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Happy Monday November 12, 2012

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by maryq » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:43 am

Good Morning Girls

Just a quick fly by this morning as yes it is MONDAY and back to work I go! Worked a few hours yesterday, stopped for groceries on the way home finally, and did a little bit of Christmas shopping. Picked up a TONKA truck for Nolan.... so he can go "Vrrooom Vrrooom" with something! How do little boys come out of the womb knowing to go "VROOM VROOM"?

Tomorrow I supposedly actually have a day off! We'll see how that goes... Going to make a quick run to Joann and then come home and sew! Have 8 or 9 stockings to make for work still. Might sneak in a little nap too, tho I hate to waste good sewing time sleeping!

Dolores.. you had to put your machine in the dumpster? Oh sorrowful day!!! I hope you can get a new fancy one soon!!! Prayers continue for recovery for all of you hit by Sandy!

Velda... wishing you a safe journey to DC. Have you ever been to DC before.. quite an amazing place. I took my kids there many years ago. I know it will be a quick trip for you, but I hope you can see a few sights while there. Then ON TO TEXAS and WARM weather!

Maryz... Volunteer working sewing? Doesn't get much better than that!

Vicky....Do you the popcorn ready for movie night? When I was a kid... Friday nights were "Popcorn and Pop" We got to stay up late and watch "Gunsmoke" on TV and have popcorn and pop--only time we were allowed Pop

Judi... brace yourself... winter is coming your way. Woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground here this morning. It's sunny now, so it won't last! And the roads are good!--which is all I care about.

Yikes, I better get going!!

Hope y'all have a great sewing day!

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by kenderosa » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:10 am

WILD WOMAN GOES PARTYING pictures posted in Chit Chat!!!! What a Hoot!!! OOM PAH!!!!!


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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by womster » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:17 am

Good morning!

Lois – I wonder when they’ll let you know if you’re needed or not. Sounds like you have a plan either way.

Dolores – so sorry about your sewing machine (and everything else you lost). Hopefully the cleanup is nearly done. Now it’s just hurry up and wait for the insurance….

Velda – sure hope you get to feeling better real soon. Bronchitis is not fun to shake off. You sure have a LOT to do in a short amount of time.

Suzette – I’m glad you like the quilt better. I heard about the fight on the news. Hope those stockings get some stitching in them soon. Your son sounds like he’s been raised right. Good for all of you!

Vicky – glad that block is done. I don’t know what October baby is about – I’ll have to go check out IMDb. Enjoy movie night.

Maryz – loved the pictures on FB. Sure looks like everyone was having a grand time. I love the idea of pin cushions for the kids. I’m so glad you’re getting to spend Christmas with your DD. I hope you remember how to work your sewing machine…

Judi – I also don’t mind our winters, and like you, am looking for a break around March. We used to head down to Spring Training when the Rockies were in Tucson; that was a blast and before grandkids. Sorry to hear that Art was visiting – hope he takes his leave soon. Also sorry about the weather & your windows. How exciting that your DGC will be there for a week!

Chriss – oh I’m so glad to hear someone else does those types of things when sewing. Hope you can get it figured out tonight. Your cereal does sound mildly intriguing. Loved your thoughts on parenting – DH and I were discussing that very thing. Congrats again to Marilyn and her team.

Maryq – I hope you get tomorrow off! You sure have a lot of things to sew. Vrooom!

Well I still haven’t gotten off of my hind end to do much – I have no idea what’s wrong with me. Blah! So I guess that’s what I’ll be doing today. Have a lovely! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by momof6quilts » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:28 am

This is what October Baby is about.

October Baby is a 2011 American Christian-themed dramatic film directed by Andrew and Jon Erwin and starring Rachel Hendrix in her film debut. It is the story of a young woman named Hannah, who learns that she was almost aborted as a baby in the womb. She then embarks upon a road trip to understand the circumstances of her birth. The film is loosely based on the life of Shari Rigby who portrays Hannah's birth mother.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_9l7lEe ... _9l7lEe-AA

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by karpet » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:35 am

Good morning, good morning,
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Lois and Dolores - so glad your power/internet is back on. I feel so bad for the damage and the things lost, but the memories can't be taken.

