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Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:44 pm
by Joannequilts
Ok, I'm back and look what is happening here! You guys are fighting over a little ole jar of jam!!

Grammie, hang on to that batting. I save all mine and sew it together by hand (large, basting stitches) and use it for small quilts or tablerunners...or just knock-around quilts. I can't throw anything away!!

Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:52 pm
by momof6quilts


Here you go grammiequilts

Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:01 pm
by auntjana
Thanks - that looks just like him!!!

Chriss - how close is that fire from you? So far my son hasn't been called on that one - he has promised to let me know before he leaves for a fire like that - so I can worry more!!


Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:11 pm
by grammiequilts
I knew it....I knew it.....I just knew you would find it, LOLOL My DH thinks I am crazy. Thanks Vicky. I think we should Email Eleanor and tell her we need more than 1 jar to give away.....I am sure she has lots.

Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:13 pm
by xteacher
I must confess to what I have done. As a friend said yesterday, "My name is Karon, and I am a fabriholic." The young man who runs our fabric store has had to close. He had a sale yesterday and today to try to liquidate and get rid of what he could. I shopped both days and spent just over $300 at 40% off. I'm sure that the next time I go to start a project, I will not have what I need, and then there will be no place locally to buy more. I told my hubby that I had heard a rumor that they were going to quit making fabric, so I had to stock up.

Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:18 pm
by grammiequilts
Karon, that is a good one, I will have to remember that one. Mine wouldn't believe it though,

Well Kiddies, I need to shower and hit the sack....I never did get that top finished...I have been too busy gabbing here,,,,,,Be good and "Don't put gum in anyone's hair" while I am gone. You know who you are.....LOL HUGS and GNight

Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:21 pm
by Cathy32078
Oink Oink This little chubby pig here has flown before. So they do fly. LOL Okay, I have been looking and I have found a couple of diff. pieces of fabric with beautiful Blackberries on it. I need to make a Tablecloth for my patio table to serve my Biscuits & Blackberry Jam when I win it. LOL It will look so nice! I have the perfect coffee set already. Just need that Blackberry Jam.

Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:27 pm
by cyberspacequilter
I been sitting hear reading your posts and I've gotten a hankering for some Dutch Apple Pie....what about y'all?

Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:35 pm
by lifeisgrand
Karon- Laughed at the rumor you shared with your DH!!! Bet he didn't fall for it though!

Roben- If you sign up for the jar of jam and win....just bring it to Des Moines at the AQS show and share it with me! *giggle*

Hey- speaking of pigs flying...have you heard the Brad Paisley song about pigs flying? The lyrics mention that a guy will get married when pigs fly. Then the song proceeds to tell about all the pigs flying around!! Romance does that to a person! ;-)

Re: Its Friday and the beginning to a wonderful weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:39 pm
by lifeisgrand
I forgot to ask Grammie- who's wedding is next Friday? A relative, friend, or perhaps YOU??!