check his account and it had disappeared, this was a Saturday and we were going to Vegas on the Monday and his account was gone, try getting hold of a bank manager on a Saturday afternoon, eventually he did and they told us they had suspended his account while they tracked the fraudsters and knew it was from costco, but they had cleared our account of £40k.......it was an awful weekend not knowing if we’d ever see the money again or have any money to take on vacation, but the bank gave us an emergency fund and by the time we got home they had restored our funds but couldn’t tell us anymore as it was now a criminal matter for the police......we did notice that since then costco changed how they take card payments, the machines aren’t behind the counter and the till staff turn away when you put your pin in the machine........cant wait to see what Bill has done, happy shopping :)

Sharon – can’t wait to see your cupcake mini bag , sorry your sons family are all sick, at least they’ll be well for Christmas :)

Cindyg – haha ‘pull a Jules’ i like it, hope your sorting doesn’t take as long as mine has, but i’m almost done :) :) my slippers/shoes are made by skechers, they’re called tone ups lands slippers and i don’t think they are slippers just called that because they are a mule style shoe and you can ‘slip’ your feet into them, they are really comfy have taken all the pressure off my heels where i have bone spurs, love them, have fun decorating later, i’ve been playing Michael Buble’s Christmas CD in the car :)

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by FarmChick » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:32 am

Good morning! I behaved myself on cyber Monday and didn’t order any fabric. I resolve to use what I have on hand… (Resolutions are made to be broken, so we’ll see how long that lasts)… Still, I feel pretty virtuous! I stayed away from the computer (temptation) and sewed on Christmas gift table runners. I have several by my TV watching chair ready for the binding handwork. It was a good day.

I may have already told you this, but, my DGD came over Friday after Thanksgiving. She is 10 years old and in 5th grade and just too cute. Her quilt came back from Teresa after her golden quilting touch. I let her open the box, and she was thrilled. Teresa did teddy bears as DGD hoped. She spread it out and traced them and kept saying, “I love it. I love it. I just love it!” Such a sweetie! She insisted I take her back home with me to do the binding, so we spent the afternoon finishing it. She was sewing and she turned to me and said, “You don’t have to get me a Christmas present.” She waved her arm around and said, “You’ve given me all this!” I said, “What the gift of sewing?” She said, “Yes, and my quilt!!! I love sewing!” The day we made her quilt, she got in her mom’s car and told her, “This has been one of the best days of my life.” It was a good day!!! Fabric: Master Card; Quilting: a check; day spent with DGD---PRICELESS!!!

Dolores—you may want to even consider a middle school or grade school to volunteer your services if you are laid off. DGD and even DGS a couple of years ago (age 8 and 3rd grade) loved learning to sew! My DGS has been making things for the 4-H fair since the first summer I helped him learn to sew. They are more eager to learn than the older DGKs. If you have one experience like I had with DGD, you will have your BEST reward! One of the DGDs told me I should teach sewing; I was flattered! I had both girls set up at separate machines in my sewing room.

Today I will be working on more Christmas sewing. Hope everyone has a special day!!!

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Re: Tuesday 29November

Post by gramajojo » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:31 am

Morning, all, I was just taking a break between bankruptcies and thought I would check up on what everyone was up to. I usually read every day, but don't always have time to post. Well, I was intrigued by Jules slippers so I googled them, and after checking at 3 different stores, they are all sold out. So, either Jules bought more than 1 pair, or she told others about them before she told us and now we can't get any.

Wish I could stay and answer everyone individually, but know that you are all in my prayers, whether good or bad, and that I do read every day and laugh and cry right along with all of you.

Stay safe and have a warm and fun rest of the day


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