I finished cutting out all my shapes from my strip sets for the star quilt, so now to start assembly! I just have to graph out adding more stars to make it big enough for Queen size. Here is a picture-

http://myquiltplace.com/photo/star-shuf ... e=activity

Dorothy, they have another great mind-vacation pic on Bing today. Sorry about your nose bleed - I ended up having mine cauterized so I rarely get one anymore.

Jacquie - so glad that show went well - what fun!

Jules - good to see you poke in. Hope things start to turn around for you.

Chriss - how exciting for Marilyn! Cake is definitely called for to celebrate!

Tina - did you get the mortgage thing straightened out? Nothing like talking to a string of faceless people and getting the run-around.

Texas gals - the oompah fest sounds like it was fun! There's just something about a tuba that makes me smile.

Maryz - how did you work sewing into your volunteering?! Sounds fun!

Okay, onwards and upwards. Have a wonderful day everyone,

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by cindyg » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:38 am

Lois - I hope you don't have to go to work so you can work on your quilt.

Delores - bless your heart - I would most certainly have cried if I had to toss my machine into the dumpster. I hope you had flood insurance. 14 days without power (sewing machine, computer, TV, hot water, etc.) is almost hell on earth. I am so glad y'all are safe.

Velda - I can't remember where in TX you go. Is is Port Aransas? We stayed at a RV park over the weekend who obviously have more permanent residents - snow birds. We were only there two days. Some of those people make breakfast on Saturday morning to raise money so we decided to do that for breakfast. We almost got there too late because they only make so much and then stop cooking. We also learned that we were suppose to take our own silverware and napkins.

Suzette - I saw that story on the news today about the NASCAR brawl. I think someone should have to pay a fine or something. It is a sport and they didn't set a very good example about sportsmanship. I don't know much about car races but I would think that the guy who purposefully crashed into the other one and wrecked a second guy should be the one to get the fine or whatever they do for punishment. I'm glad to see your son isn't upset about his car insurance.

Vicky - I'm glad you are getting to visit with your kids this week. Good luck with your meeting - or was that over the weekend. I tried to read the posts from over the weekend and I think you were having a family meeting but I can't remember when.

Maryz - you are making the stocking with the fabric you bought on Saturday, right? I hope you washed it. I'm glad you are getting out your machine.

Judi - I'm so glad you will get to see your babies and get hugs and kisses. I know you are excited about that. That machine that you dried out and had serviced - was it a computerized machine? I was just thinking that water would probably destroy the computer part of a machine.

Chriss - I'm glad your cold is making an exit. I read that Marilyn had play-off games. How did they do?

Maryq - I say this every year and more than once - how do you STAND that freezing, snowy weather?? Brrrrrrr. My youngest DD's boys always loved trucks - 18 wheelers or any truck that pulled a trailer of any kind. Now the 4yr. old boy twin wants a remote control "helitopter" and so his sister wants one, too. Surprise.

We had a fun weekend. Sue's DH was having tummy troubles so I don't imagine he had a very good time. The weather was perfect - not too hot and not too cold - so we are thinking there was more people there than usual at the Wurstfest. Saturday morning us girls went to the Christmas Store and a couple of quilt shops while the guys went to camping world. Maryz's DD & SIL came for a while but my DD didn't make it as her boyfriend didn't get off work until 5:30 and it was too late for them to make the trip by then. But Don and I had fun - love the music and love the crowd and loud. What is it they say - if it's too loud, you're too old! I guess I'm not old yet. Well, yes I am. I couldn't take a steady diet of it but once a year is great. So help me tonight I'm getting in my sewing room. Oh, and y'all have heard me complain about my grocery store expanding and I hate the way it's laid out now - I can't find anything. Well...... our new HEB at the front of our subdivision is opening up in a couple of days - WOO HOO. I know I'll have to learn the lay of the land in this new store but that's OK. Once I learn where everything is it'll be great. And it's close to home - YEA!

