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Monday, Jan 17

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Re: Monday, Jan 17

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:03 am

Good beautiful morning. It's a sunny blue sky with white clouds day today.

I think it's spring. The birds are out in full force. The frogs are croaking at night. The trees are budding. t's still below 60* but all signs show me that spring is here. We have lettuce and onions coming up in the garden leftover from last year.

While I sew I am watching a series called The Chosen. If you google it you can watch it for free on the angel network. And today in reading my devotions that come in my email one from Girlfriends In God really hit home. It's a good one to read if you ever feel inadequate. I think sometimes feeling inadequate is in a girls genes.

Maryz, so glad you are negative and Bill's health is improving. His being vaxed is likely the reason for a mild covid case. Glad you are moving closer to home. I knew you'd get that crazy quilt out to play with. I did get to sew yesterday. We bought Jerry a new tv and through Amazon prime he was able to watch / snore through the football game. I only saw him when the game was over, and he asked if I wanted dinner. yay me.

Velda, hope as you take it as it comes, that it comes with blessings.

Judi, our shelves are quite full here still. I think the combination of weather and the trucking of product is the cause. Come here, do your shopping, play in my room with me then go home the next day, or the next week.

Diane, so glad you are going to get a back saving cutting table, it will be a blessing.

Becca, glad you have power and are on the mend.

Lyn, no problem at all, I will gladly send it on to Tina. I have something to send her as well and will wait and send both together. Thanks for your help.

Flo, hope you get a nap in today. I love sun flowers, it bet it's a beautiful tablecloth.

Sharona, you beat me here. Chinese food sounds really good. There is a recipe called Egg roll in a bowl, it's low carb and one day I am going to make it.

Jana, first thing I saw as I scrolled down today's post is that you hadn't scared up any trouble yet. Wondering if you found it yet or if it's going to show up later.

Valerie, I think your lotto is going to be quite successful. I like that it is easily understood and no frills. Just the facts maam, exactly how I like it. Hope dad is staying hydrated.

Sherry, I vote for staying in as well. The plan for me is to sew right after breakfast. Hope your stay inside day is fun.

We are binge watching a series called Lost. It's kept us up late at night and caused us to sleep in a bit in the morning. It's pretty good.

That's my story, so much excitement so little time. You girls have a superb day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Monday, Jan 17

Post by maryq » Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:22 am

Good Morning Girls

Happy Monday! A fresh start to a new week... ain't it grand!

Maryz... SO good to hear you are Neg! I hope that lasts all the way home! Wonderful news that Bill is feeling so much after a little steroid.. I know how anxious you are to get home. Two months is a long time to be away and tho I thought I would travel a lot when I retired, I'm finding I prefer being at home. Are you loving curbside pick-up? I did that at Walmart last year and it would pretty cool. I do prefer picking out my own fruits and veggies, but for the staples... it's great!

Velda.... How are the eyes this morning? Since I have astigmatism, once I got my eyes done I got a pair of RX reading glasses. they were great when I was working as I wore them all day in front of the computer. Now I can get by on cheaters as my computer time is almost zip... Just to check in with y'all and pay the bills! :lol: :lol:

Judi... I've heard that too, that eventually EVERYBODY is going to get Covid, just a matter of when and how bad. Do you suppose it's the dreary days that effect how we feel about sewing? Some days that's all I want to do... some days.. not so much. I'm in the midst of packing, so my sewing room is quite crowded with boxes etc and it's a obstacle course to get AT the machine. But I am determined to get a little sewing time in every day!

Diane... How exciting to get your sewing room area and re-done! There is a group on Facebook of just sewing room ideas.. where gals post pictures of their spaces! SO neat to see all the different ideas in small spaces and big "she sheds" Now that you have yours done, would you like to come and help me move in and arrange mine? :) :lol:

Becca.... SO hope you are feeling a bit better every day. Is there some one that can pick up a home Covid test for you so you don't have to go out? I'm not sure how accurate they are but it would be a good start.

I'll be back in a few minutes... I have to give Evie a ride up the barn so she can do some "horse chores" this morning (and she's not happy about it)

Ok I'm back.. The barn is only 4 miles up the road from my house.. One of the last farms around me as most have been sold off for housing developments.

Flo... I have an old table cloth to embroider too... all stamped cross stitch, but holy moly I don't know when/ if I'll ever finish it!

Sharon.. YEAH good Chinese food for lunch! Out here where I am there are NO places for really good chinese food, BUT my DDIL is a great cook and made stir fry chicken with noodles the other night that was great! Super easy, so now, once I get myself a small wok.. I'll be able to make my own!

Jana... NO trouble at your house? Surely you can find something in the batt cave to get into? You could always come dig around in my sewing room and find something to get into! I only have 6 projects all going at the same time!

Sherry... Our Dear Betty would be 100 years old today. Wasn't she just such a grand lady! I've been watching old clips from TV shows she was in on Facebook. She was so funny. I heard NBC was going to run a special on her, but I haven't seen when.

Chriss... I've watched the whole series of LOST too, It was very interesting, but mostly I watched it because I thought the main character, the Dr. was cute. That's usually my criteria for watching a TV show.. if the guys are cute. NCIS has Mark Harmon, Castle has Nathan Fillion, The Rookie has Nathan Fillion, The Good Cop (on Netflix) has Josh Groban You see where I'm going with this. :lol: :lol:

Well.. now that I'm semi- caught up.. tho I did miss about Tina and a new grand baby? What's up with that? I need to get in gear. While I have the house to myself today (at least for a while,) I think I'll work on some sewing I'd like to do. Can't pack up much more. The living room is already getting full of boxes and as I said, the sewing room is an obstacle course!

And I need more coffee!

Wishing you all a marvelous Monday!

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Re: Monday, Jan 17

Post by gershwin64 » Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:58 am

Good morning everyone!
I'm running uber late! We went and got groceries; meat at our local grocer and a pick up order at Walmart.
Mary, so glad Mr Bill is a new man with those steroids! We were a tad worried πŸ™
Chriss, I've made the Egg Roll in a bowl recipe, I loved it. I did find out it needed more seasoning than the recipe called for.... with it not being in egg roll things it just needed a tad more.
Maryq, yep another grandbaby ❀ we're excited!
I have to tell you all, LOL it's funny. A few months ago when Kevin and Matthew were here Matthew was playing house or family with little rocks with me beside the pond. He had a rock for him, Mommy and Daddy... he also had 2 other rocks and I asked him who they were, he said they were his baby brother and baby sister. I called Kevin over and he told him the same thing. LOL I'm laughing because I've told them that twins are a possibility in this family. Maria says it's the female side that decides..... it even says it on the internet.... not so true in this family. Anyways when Matthew video called us to tell us he's been telling Mommy and Daddy that they're having a boy and a girl. I keep having a dream about it too, don't tell Kevin and Maria LOL sooooo we're waiting for the ultrasound to see if it's 1 or 2. πŸ₯° shhhhh don't say I said anything, if the ultrasound shows 2 they might shoot me! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
Well morning is almost over, 2 minutes left. I need to get busy with some things.
You all have a great day!

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