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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:12 pm
by xteacher
I'm home from DD's baby shower (3 1/2 hours away). She and DSIL were planning to take DGS to Memphis to see Bob the Builder as soon as the shower was over. DSIL got very sick yesterday and didn't know if he was going to feel up to going. So, when we left the shower, I didn't know if I was driving the 3 1/2 hours home, staying to watch their dogs, OR going to Memphis in his place. He did go, his grandparents are watching the dogs, AND I drove home. She just sent a picture of Graham in the Bob the Builder hardhat that they gave him. They are going to the zoo in the a.m. and then returning home. I hope they get to enjoy it a little. Pregnant DD had to load all the bags in the car (with my help)because he was TOO sick. Glad to be home.

Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:28 pm
Good Night Ladies

I did not get much quilting done tonight...I was just too pooped!!

There is always tomorrow...Kathy

Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:16 pm
by Marilynsgrammy
Joanne, how was June in Williamsburg... sounds fun.... and my cuticles will never be touched by scissors... I won't even go back to a nail person... it was just for my sons girlfriend.. we did a "together thing" to reward her for getting a scholarship...

Grammie, did you get that software going?

Brenda... don't sweat it.. if that house doesn't get cleaned up before thursday it can get cleaned up after you recover... and if someone says... what can I do to help... show them the dust rag and the vaccuume....

everytime you gals said Penguins I thought of that movie where the penguins travel forever to mate... then the one penguin drops the egg and it freezes...

Tul, glad Michael is coming home.. maybe you could post a picture or two.?

Mary, my LQS has 40% off on your birthday.. so next month I get to go play with fabric.. the next sale won't be till inventory clearance on Dec 31...sounds like you made quite a haul... I need to invest in more whites and creams...I like that you got some fabric so you could love it.. I bought one FQ once just because it looked pitiful.... does your quilt store have a web site?

Kathy, my cracked nail will be cracked forthe rest of my life... I have tried hardner, vitamins, calcium, it is cracked straight down so it grows in cracked.... I just have to keep it short.

Jana, hope you and DGS have a fun time... Great America isn't too far from you does he like rides?

Irishgram... where do I get a Ted????

Carolyn, I can't wait to see the Orion star pattern....

Vivian, it sounds like you had a wonderful day.. either you have a very close family or this Aunt is just loved by everyone and is very special... I am glad you had fun.

boy there seem to be a lot of baby showers going on.. hmmmm...

I didnt' get much done.. but Jerry found a box full of movies both DVD's and VCR tapes... DGD and he have been looking through them... some are still in the package...

you all have a fun night... I think it is time for jammies and maybe ice cream.
