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Monday June 8th

Daily discussions.
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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by CoyoteQuilts » Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:50 am

Morning all.... I don't usually get on here until night time. I find that I will spend waaaaay to much time yacking with all of you if I get on in the AM.

Quiet day here today, I have already been and had blood work drawn. You know the pesky physical stuff. I am hoping to get into the sewing room today. It would be nice to get my blocks for various swaps done and work some more on the 'birthday' gift. I am running out of time for the 'birthday' gift so I guess I had better put some quality time in to get it finished. I'll let you know the results of my labors later.

Happy Quilting,
Sharon V.

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:24 am

Back from my errands, Now the rest of the day will be in the sewing room.
Cindy, I found the glue tips for the glue basting. I first went to 2 Joanns, Then I went to Office Max, then I stopped at the Scrapbooking store, (I don't scrap book) It is like a fabric store only paper LOL I couldn't believe my eyes. But the lady there knew just what I was looking for.

Joanne it just stopped raining but I have only 7 more windows to do so they can wait.

I have the spagetti sauce started and I can sew. The (bad word) is done for today.

It rained yesterday too. The weeds are loving it. I will send some to all you DRY folks asap.

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by sharonkl » Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:38 am

Good afternoon it is pretty nice outside in louisville, looks like it might rain late tonight.

The weekends do fly by, seems like there are less hours on the weekend then thru the week.

I am going to run errand after Cooper leaves, postoffice, bank, grocery and all that fun stuff-yeah right.When I get home I am going to sew, work on my blocks for swaps. I did get my mystery wallhanging finished yesterday, well almost I have to put the borders on it.I have never done a mystery quilt before, it was kind of complicated because of not knowing what it was SUPPOSED to look like. If I remember how to post pics I will.

Vivian hope you have fun picking fabrics and making the quilt with your dgd, bet it will be lots of fun.

Have a good afternoon all.

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by Chrissy1 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:25 am

Grammie Judi, are you using that new machine for your projects. It didn't really take you long at all to do those appliques.
Ladies, I am on a hunt. I am looking for the discontinued Vera Bradley all in one pink Ella elephant wristlet. It was the last breast cancer pattern they had. They do have a new pattern now but I really would like to find this patten. I am a tad leary with ebay as you can't tell sometimes until you get things like these at home if they are authentic. I will have an update on Terrie in a day or so, it doesn't seem that things are as easy as she thought with the double mastectomy. Hope all are having a wonderful day. Enjoying your family, friend and hopefully nice weather.

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by institcheswithrosie » Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:54 am

Will leave in about an hour and 1/2 to pick up DH in Louisville. Still have some of that "bad word" stuff to do and shower.
I want to get all the trash bags set on the porch. If we put it out at the curb before 5, the city can fine us $50. DUH. I mean, I can understand a day before, but a couple of hours??

Joanne, I want all kind of info about the fest next year. Also, talk to me about this restaurant where you and your friend have breakfast.
Does it do breakfast all day and do they have good biscuits and gravy?
I have prorities in order.

I want everyone to have a glorious day and remember to keep Brenda in your prayers tomorrow.


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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:46 am

Chrissy Hi the appliques are pieced into a larger applique then sewn to the main quilt. April called for 28 roses, I haven't finished them yet but I am piecing them on the new machine right now because te old machine doesn't have a fine enough stitch. After the roses are done I have to do the May blocks and Junes will be on line. Each month a part of the quilt is revealed. I think in August there are 32 more appliques and leaves to do. The quilt is called "Now and Forever" by Beth Ferrier.

I bought the tips for the glue bottle and they don't fit the bottle I have. {{{{ DRAT }}}}}} Now I have to find another bottle for glue. I can't win/

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by sewcarolyn » Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:53 am

hi everyone..popping on during my lunch break. we have so much to do between now and the last day of school that I secretly wish I had another week. Thursday is coming around very fast!

I only have 3 columns to sew together tonight and then the quilt top is done and ready to send to my LA quilter....whew........... now I can start setting up my frame and really having more fun!

more later

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by Irishgram » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:17 am

Good afternoon from overcast, very warm, SW Pa...At times it looks like we might get some rain but probably won't....This was Meals on Wheels day and we only had 89 to cook for...Our numbers are down, hopefully because more people are able to fend for themselves...DH and I delivered 23 of those meals and stopped and visited with one elderly gentleman...When you see the same people week after week, you really get to know them and it's so sad to see them "go down hill"...This fellow is 97 years young, isn't allowed to drive but he sure drives his tractor all over his property...One day we got there and he was cutting a tree down...His daughter is staying with him for a little while and they were thinking of taking him to a nursing home but everyone agrees, it would be the end....There are so many good things about being with Meals on Wheels but this is one of the bad....

I didn't mean to go on and on....This week at Target, if you bought a certain cat food, you'd get a gift card so off to Target...Between the litter and the food, we ended up with 3 $5.00 gift cards. And then DH treated me to lunch.....By the time we got home, I was so darn tired I sat down to read the paper and fell asleep....So, I sure didn't do any "bad word" stuff today...But there's always tomorrow, right???

Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone...

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by momof6quilts » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:25 am

The party is over, it was a great success!
We have the last Orchestra concert tonight, Our friends are coming on Thursday, recital Saturday, baptism on Sunday, Tia leaving on Sunday afternoon and then, oh yes then I can relax!!!!! And SEW!!!


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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by xteacher » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:47 am

I bought those glue tops in Paducah. Now, I can't find them anywhere. I'm going to have to clean my sewing room, just to find them.

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