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Wednesday March 20 ,2024

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Re: Wednesday March 20 ,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:47 am

Good morning. It's a beautiful day out today. We may see 70 degrees before the day is over.

Things are moving along in this house. Jerry is now down from his morphine high and hasn't had any in days. The hospice social worker came yesterday and told Jerry he couldn't go to the cancer doctor because he was on hospice. Jerry finally agreed.

Jerry's brother, the one in Texas, called me and told me that if I put Jerry in a short term care facility he would pay for it. I agreed and the paperwork is in motion. It should be done this week.

Hospice will still be involved and see Jerry at the facility. Trying to move or scoot Jerry is like trying to move a 200 pound tree trunk, I am unable to do it and he hasn't been out of bed since yesterday. He will soon have 24/7 care and I will have peace knowing he is cared for. I will also be taking care of myself. I still have a guilty feeling, but I also know this is best and Jerry agrees.

Maryz, I would just love a good burger. Can I have grilled onions on mine please? The O2 tank wasn't empty. When it is off the needle is on the empty spot but when it's turned on the needle jumps. Guess the person who told me it was empty didn't know this. But I now have 3 oxygen tanks in case anyone comes over and needs a burst of oxygen.

Judi, ha, ha, I have no idea who came on what days. I will have a nurse tomorrow. I had a healthcare person today. But all my days seem to run together. Any news on your DIL? I'm hoping she had some positive results.

Lois, what a great anniversary plan. A trip to the chiro. hope there is also dinner out on your agenda.

Sharon, enjoy your bible study and your day.

Valerie, Jerry used to make pizza every Saturday when the kids lived at home. Sometimes he'd make two. I really didn't care for it. My preference was Me & Eds pizza. But the kids loved it. I know I will get through this and will be fine. I still have guilt about wanting to put Jerry in a facility but it is going to be better for both of us in the long run. Who knows, he may pass before he gets there.

Maryq, woo hoo a refund. I got $61, how much did you get? Taxes is a time where it's better to receive than to give. Hope that thrift store takes that table.

Jana, I love the flooring you picked out. It's going to be really nice.

Lori, I googled that quilt shop. So now I know where you are They have a quilt shop hop in that area each June or July I think? I've been twice. My sister lived in Los Osos and I would stay with her and it took two days to do all the shops.

Judi, just read about your DIL. wow, so amazing. Would be cool if she could be part of a study and get that machine full time. Gosh I hope that even though she is renting it for a few months that it works wonderfully for her. I'm praying.

Lyn, so much to do so little time. Seems that when something hits it's all at once. Enjoy your visit with the kids.

Well I started this post about 9am and it's almost noon. I've already put in my steps just walking from my chair to Jerry's bed which is about 6 or so feet away. He's trying to sleep and is gasping every so often. And I haven't eaten yet so will go zap some leftovers and figure out what is next on my agenda.

You girls have a wonderful day, thank you so much for your payers.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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