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Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:20 am
by luv_2quilt60
around 11:30 and lasted a few lightninged for a long time...

Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:29 am
by Joannequilts
That was probably the first big storm cluster that went through Adams County was here around 8:00pm or so..did you have any damage??


Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:39 am
by Marilynsgrammy
Good Morning, A friend got me into Facebook... it's kind of like myspace only a little more mature... and I re-met a gal I had gone to high school with.. It was fun...

my gosh, what awful weather... I would take an earthquake over a tornado any day of the week.. although we dont feel the quakes where I live so maybe I am not the best so glad everyone made it... here it will get to 90 degrees..

well, I am going to sew until my DGD wakes up.. yep, she is a sleepy head..

you all have a fun day

Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 5:24 am
by Cathy32078
Good Morning! It is a beautiful day here in Central Oklahoma. I am so sorry that some of you had terrible storms! I do not like storms one bit. They scare me. Sure happy that none of you were hurt or had major damage to your homes!

I have the crud that is going around. Guess I caught it from my DGS that I kept last week that had it. Cold like symptoms, fever, aches & just feel like crapola. DH's rig is ready for him so he was relieved from the one he was helping out on. He just came by the house to get the dogs and was on his way to get the RV to take out to his well. It will be a long well but at least when I feel like it I can go out there and stay or if he is needed here in the evenings he can drive home for a few hrs. Not bad at all. Truth is, I am ready to be relieved from the Mals. In the hot weather, I cannot leave them outside at all. Dillon has such seperation anxiety issues I cannot leave them in the house if I leave, for very long at all or he gets something of mine & tears it to shreds. Don't care what it is, if he can smell me on it, he shreds it. So my trips to WalMart & such, I leave them locked in the car with the car running with the A/C on. I've not been away from them for very long for 12 weeks now. Yep, DogMama here needs a break.LOL Gosh I love them though.

Well I have nothing on my agenda today but laying around drinking water. And more water. This evening I need to mow the backyard. I'd do it now while it is cool but the sprinklers went off during the night & it is nice and wet out. I haven't worked on my applique in sev. days so I need to work on that but it may not be done today. Just do not have it in me. Maybe this evening.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day and enjoy it to the fullest.
Love You All

Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 5:34 am
by WeeOne
Lovely day in the Rocky's and my Lilacs smell wonderful!

Sorry to hear about the storms, hope all are safe. I remember spending nights in the cellar on the farm in Iowa when I was little, no fun there!

Chriss - read the posts from yesterday.....OOOHHH, AAAWWWWW.....looks to me like you did a great job on that dress! Your DGD is cute!

Maryz - Maybe you can tie some of the cats on top of the RV :) If you have a Harbor Freight store in your area check out the "Solar Garden Light Set" by One Step Gardens, they are really cute. There's a butterfly, dragonfly & hummingbird ornaments that sit on top of little metal poles that have a solar panel on them. At night they light up different colors. Several people had them in the RV park in Texas, so we got some & bought some for our Moms. I can picture your kitty cats looking up at these.

I'll be potting my Pineapple Sage today & a pack of blue Lobelia will go around the edge of the pot.

A couple days ago I moved some stuff in my sewing room & found the "American Doll Quilts" book. I started looking through it & fell in love with the "Feedsack Flower Garden" quilt, it's only 14" x 17 1/2". I don't need any more projects, I told myself, but.....there's a quilt shop here in Estes that a little older lady owns and she only sells the 30's, 40's reproduction fabrics, so I haven't bought much from her...Have now!! We had fun picking out the fabrics. I'm going to hand sew this one. It will give me a project to work on in route to Canada and in the evenings after fishing when I'm too tired to work at the machine but need to do something. Here's the bad part....DH doesn't know I spent $30 on this, I paid cash; usually everything goes on VISA. Not sure what I'll tell him.

5 days until we leave, I better get busy.

Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:22 am
by purrfect-lady
Wee One thanks for the hint. We have a Harbor Freight about 8 miles away and we're headed that direction this afternoon. I've been looking for some lights to suit our decorating theme. We'll stop in and hope they have cats! Thank you!! maryz

Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:45 am
by Quilter7
Good Morning Everyone!
It is a drizzly day here in Southern California. We have been to Church and breakfast and now enjoying some mint tea. All the talk about Pineapple Sage made me realize I could make mint tea from the fresh mint growing in the yard.

Is that Harbor Freight and Tools? Those lights sound really cute!

Glad to hear all of you are okay and there were no injuries. I am sorry for the loss of trees though. It seems like these storms are sure taking trees.

Joanne - Congratulations to your grandson! Enjoy the day.

I have some errands to run then I will sew. I did say I will work in the yard with my DH for a while too.

Have a great day everyone!!

Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:46 am
by busyhands125

Just tell DH you had them set back for small projects like this, also tell him better you stay busy and let him drive or you will tell him how to drive. lol
Watch that pothole,don't hit that bird, squirrel,rabbit, Watch out for that huge moose, oh look at the baby deer. Or even better you are going over the speed limit by 5 miles, slow down, or , can't you go any faster. " HOW MUCH FOR THAT FISHING LURE?" That will get them every time. lol

Have a safe and enjoyable trip.


Oh, I finished curtains for my daughter's kitchen.

Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:57 am
by beccasmom
Well after the storms last night Becca and I are headed to the pool. I need some sun and she is learning how to swim with me teaching her.

I did sew for a little bit earlier but only about 1/2 hour. More to do tonight.



Re: Sunday the 31 of May

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:29 am
by macdor

I hope everyone is safe. I don't like storms either. I lived in Mich. when I was young so I know what everyone is say about the tornados in that part of the country. Living in western and central NY for most of my live we didn't have them as often. Here in Fl. the tornado seem to go north of us. We do get bad storms, don't like the lightening. Everytime we have a storm seems like it hits a house. Everyone stay safe.

Have two loads of wash on the lines. Think that is about all that I will get done today. Just seem to want to sit and do nothing.

Everyone have a great day what ever are in your plans.
