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Tuesday June 9,2009

Daily discussions.
Posts: 13961
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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by WeSignificant » Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:40 am

My busy life continues. Running about 15 min late getting out the door for work (scout paperwork duties this AM). Just wanted to let you all that follow DGS's progress in life, that despite all the emotional issues, ADHD, behavior and other factors in his life, he pulled off a Straight A semester report card! Thanks to all the special ed teachers out there who are willing to work with these children with multiple problems still reach their academic potentials. You are a very special group of people! He would not have been able to do it without the patience, guidance and love of these people. He actually said to me, "All I needed was a good teacher"!

Just had to brag a bit. You grandma's out there will understand.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by WeeOne » Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:30 am

A quick HELLO from Lake of the Woods, Ontario, Canada.

We arrived yesterday(Monday) afternoon. Set up the Motorhome in the rain. Heading out now to put the boat in the water, before the rain starts again.

I worked on a little doll quilt on the way up, that was fun. It has 60 little heart appliques, so I had a lot of cutting to do.

I'll try to catch up on what every one here has been up to, the last few days.

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by Roben » Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:31 am

Good Morning Everyone! It's another cloudy day here in Iowa, but at least it's not raining again (yet!) The lawn is beginning to look like prairie grass :-)

Lois, we just had the Omaha Quilt Show - it was fantastic! So many talented quilters here, I feel blessed to live here.

Suzette, that's so funny about the dog - I have to pull quilts down each night for our Boyz to lay on, they look offended if I don't!

Dorothy, have fun with the scrappy quilt! I don't do scrappy very well - I overthink the plumbing :-)

Kathy, I hope the day goes by quickly - enjoy that little one.

girl, great news for DH! These storms have been something, but we've been lucky with no tornadoes.

Cissy, what a nice thing to do! Anytime I need an easy, can't miss pattern I turn to my 25 Years and Still Stripping book - EL hasn't let me down yet!

Chriss, have a great day at work!

cindyg, that's great advice about doing something a bit harder.

*T* - it must be such a hardship, going to QIAD all day.... LOL! I won't be jealous, I won't be jealous... ;-)

Mary, I need a prod to get the uglies done.

WS, brag away! What a great job he's done, it'll be such a boost for him to see what he can accomplish.

I have to re-mark a small part of the wholecloth I'm working on; one little needle prick was all it took to reek havoc (memo to self; a little blood spot will wash out, along with the water-soluble marks!) Luckily, I'm just basting it right now. I made myself feel better by getting my room reservations for Des Moines in October, tho! Yesterday was just recovering from the weekend - we went to the Omaha Quilt Show on Saturday and had our good friend (with her 4 month old Airedale puppy), DD and her BF all over for a cookout - great fun, but tiring. That little pup wore my 200 lbs of Boyz out - it was just hilarious!

Have a great day, everyone!!

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by Irishgram » Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:37 am

Good morning from sunny, warm, SW Pa....I think I'm having another lazy day! DH and I had to run out this morning and then I stopped at the Post Office to mail a package...Of course, stopping at the PO takes at least 1/2 hour...Our DD is the Post Mistress and we had to catch up.....I was telling her I hated leaving the house because I hadn't been able to make the bed...(One of the cats just wouldn't give up his spot.) She said, not to worry, if anything happens to us before we get back home, she'd make sure the bed got made before anyone came to the house....What a gal!

I had a call from a girl friend and we're meeting for Chinese...This gal is well into her 50s,looks like she's 20, weighs about 100 lbs. soaking wet and is going to the gym before lunch...Me, I'm over weight, old and I'm going straight to lunch....And then while I'm out, I might as well do some shopping...Hate to waste a trip.....

So that's my exciting day...Hopefully I will get some sewing done when I get home....

Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone.....

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by auntjana » Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:59 am

Good morning everyone -

Been up for a while and got most of the uglies done for the day - DGS is a great help and we work good together as a team. Worked on my swap blocks yesterday and should have them done by the beginning of the week - whoo-hoo!!

WeSig- Yes us Grandma's know about bragging!!! Congrats to your sweet GS on that accomplishment - There are some great Spec Ed teachers out there - my niece for one - She was in Spec. Ed as a child and worked very hard to get her degree and she knew that Spec. Ed was where she wanted to teach - the kids all love her and she relates to them very well - having been there!!

