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Re: Friday April 9,2021

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 7:10 am
by auntjana
Good morning!

So sorry to learn of Prince Phillip. It will make for some interesting family dynamics.

Ethan did finish all his work and did some extra too. He will write a essay for his mom, at home on his computer. Ethan detests writing the old fashioned way, with a pencil. So Ethan earned the day off to play.

After a few minor uglies, I will sew.

Stu decided to go back to school and learn a trade. He left Amazon and has a new job, he is a nanny to a brand new baby boy! The couple who owns the house, Stu rents a room in, needed someone to take care of the new little one. So in exchange for his room, he takes care of the baby. This allows him a place to live and time for school. Stu will be a great catch when he finds a girl!

Stay Safe! We are succeeding!


Re: Friday April 9,2021

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 7:50 am
by womster
Good morning -

I must also fly - heading out the door for my mammocram and then run a few errands. I hope y'all have a great day! xoxo Sharona

Re: Friday April 9,2021

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:23 am
by Quiltmom
Good morning all! Just a quick stop in this morning. Happy Belated Birthday Lois. Hope you enjoyed it. Not a lot on today. Still recuperating from Easter weekend in Elkhart at my son's house. It was so nice to get out of Ohio for a few days. Smoke is still tired from the big dog park we took him and my son's dog Sadie to. He had never been to one before and there were several dogs there and really played well with them. He ran so much on his little legs.

So sorry to see that Prince Philip had died. I know he had been really sick. I was hoping he would make it until June so he would be 100 years old. I have always enjoyed reading about him and Queen Elizabeth. I am 73 and can't imagine getting to 100.

They brought my John Deere back so am planning on mowing my yard tomorrow. I so enjoy riding and mowing my 4 acres.

Well, better go get something to eat. Hope everyone has a good day.


Re: Friday April 9,2021

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:30 pm
by zfatcat
Chriss, I know nothing about "tall" jeans. I get short petite and they are still long. Hope you find something you like. Eddie Bauer jeans are my favorite.

Sharona, hope all went well with the mammocram. Ouch.

Jana, that's great that Stu is able to watch the baby in exchange for a room.

Judi, hope DD got the job.

Maryz, the UGRR is a big quilt. I might just give my blocks away. I made one years ago and really don't want another.

Lois, happy belated birthday. Was there cake?

I got a few quilts going as usual. Hope to have them done by the weekend.

Have a wonderful night.