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Wed, March 22

Daily discussions.
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Re: Wed, March 22

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:46 am

Good morning. Another soggy day is going to be happening today. As I type this, I am watching the news about all of the flooding on this side of the map. As the snow melts and water runs downhill creeks rise. People are getting flooded out, their cars are washing down roadways where floods are happening. Why do people try to drive through so much water. I don't get it.

Becca A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! I pray all of your birthday wishes come true and that you have a day full of memories.

Velda, I googled that flour you used in your cookies. While it won't work for me, I'm glad you found a substitute that works for you. I do like Splenda and use either it or Monk Fruit. Your cookies will surely be enjoyed.

Flo, so glad a shot may solve Joe's shoulder issue. Hope you get some good rest and that your meds come in soon.

Maryz, so glad you are enjoying your time. Sounds like a wonderful relaxing vacation.

Diane, enjoy the slow day. My day will be the opposite. I made a list that won't be completed today but things I want to get done.

Lois, I love a nice walk. when the fields here are wet I just walk up and down the driveway. There aren't any parks or sidewalks nearby.

Judi, loved to hear the update on Sophia, glad she is doing well. Maybe you can take her to Japan? I am now the cook here, at least until Jerry is better. My pantry also has a lot of "bad" food in it. Hope Ken's numbers come down.

Becca, sounds like you are being treated well on your special day. I would love a day of eating out but like you said, my waist would not be happy.

Tinab, I don't know where the time is going either. Hope you are enjoying retirement.

Jana, I need new garbage cans. The metal ones rust out and the lids on the plastic ones split with the weather. We take our garbage to the dump. Glad your cans didn't blow away. Sorry about all the trash talk, ha ha.

Kathy, where are you???

Today the plan is to get things done indoors so that when the weather warms up and dries out, I can weed eat.

I do know I need to accomplish stuff that needs to be done around here by the 31st so that I can be caught up before treatment starts.

You girls have a great day, I need to get moving here.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Wed, March 22

Post by maryq » Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:58 am

Hey Girls

DANG!!! I had a whole long post typed. hit the wrong button and BAM.. it's gone!!!
Even Maryz's control-z trick didn't work. Since it's almost 10am and I'm still in Jammies I better not try to remember everything I typed!

For Sure A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Becca!! That part of my conversation I do remember. I hope you are having a great day and that there definitely is a LOT of cake.

Not much other news from here. Tom and Viv are coming up from Wisconsin today... Evie's 16th birthday is tomorrow. I think Viv and I are going to run over to the Fabric Warehouse sometime while they are here. Not that I need anything, but that's never stopped me!

Guess I better get in gear... I'll try to get out of bed earlier tomorrow ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:43 pm

Re: Wed, March 22

Post by WeSignificant » Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:40 am

Happy Hump day! Well sure would have bet I was here yesterday, but don't see it.

Have had breakfast, kitchen cleaned up and a bit of sealer put on granite, bathroom skin and toilet cleaned. Load of laundry washed and now in the dryer. Have picked up the living room and just need to vacuum. Then I will get to finishing my April Lotto so we can post. Open sew in Antioch tomorrow so will need to figure out what I am going to take. May catch up my Starry Night a bit. Will visit Dad after lunch I think. I have to wait for his Jello to set. I use disposable 5 oz cups to put it in. He has a small fridge in his room so that helps. I think this current storm may now be over. It absolutely rained all day yesterday and all night.

Becca have a wonderful Birthday. Have a piece of cake for me.

Maryz sounds like you are having some much needed rest time. A walk along the beach sounds wonderful right now. Way too cold here though. Well at least for me.

Diane I see you are out having a great walking time also. I may go to Benicia for a short walk once it warms up a bit. I love to walk down 1st street.

Vel DH dr. has told him to cut the sweets too but he doesn't listen. He is a big sweet eater. His Mom was diabetic so he does have a genetic connection.

Jana I looked out the windows a few time last night due to noises I heard from the wind. Had to drive to the tax consultant for Dad's taxes, oh my, hold onto that wheel!

Flo hope you are feeling better soon.

Maryq I so envy you that can sleep in late. I can't remember the last time I did. I have always been an early to bed early to rise person.

Chriss I will be indoors most of the day today too except to take Dad his stuff. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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