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Monday April15

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Re: Monday April15

Post by gershwin64 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:22 am

Oh, Maryz, you shouldn't wash fresh eggs before you're ready to use them. They have what they call the "bloom" on them that keeps them fresh for months, washing it off shortens their "shelf life" to just a few weeks. If ours have dookie on them Frankie will wash them off but he puts those where I'll use them first, just a public service announcement FYI 😉

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Re: Monday April15

Post by zfatcat » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:17 am

Judi, a few days ago you missing having Ken around. Now I think not so much. lol Men are such big babies when they are sick. Maybe it's because mommy did everything for them when they didn't feel good.

Maryz, yay for fresh eggs. And yes what Tina said. Don't wash them until you are ready to use them.
They will go bad much faster if you do. Fresh eggs should last up to 3 months.

Tina, I didn't make it here yesterday either. I come and read in the morning, but don't always have time to post. Hope you get the badger that's taking the chickens.

Chriss, I'm with Marilyn. When it's sunny I want to be outside.

Jana, a big happy birthday to the little one. 6 already?

Dorothy, little Mauve is so adorable.

Sharona, I think I'll make soup for dinner as well.

It was rainy and cold all weekend. Today is suposed to be a little bit warm with sun and clouds. I've been busy getting ready a trip. I leave for Santa Fe NM on Sunday to take a week long class with Anna Marie Horner. I can't wait.

Dinner will be chicken noodle soup and corn bread.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Monday April15

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:58 pm

LOL Lori I am not missing him now. and yes his mom did everything for hom and he was her favirite...He got up this morning and called our Dr....and for some unknown reason they told him to come right in...( I had to fight a week to get an appt and it still took a week) Maybe our Dr likes ken better...I had to drive since He was too weak,,,,( Geez the drama) So he officially has Influenza A and is on Tamaflu ( I had to go get that too) and ( put gas in the car)...It is a bad flu the Dr said,,,,Maybe next year Ken will rememeber to get his flu shot ( I got mine and repeatedly reminded him to get his...but then who listens to me..)..So Now he is and has been in the recliner,,,,for the day...I went and did the scavenger hunt , went to the bank put away and vacuum sealed all the stuff I freeze and cleaned up the kitchen, since Ken isnt eating there is no point in cooking so left overs it is...heat and eat. he wants nothing but I did buy him a small carton of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey...his favorite,,maybe he will eat some of it,, Well I am off to see if sewing will help...it cannot hurt,,,I feel fine and the incubation period is from day 1 to about day 4 so I may be good...(Knock on wood, fingers crossed, ) xxxooo

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