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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:13 am
by QuiltGram8
Hello again,
I thought I would check back in today just to see what was going on.
I tried to take a little nap this afternoon, but my stupid cough kept me from relaxing enough to sleep. darn!!! And the wind was so strong and noisey. yeeks!!! You could feel the camper shake.

So I got up and did some things around here to get ready for our trip.
I think I am pretty well set to go, just last minute stuff.

Suzette: Our son is in Alexandria, VA, just outside of DC. He is retiring from Marine Corp. His office was in the Pentagon. We are getting to take a tour of White House and Pentagon which he has arranged for us on Thurs. I am for sure taking layers of clothing. I hate to be cold!!

Maryz: Thanks for the well wishes. I am a little better, but when the coughing starts, oh, watch out!!! My voice comes and goes. I just need to shut up!!! LOL

Maryq: Yes we have been to DC a few times. Our son trys to take us to see something every time we visit them. It’s just neat to have them take us to a restaurant or pub that they go to, it’s all so different from the “corn country” we are so used to. LOL

Sue: can’t wait to visit “Chit-Chat” to see the pictures. Warm and Sunny Texas!!! We will be coming soon!!!

Cindyg: You were close in your memory. We stay in Aransas Pass. We would have to take the ferry over to get to Part Aransas. We have some friends from Shelbyville that go to Port Aransas but will not arrive until Jan. They stay in a condo, not in an RV park. We love the park we are in. We have friends from Kentucky Lake that started going there back in 2004 or before. Anyway, they ended up staying there year round, they liked it so much.

Well, I will be on here tomorrow for a little, then I won't see you all until next week. We aren't taking our lap top with us

Karlene: That Star Quilt is outstanding, what a beautiful quilt!That looks like a very hard pattern, is it?

Oh, and I almost forgot - HAPPY BIRTHDAT, CHICKIE!!!!!


Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:34 am
by Jules
Happy Birthday Chickie.....hope it's a wonderful day for you xx

Well I went back to the dr this morning, she's upped my dose again as I have felt lower than ever the last few weeks, so we will see how it works out this time........the dr has told me to try and set myself two goals a week, just simple things so that I won't fail at them and each week I can feel more positive that I am accomplishing something, all good advise and she's been very helpful, which is a relief

After the dr I went to my mums and saw her and one of my aunts, the other two were busy, but I told them all about their cousin finding me on the Internet and the wonderful news that their uncle, their dads brother is still alive and doesn't live very far away from us........we've had quite a bit of reminiscing and a lovely stroll down memory lane.....there's rather a lot of info for them to take in so I printed off all the emails for them all so they can read it at their leisure and take it all in, and I guess the next step will be to arrange a's very exciting for us all and I'm wondering if their uncle looks like their dad, that will be a shock

Tomorrow I'm off to my civil war love letters class again, I'm hoping it will give me the push I need to touch my sewing machine again, I haven't been near it in about 3 weeks and that's just not like me :)

Glad to hear the 'stormees' are getting power back, prayers to you all, sorry about the loss of a sewing machine, hope your insurance etc can help sort things out.........glad all those quilting sisters who have met up had such a great time........all of you seeing/seen family wishing you all a wonderful happy time together........Kathy WOOHOO for getting the house :):):):):):):)

Love and prayers to you all xxxx

Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:27 pm
by FarmChick
Thank you for all your warm birthday wishes! It's great to have friends like you!!! I've had a quiet day of laundry, cooking, dishes and... some sewing! I don't care if we go out this evening, so I'm thinking I'd rather just stay in, watch a little TV and perhaps make some popcorn for a treat.

Hope you all have a wonderful evening!!!

Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:55 pm
by homegirl
Good evening all..don't post here much.Prasyers to all in need. Happy Bday Chickie. Were is the pattern for the 10 min runner? Would like to try it.
Hugs to all

Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:18 pm
by msdeets

Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:19 pm
by Quilter7
Good Evening Everyone!
Chickie - Happy Birthday!

Dolores - I am so sorry you lost your machine. What kind did you have? How old was it? Too sad to lose a machine though.

Lori - I think I will see you at your guild tomorrow. Peggie is bringing our guild's opportunity quilt.

Irishgram - I haven't seen your post today. Are you okay? Did you check with your Doctor today after the nosebleed yesterday?

I had a check in with the Doctor visit today. Then I went to lunch and shopping. Sometimes it is necessary to buy some new clothes!

Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:27 pm
by suzette58
Boy that is weird! I went to read today's posts and it was from August. I had to go to the 2nd page to find today's. Anyway, I got the 9 patch done. I have to measure it and get the backing for it. Then I can get to work on it. Hope everyone has had a great day.


Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:25 pm
by momof6quilts
I had such a nice visit with Tia and Jovanna today :-) We went shopping then came home ands she helped me in the sewing room for about an hour. I'm hoping to really get a lot done on the quilt in the next week.
