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Re: Saturday May 16th

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:39 pm
by mequilter9158
Lori, what project are you working on now? For some reason, I just cannot get motivated to sew anything or work on any project. And I know that I have many UFO's that I could be finishing up. Maybe I can put together a small baby panel that I bought a couple of weeks ago & do some handquilting on that?

edited for spelling (or is it the meds??????) lol

Re: Saturday May 16th

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:56 pm
by zfatcat
ME, I was putting together a charity quilt for my guild. Just trying to do at least one block a day. I sometimes get in a funk and can't get motivated too. Sorry you feel that way. I can't believe all the goodies you sent for the Pink quilts. That will keep me busy for a while.

Re: Saturday May 16th

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:59 pm
by mequilter9158
I'm off to see if I can get to work on that baby panel. Maybe I'll be back later. If not, hope you all have a good night!!

Re: Saturday May 16th

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 4:44 pm
by cindyg
Whew, I'm tired, girls. I got my blocks done & mailed, repaired my quilting boo-boos on Pink Lemonade, whacked off some of the excess, cut and stitched the binding and got it ironed and rolled up on my binding helper and got it sewed down one side. I have such a hard time wrestling with that big of a quilt. It's heavy because I backed it with flannel. I guess that's why it's so heavy. Did one load of laundry - DH's garage towels, took a shower, went with DH to Sears Hardware then out to dinner. It was pouring down rain but I don't mind since it's bringing a cool front. I've been sitting here wasting time doing jigsaw puzzles on line. I have to go to bed now as I have to be at church in the morning at 7:30 - UGH. Thank goodness tomorrow is the last time I will be singing for the summer - yippee skippee!! Y'all have a wonderful evening.