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Wednesday, Jan. 25

Daily discussions.
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Re: Wednesday, Jan. 25

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:48 am

Diane at 1 time I thought the high end irons were the greatest but lastweek I had to go to get a new iron and send my little iron back for a new 1 so I went to bed bath and beyond and got a new black n decker iron it's very light and it does a nice job for 18.00.
The reason why I wanted a small iron because they get into tight spots without burning yourself thats why I bought the oliso small project iron and am now on the second send back.

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Re: Wednesday, Jan. 25

Post by WeeOne » Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:53 am

Another windy morning on the coast. We were on a tornado watch yesterday afternoon. Thankfully the weatherman was wrong for this area.

OK, I'm going to comment on irons. I have the Panasonic 360 cordless iron, and I love it. Yes, it costs $140 from Missouri Star, but it has been worth every penny. I only use distilled water. I've had this iron for over 2 years. Previously on board, I had a Maytag cordless which lasted almost 20 years. I have another Maytag at the CO house that's still going strong and is over 20 yrs, of course it hasn't gotten much use. I gave my Mom one and now have it back and it's at the TX house.

I hope everyone has a good day and if you're in the path of the storms, hope you can stay in and sew.

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Re: Wednesday, Jan. 25

Post by auntjana » Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:33 am

Good morning!

Y'all know I'm the Oliso camp. But happy y'all found one's that work. The main reason I love my iron, is the feet that go up and down. I am so use to that feature, that if I use another regular iron, I forget to stand it upright and scorch everything! Now the problem here isn't irons, it's kitchen faucets! When the kitchen was done, about 6 years ago, I got a high end faucet made by Price Pfister. A single faucet that the head pulls down and is the sprayer too. Well, the original head leaked and broke, Michael replaced it, under warranty and now it's leaking again. Looks like I will be looking for a new faucet and it won't be a Price Pfister!

Daniel my car guru is fixing the headlight plastic lenses on my Solara. The plastic gets very cloudy and opaque , so he uses a 3M headlight Cleaning product and makes the lense clear again. So if your cars or trucks have this problem, it can be fixed at home. I found it, where Daniel sent me, where else, Amazon. Not expensive either.

Today is Ethan run. It's already snowed and no more is predicted. A good thing. The Batt Cave may see me too. There's a dust bunny war about to be waged. I vacuumed yesterday to start the war. I am now in the hate carpet camp and need to convince Michael into hardwood. I'd be good with the LVT flooring, but when I mentioned that, he said he'd rather it be real wood. I'm good with that too. So now the campaigning starts.

Stay safe,

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Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:53 am

Good morning my friends. It's going to be a beautiful day today. The Robins have been chirping and eating their breakfast in my yard, the frost has turned into dew.

Got up about 5:30 and watched the sun come up as I read my bible and devotions. I love the view outside my window and the quiet of the morning before Jerry and Moose wake up. Mornings are my favorite.

Jerry was quite surprised at his new quilt. I explained that it was lotto and how it all came to be and that the blocks were donated. He wants to thank you all for your part in making it. He said that he is humbled and grateful and very honored to have received it.

Suzette, happy sewing. Nice of you to make memory quilts. Your rectangle strip quilt sounds like a brick wall I made one like that for Jerry out of flannel, it really turned out nicely.

Lois, I think Bill would also be overjoyed to get a QOV. Diane helped me by sending me a label and I registered it with QOV on line. I bet he would be surprised. I also have a small project iron that I love. Just a cheapie from Walmart, but it is so portable.

Flo, do you miss living in the Cali mountains?

Velda, hope the doctor appointment goes quickly and you are cozy at home before the snow comes.

Maryz, yay for being so close to home. It will be nice to finally get there. Both you and I know Jerry should have gone to the doctor on Monday morning. He doesn't agree, and there is nothing I can do about that.

Judi, I wish I had taken my grandma's old black iron. I don't know what brand it was but it had one of those old cords. I didn't take it because I was the executor of her "estate" and that would have been stealing. But gosh I wish I had taken it. I also use a water spray bottle instead of putting water in my iron. We have hard water here and it clogs everything up. Enjoy dinner, where will you go? Happy birthday to Ryker

Katy, sounds like you are going to have a cozy day. So glad you don't have anywhere you must be and can stay home.

Diane, nice to only get rain. Thank you for your direction on the QOV quilt. I had no issues registering it on the QOV.GOV site. Jerry is number 201,252. I wish they had a way to print off a certificate so instead decided to copy the registration form to Word and print it off that way.

Lyn, phew. I bet you took the back of your hand and wiped it across your forehead when that tornado didn't appear. huge blessing.

Jana, the reason you stated for loving the Oliso is the reason I won't get one. I'm sure I would get to used to it standing up on it's own. hope you find the perfect kitchen faucet.

I have a zoom meeting in an hour and would like to get some things done before then. A friend has her car in the shop and I offered to take her to pick it up, but it's not ready yet. She parks it outside and rodents (mice and squirrels) have chewed the wiring. My spare time will be spent sewing. I have two tops needing backing, a couple of pot holders needing to be finished and want to start something new.

You all have a fun day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Wednesday, Jan. 25

Post by Quiltmom » Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:24 am

Good afternoon all! We are getting a doozy snowstorm here today. Supposed to get between 4 and 8 inches. We have at least 4 out there already and it just keeps coming down hard and blowing. Just staying in and watching TV and sewing. I don't think even the mail can get delivered in this weather and I am sure not going out to check. My mail is not that important.

Got my Bible study done so going to go get some lunch for all of us. If you are having a storm don't go out and stay safe. This is the time I am glad I am retired.

Have a good day!

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Re: Wednesday, Jan. 25

Post by WeSignificant » Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:59 pm

Good almost evening ladies, busy busy I have been. I did go to the shop in Antioch yesterday and spent about 5 hours getting my BOM block down and a good start on my Starry Night Donkey. Also picked up some choices for my buildings and palm trees.

Today running errands, working on tax stuff for Dad. Returning phone calls and now we are playing phone tag. I have to get the 1099's out by the end of the month. I am done through June. I have a UFO session at the shop in Vacaville tomorrow but will work on at least the caregiver info tomorrow evening. Hope to have it all together by the end of the weekend.

I did interview a girl today as replacement caregiver. I am not sure. She is working as a caregiver in an Assisted Living in Napa but only part time hours. She is going to come on the 5th and work with Dad a few hours to see how she feels about things. I did let her know not to feel bad about saying she didn't find it a good fit if in fact she is 100% sure.

Chriss glad Jerry liked his quilt. Mornings are my favorite time too. Just before the sun rises. When I was younger and could still get up, I used to go sit on the step out the front door and watch the sun rise. But, now I can't get up if I sit on the step!

Nothing much else is really do. Just lots of paperwork sorta stuff I gotta get done this time of the year.

Quick Dad update, he is staying up for 2 hour intervals to eat but that is about his limit. Hard to believe not long ago he sat up all day. He is still eating good but just has no strength or endurance. Blood sugars are pretty good. Still no wound healing. I was looking back on records today and it looks like the wound started last June. Maybe his diabetes is keeping it from healing. At least it isn't getting worse.

Well DH has dinner ready so best get. Will check in tomorrow. Have a great evening.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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