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Saturday July 25 2009

Daily discussions.
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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by Irishgram » Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:03 am

Good afternoon from sunny, warm SW. Pa...We're back to having that perfect weather....

DH just finished mowing the grass...It normally takes him close to 3 hours but today he had one of the DGS to help...The younger DGS was using the weed whacker...I think DS and the boys are going to go for a bike ride...They are checking out all the mountain bike trails in the area....DD stopped down on her way from work and to hear her and her brother talking is funny....When the kids get together they always have to bring up the ornery things they used to do, (things I'm so glad I didn't know about when they were happening)....

We have clothes in the washer and the house is the best it's going to get....It's amazing what a couple extra people in the house can do....

I am going to try to sneak away and get to my sewing....

Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone.....

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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by beccasmom » Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:24 am

Well I haven't left my house today at all. That means I didn't get to get my BOM. We have had a couple of doozy storms so I am staying put.

My dress is getting sewn though and I am having fun doing that. I even cut out a skirt for my Becca from the same material so we can match.

Oh well break is done so I better get back to sewing. I did get the uglies done last night and finished up my laundry this morning including my bed sheets so tonight I get to get into a nice clean bed. I just love that.



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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by Chrissy1 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:00 am

Well it has been quite a day so far and it is only 2:40 in the afternoon. Sure is nice to be able to come here and share. Started out the morning watching Paula Deen make a cake called candy bar cake, she actually uses chopped melted candy bars in the frosting. Can I get it to pull up on any website, not yet but I will. The got a call from our daughter that our 15 and 12 year old grandson decided he was mad at her so left the house and she thought started to walk her. We are a very very small town. Well when he didn't show up after a half hour I went looking for him and found him on a park bench smack dab in the middle of town (when I say small town I mean one stop light small) So we talked for a bit and I took him home. It is difficult being the man of the house at 15 1/2 sometimes, but I kept right out of it. Then went to visit my Aunt Martha who is at Francis House, which is like a private facility run by nuns and volunteers and staff. I have never been through anything so difficult. Even when our son passed from brain cancer there was always that hope if you woke up in the morning there might be a medical miracle. Aunt Martha is 92, memory is sharp as a tack. She knows exactly where she is and why. She wants to be at my sisters, so no where is good to her right now. I went out and apologized to the Sisters as she was saying bad things about her care which were not true. Decided to head to the quilt shop to get some fabric. Spent an hour and 1/2 half there and came out with 4 small pieces. So now I am here eating a frozen pizza (thawed of course) I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend, stay safe and thanks for letting me write here.

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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by swtsarahjane » Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:39 am

Well i bast the wallhanging clean up the kictken and livingroom. take a break right now it is warm here today. DH is cooking dinner today. I pice batting that was left over from other quilts i got three batting pice for three smell quilts. I have two batting that can pice but they r not same so i have to wait on new battings to get off them. BBL.

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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by mequilter9158 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:11 am

Good afternoon to all, I just got home a short time ago. Quiltnewby came over for such a nice visit and she sprung me from the house!! We went to Texas Roadhouse and then I twisted her arm (are you kidding?) to go to the LQS so I could inhale some cotton fumes. I guess I was a bad influence cause she ended up buying some f/q's and more for a couple of scrappy quilts that she's planning to do. We've had a little rain, but now much that will actually help us out at all. Any word if we're having a pow-wow tonight? Last week's was so much fun, it sure would be nice if we could do it every week. Should be just start one and see who joins in? Off to catch up on a couple of things, will be back soon.

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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:05 pm

Hi I am on a binding break. A breeze from heaven is blowing in to my sewing room. Sweet...sweet....

The plant doctor called me back to say the Wolf Eye Dogwood is too young to be in the western sun. I am to dig it up and bring it back. He will pick out something better! What a surprise I did not have to fight for what I want. They will deliver a new tree...I think I will make plans for them to pick up the dogwood. Poor tree.