I hope we can all fondle fabric today.

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by cindyg » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:45 am

Sharona - how do you get to Maryz's FB page? I'm on FB but never go there because I haven't taken the time to learn how to use it. I would like to see Sue's pix that Mary took. NOw....get off your hind end LOL LOL.

Karlene - LOL a tuba makes you smile. I wish you could have been with us at Wurstfest. There was a terrific all-girl band and they were the hit of Wurstfest. The tuba player was fabulous. I don't know where she gets all that air to blow that thing so well. These girls came here from Bavaria. We really enjoyed them and well as our boys from NYC and Long Island, Die Schlauberger (DSB).

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by corning » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:51 am

Morning Pals from the cabin in the woods where it is much cooler today. We had a wonderful weekend with family here. The two younger DGDs wanted to spend some time together, so later this morning I am taking them both to TN. Tomorrow I will put one on the school bus and bring the other one back here to her house. She doesn't have school because it's deer season.
The 10 minute table runner is a great project. Quilts & Quilts in Branson has kits for almost every theme for about $10. Some I would have never thought of doing, sports, food, endless possibilities.
Must go clean myself up. Think I will press some binding before I pick up the girls at DD.
Hope everyone has a wonderful quilty day! Hugs and prayers for all.

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by FarmChick » Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:10 am

Good morning! One year when I worked for a bank and was off Veterans’ Day, my kindergarten DD stayed home with me , and we had the best time. The next day at school the teacher wanted to know where she was the day before as she was not in class. Boy, was my face red! I had to learn about school holidays and bank holidays! They were not necessarily the same.

Yesterday I finally got a chance to work on my floors and get them looking pretty good, and I made a big pot of Mexican bean soup from a new recipe out of Better Homes and Gardens Magazine. I wondered about it, as it had salsa verde and juice and zest of an orange. It was delicious!!! I think it would be super as a variation on one my favorites, white chicken chili. I would add jalapenos, chicken and perhaps more salsa verde. I used a package of beans that I’d never seen before: mayocoba. They were very similar to navy beans. I made a pan of cornbread to go with the beans, and DH didn’t notice there was no dessert. He had another piece of corn bread with honey.

Yesterday, my neighbor from across the road came over with fabric and drawings and requesting help. She had been over and seen my twister quilts… that is all it took! When she was alive, her mom used to try to get her to quilt, but she wasn’t interested. Now she is raising her grandson and wants to make him a dinosaur quilt for his bed. We worked out the math, I loaned her the ruler I’d made for six inch twister blocks, and she was excited to get home and start cutting. Last week, her step father gave her books, rulers, cutters, templates and fabric from her mother’s stash. I can’t wait to go see all the treasures!

We are frosty here today. The sun is shining and dropping diamonds everywhere. Earth looks so pretty with her face washed by the inch of rain we received yesterday.

Dolores—I’m so sorry about your sewing machine! I can cry with you! HUGS!!!

MaryZ—have fun sewing and volunteering! Sounds like a busman’s holiday! I know you are in your element!!!

Now that I’ve written a book, I need to go put myself together to face the day… Have a wonderful day playing with fabric!

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Re: Happy Monday November 12, 2012

Post by auntjana » Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:12 am

Godd BRRRRR Morning!

It is COLD here today - 14 was the low last night and we are now at a whole 24! I knew that when we moved here - but it is really hitting home now! LOL

I got quite a bit accomplished on my Advent Calendar quilt yesterday - I got all the pockets for the numbers done and the center panel with the Christmas tree fused - ready to be blanket stitched - just have to decide if I want to do it in black or match the colors of the packages and the tree.

Sarah's DH was contacted by a Head hunter last week and has a interview today - this will be great - the Head Hunter told him that there are several positions that he will fit in - so we hope that a job comes out of it - he has been working for Sarah this past year, but, needs to get a better paying job.

Well little one is fussing at his Dad - I need to go and save one of them!

Have a great day

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