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Monday March 20th 2023

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Re: Monday March 20th 2023

Post by maryq » Mon Mar 20, 2023 8:11 am

Good Morning Girls

Monday again... a fresh new week and though you wouldn't know it up here, the First Day of Spring! It is sunny bright and I'll take that for sure, but it's definitely not time to put away the winter jacket yet!

Since I'm so late this morning and have a long to-do list, I won't chat with each of you. I think I missed yesterday. I spent the day doing Projects I really had no intention of doing. I went out to the garage to look for some background fabric for my Home Sweet Home swap and wouldn't you know there were squirrels everywhere! I found an applique project in bag, so I brought that in, Found some yardage of white on white that I forgot I had, so I brought that in. The other day I found another Fat Cat pattern that I have traced so I figured since I'm going to be appliqueing my HSH blocks I might as well do those at the same time! Oh and the quilt that I was supposed to put borders on... well that's still laying on the living room floor! Oh and I found some more yarn in the garage, so I brought that in so I can sit and knit baby hats again while I watch TV! But wait... there's more! Brennen came over to put salt in my water softener for me and I spotted a tote box of stuff from my old house, so I had Bren bring that in and I sorted through that. Found my little wrist blood pressure machine! :lol: :lol: SO that's where it's been all this time. SO if this doesn't convince y'all I have ADD, nothing will.

So today, after I run to the PO, I'll be here in the sewing room, and I promise I'll work on the piano key board I need for the quilt on the floor. I rarely do a fancy border, but this was from a kit so I thought I'd do it like the directions say-----I just rarely follow directions!

BTW.... just to put in a good word for the Home Sweet Home Swap... If you haven't already.. check it out... It's a fun one. Who would have thought there were so many different types of homes.

Love you all

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Re: Monday March 20th 2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:24 am

Good morning. It's going to be a beautiful day. We just may dry out a bit for the upcoming storms to hit us tomorrow and Wednesday. I don't mind storms that are spread out and don't make snow.

A friend handed me a newspaper article about how we need friendship and to be around each other rather than be stuck in our houses. We need to be social. So I grabbed a friend I hadn't seen in a while, she never wants to go anyplace anymore, told her to put her shoes on and we went to town so I could buy milk. It was good for both of us. If you haven't gone anyplace with a girlfriend, I highly suggest it.

Today and the rest of the week will be waiting by the phone for appointments to be set up. I'm going to call and make sure that the doctor's orders placed on Friday are followed up on today. I think I will tell the doctor's office that when setting up these appointments we can be there whenever they want us and will take any cancellation slots. That way I won't sound pushy. Jerry really needs to have these tests done and get treatment started if he is to have a chance.

It seems that all we see any more on tv or read about it relates to cancer. It's on all the commercials and so in the news lately. We are probably just noticing something that has always been there because it is affecting us.

Judi, I love that you go to the meat market. I remember butcher shops when I was younger but everything now is pre packaged. We mostly eat hamburger and get it at Costco. Enjoy that OWL project, it will be fun to do.

Lois, happy anniversary. Are you scavenger hunting in the new pickup? There is a country song with a line that says "You know a cargo light gives off a romantic glow" take a picnic lunch and turn the cargo light on.

Diane, OWL is a block of the month called On Wonder Lane, some really cute applique patterns.

Izzy, from your post it sounds like you are doing well. I am hoping that your health is improving, you are in my prayers.

Velda, isn't that just the way. People give you something from the goodness of their hearts and it ends up causing more work. Glad you were able to save the blanket.

Becca, our birds seem to have changed a bit. We used to have screech owls that lived in a tree here, I haven't heard them in a long time. We used to have a couple of Robins and now we seem to have a flock. Robins must think we have the best bugs and worms because they have their meals in my front yard. We also have small birds, and a few blue jays. I want to plant some milkweed to attract butterflies. Maybe they will have it at the nursery in town.

Maryz, I had my house pattern enlarged yesterday so I can start tracing today. I'm still trying to figure out my background. My charity project is a 12 1/2 inch block with HST's. Yellow, black and white. I really like HST's, they are easy to do and make so many different patterns depending on how you lay them out. Love Clair's cats, lots of great choices. I would want to see Autumn open the ghost quilt. I vote for sending the cat quilt and taking the ghost quilt.

Jana, funny how pets know all the tricks to get us to comply. You need a sticker that says Grandma's Taxi Service on your car.

Flo, sorry you have been ill. The doctor will surely fix you, glad you have Joe to be your driver.

Valerie, my home blocks will be the same pattern but different fabrics. I used to think that the swap blocks all needed to be the same but why do we all need the same however many blocks? I have spare boxes and also have a package to mail. If you come here I'll give you a spare box and you can take mine to the post office to send out with your package, deal? Yes, I did resign from my Medicare counseling and from my Agency on Aging commission. They both require traveling a distance and meetings take an entire day. I am still on the Golden Agers board; they handle our senior center and have a monthly meeting a couple of hours long in town. And the Commission on Aging which is a quarterly zoom meeting where I am the facilitator. If either of these interfere with my Jerry duties they will be dropped. congrats on the new baby, yay you. So? are DD and DGS going to have a double wedding or do you need to be in two places at one time?

Maryq, I am excited about the home swap too. I am ready to trace and hope to make a sample block today. Maybe I'll drop by and we can go to the post office then have a sew in. You do have lots of squirrels to deal with. You need a cat, cats chase squirrels. I would love to start cleaning out the garage but right now I can't.

Here I go, not really ready for breakfast yet. Guess I will shower and get dressed and see what is calling me in my room.

You girls have a super day, if the weather is nice get out and enjoy it.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Monday March 20th 2023

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:43 am

Errands are done...and YES! My on wander lane patterns are all here,,,,They are amazing.

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Re: Monday March 20th 2023

Post by auntjana » Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:54 am

Love the little squirrel in the Schoolhouse block!

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Re: Monday March 20th 2023

Post by WeeOne » Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:59 am

Cool, cloudy and breezy on the coast of Texas this morning.

Lois, Happy Anniversary. Garry always tells people that for our Anniversary he takes me to H-E-B grocery store, the back of the building, and we watch them unload trucks. :lol: Hope your DH has better plans!!

Flo, hope the Dr helps. Prayers for you.

Izzy, maybe you need to put a step stool in the pasture!

MaryZ, have fun.

Chriss, glad you're going to check on getting those appts. It seems the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so I vote for you to squeak loudly!!

Hi to everyone, hope y'all have a Great Day.

I'm moving slow this morning. Have some laptop paperwork to do, load of laundry and swap block.

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Re: Monday March 20th 2023

Post by Quilter7 » Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:05 pm

Lois - Happy Anniversary!

Chriss - (((Hugs))) and prayers.

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Re: Monday March 20th 2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Mar 20, 2023 7:40 pm

Carol, thank you. I'll take that hug.

Lyn, I'm going to be quite squeaky.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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