Irishgram...things are sure busy at your house.

Brenda...It was smart to not drive in bad storms. Even for quilting things. I love the idea matching dress and skirt. You will have to post a photo of the two of you!

Chrissy...Candy Bar Cake!! We get the best recipes here. I can not wait to see this one. Glad you found your DGS. No matter what 15 1/2 is a difficult age.

Sarah....I see you managed to do some sewing done. <<Happy Dance>> for you!!!

mequilter...That is a very good friend that springs you to go to the LQS!! SEW IN....if there is one I will be there. I need to learn how to be a quilting party animal!!LOL
Last week it started at 8pm. First quilter there can start it!! How about that....

I am off to make a sandwich, watch King Kong and finish Binding....


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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by swtsarahjane » Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:11 pm

Oh ok i got the wall hanging done basted. working the next one. i have to pice fabric for backing. i might have three quilts quilted in two weeks.


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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by institcheswithrosie » Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:14 pm

Well, since I haven't burned anything today, I thought I'd pop in and say HI.

Kathy - Sorry about the dogwood. Didn't know they were so fragile, but at least the nursery is making it good.

Chrissy - candy bar cake sounds yummy. DH is gone for a week and I think I'll make the dump cake for him when he gets back. He loves both pineapple and cherries.

Brenda - I guess I worked for the library too long. It only closed if there was a level 3 snow emergency and then only for a day, so I drive in anything. Anyway, of you go places when its raining it isn't so busy. Our favorite time to go to the zoo is on a day with light rain.

Sarah - Glad you were able to get some sewing done.

Ihad my first knee shot yesterday and it didn't even swell. It will take about a month for it to truly kick in. I get the next one done next week.

Chrissie is getting spoiled. When she was hungry, she walked into the kitchen and stared at the stove. People food is so much better than dog food.

Back to sewing.


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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:33 pm

Lyn, how fun... I am glad you got to shop...

Grammie, enjoy the shower and have some cake for me.

Brenda... can't wait to see the dress and skirt... maybe a small fashion show here on the forum.

Kathy, G-force was a cute movie... and DGD got a couple of pairs of new shoes... Tennis shoes and slip ons... I told DH that between the shoes, show, popcorn and candy she isn't a cheap date... but she had fun.

Maw.. enjoy the shower, have some cake for me....

momo6.. why not pile the stuff in front of the closet on top ot the drums... ?

Sarah, it will get better... some things just take time.... consider yourself hugged...

Luv2.. I saw your barn block it is beautiful... and I love cabbage rolls... what time is dinner? I am on my way.

MaryMargaret.. hope your son doesn't laugh at you either... my son would crack up, roll on the floor laughing at me... he is a brat and picks on his mom... brats... they are all brats....

See Irishgram...like I just told MaryMargaret... brats.. they are ALL brats...lol....I bet you are enjoying them a lot....

Chrissy.. we made a candy bar pie once.. I don't remember all the ingreedients but it was, I think, a graham cracker crust and like 8 hershey bars and some cool whip... melt the candy, fold in the cool whip and put it in the crust and refirgerate.

Me, I am so glad you got your cotton fix...lol

Carolyn, Carol, Betsy and Lori... hope we get a full report from the quilt fun you are all having...

we just came home from seeing G-Force.. it was cute but It made me think of Grammiequilts and the critters who are eating her garden.... I pigged out on pop corn which is a must when you go to the show and am going to sit on the couch and be a slug for a while... In the morning I plan to finish my sweet blocks and hopefully make a GingerBread man template for that swap.

Sarah, if only we could really "chat our butts off" I would be here constantly...

you all have a fun evening
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Saturday July 25 2009

Post by luv_2quilt60 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:39 pm

Thank You Chriss...don't know about chattin my butt off lol....Have the grands here.....i am up and getting something at all times...so..I am not really sitting still..lol.....it has been quiet......Bev

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