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Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:30 pm
by WeSignificant
Chriss it is not the "Cancer" that makes one grumpy. Being given a potentially terminal diagnosis causes (in most instances) people to enter a grief process. Just as we do when someone passes away. Anger is one of the stages of grief. Anger at God for "allowing you to get sick", Anger at the disease itself for "ruining" you life, and the list goes on. The reason Jerry takes it out on you is he is confident in your love for him and that you will stick by him no matter what. In other words, the patient "takes it out" on the person they feel closest to. There are many books on the grief process and dealing with potentially terminal diagnosis. You may have to set boundaries though.

I think Bingo is a great idea and yes, eat the pie 🥧. It is also okay to seek professional assistance if you think it needed.

Prayers heading your way.

Re: Tuesday January 31 2023

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:18 pm
by Marilynsgrammy
Thank you Valerie. I really needed that. Really can't blame him for being angry. There is so much that we don't know yet and won't know for a while. And yes, I will certainly have pie. Thanks!!