T - Awhile ago you posted about when the new Orion's Star book is going to be available for pre-order? Help - when - I swear that I have "Part-timers memory loss disease" and can't remember when it is.

Kyna (DD) had a storm the other night that flooded the Condo complex where they live - only a little bit of water got into their basement - Her home is on the high end of the buildings too!! Yesterday three different storms came through and dropped large quarter size hail again - No water in the basement - thank goodness!!

Off to my sewing machine as I am embroidering some bath towels and making toddler bibs out of hand towels for my littlest DGS. I have some cute boy embroidery designs to add to the bibs.

Have a great day

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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by Joannequilts » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:06 am

Well, I finally decided to post! I've been goofing off all morning...well, I am doing laundry. DGS, Ryan is with me again...his dad and gampa went fishing for awhile. It's steamy again...and I'm hoping for RAIN.

I placed another order with QIAD yesterday...can't seem to get through a month without needing something! The UGRR wallhanging is ready to piece together when I realized that I don't have the picture of the label in my book! So....I ordered the label kit. Plus, some other stuff and the disappearing nine-patch pattern of El's.

Went grocery shopping yesterday and that did me in for the day! We had a really good dinner, though. I had bought some corn on the cob and DH suggested BLT's. Also, bought some strawberries, so I fixed them and we had strawberries over a lemon pound cake. It was all so yummy and was a perfect dinner! DGS helped, he helped me pick the first of our lettice from my flower bed. Then he washed it. DS2 fried two lbs. of bacon (bless him!!).


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Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by sewcarolyn » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:30 am

Wesig...CONGRATULATIONS.....and he is right all it does take is a good teacher!

Jana--I bet your niece is exceptional as a Special Educator. I had the privilege of being a mentor for a wonderful young lady who also went through Special Education (Resource Program for dyslexia). She got her BA in Communicative Disorders and worked hard to get accepted to graduate school in Speech Pathology, no easy task it is a competitive field. Well she just completed her Masters and I now have the pleasure of calling her a colleague. she is an incredible clinician...because she has empathy but also knows how to push her students to excel without creating a feeling of failure. Yes she relies on spell check but don't we all ;)

Well my next group of little ones just arrived and I have a fun therapy session planned...their last one until school starts again in August. :)

more later and I will read all of the posts :) I will have time after school and before my guild meeting. I am taking a quilt to show and tell. I bumped a photo of it unfinished to the first page of the photos last night to show a friend.

Ok kids have signed their "time cards" ta ta

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Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:40 am

Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by sharonkl » Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:53 am

Good afternoon,
It is hot and muggy here in Louisville, went to have my oil change earlier and felt like I was walking in a sauna!! yuck but it's lots better than snow and ice storms. I'll take this anyday,.

Jnana I'd like to see pics of your bibs if you don't mind. Always looking for cute lil boy stuff to embroider. Where did you find your bib pattern? That's a good idea. Do you have fav places to buy your designs from?
Chriss have a good day at work, have fun working on your blocks tonight.
Suzette, hope your dog enjoys his quilt. I have a friend who just had to put her dog to sleep and the dog used to lay on every quilt she made.
Chrissy1 how about a nine patch? They always turn out nice and don't require alot of thinking?
Irishsgram, hope you enjoy your lunch with your friend. Too funny about your cat not wanting to get "up" this morning.
I have to do some ugly stuff today, I do try my hardest to avoid it but sometimes you just have to suck up and do it!
Hope everyone has a good afternoon,

Posts: 13367
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:25 pm

Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by fabricgirl » Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:55 am

Hi all I appreciate all of your info but our community collage is at a distance so this gym is only 20.00 a month it beets 49.00 a month and besides my DH wants to join also .

I hope everyone is haveing a fun day.


Posts: 2310
Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 5:29 pm

Re: Tuesday June 9,2009

Post by 1quiltinnana » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:13 am

We are packing up the RV and going to Inks Lake for a week! Yippee! Cindyg..thanks for all your good advice and help with what to buy and what to do with our new RV....you've been a "peach"!!!! Bye All!!!

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