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Saturday May 16th

Daily discussions.
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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by fabricgirl » Sat May 16, 2009 4:43 am

GoodMorning All

Well Im already started sewing went to the bank then to Joanns .

Boy Vicky everytime we here from you your always busy doing something how Lucky are your children to have such a great family life.

Chris alls I can say for you is that at least you can spoil them and then they go home hats off to the rest that raise them.

Dolores dear sister of mine don't worry I will sew enough for both of us .

will pop back later.

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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by Irishgram » Sat May 16, 2009 5:12 am

Good morning from cloudy, warm SW. Pa...We've had sun most of the morning and now DH just told me it's starting to rain...Oh well, those flowers need it....

I had a sad morning...I had to close up both sewing machines for a week or so..I wanted to get things cleaned up before I leave and the machines were the last...We had a little talk and I told them I'd miss them, so they should be fine until I get back...Next will be trying to explain to the cats that I won't be here...Does it sound like I need a vacation????

This afternoon I'm off to help at a funeral luncheon and hopefully that will be it for the day and of course throw some clothes in a bag...I'm going to be with my DD and 2 DGDs and I have visions of these 2 young "chick" in their tiny little bathing suits and me in my "turtle neck to the knees" suit....I sure hope I don't cause a stir!

Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone....
Catch you all when I get back.....

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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by Cathy32078 » Sat May 16, 2009 6:23 am

Good Morning all. It is a cool morning here and I am really ready for the sun to pop out. We had rain again last night so we are better shape there. Could stand to dry out some actually.

Our oldest DGS is graduating from High Schol this afternoon. He has done so very well in School and I'm really proud of him but it is sad too that he is now a young man and grew up way too fast. *sniff* He was our only grandchild for 11 years so he is a special kid to us. ALL of the family will be there of course and my parents will be driving up to attend.

I recieved my QIAD order from the big Sale this morning and am as pleased as punch. After finding the wonderful Kona Muslin yesterday & getting my order today I am high on cotton. LOL

I guess I better get off of here and go make myself presentable. Should have started that yesterday. LOL Well I can try. LOL

One question: Do any of you know what would make my hair fall out? For the past 2- 2 1/2 months it has really been falling out! It used to be thick enough for 3 people. Sure not so anymore. My Dr said most of the time it is stress. Well that could sure be the case here but I am wondering if it could be anything else. Should I see a Dermatologist or who? Thanks if anyone has any answers. Thought we might have a beautician amongst us.

Love Yall

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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by Caroline1947 » Sat May 16, 2009 6:51 am

Kudos to Vicky!! I dont know how she does it,,but bless her heart!! What I would give to have my health ...my kids missed out on a lot. I admire women who can do all the stuff she does!!! Hugs to Vicky!

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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by mommyquilts » Sat May 16, 2009 7:35 am

Does anyone have Abigails address? I need to get to the PO today for a swap and I can't find my address book!

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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Sat May 16, 2009 9:17 am

Hello Everyone..

My CDA class is over--NO more class!! I droped my tote bags down as I came in the dining room. There they will stay for awhile.

I came stright to the sewing room. I can not decide what to so first!!
I think I will make a cup of tea and think on it. I am feeling pulled to the Jellystone Park kit I bought yesterday. It is nice that the Jelly Rolls are already cut!!

It damp, damp here. The fog is rolling in off the ocean.

Happy Quilting.....Kathy

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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by mommyquilts » Sat May 16, 2009 10:03 am

Thanks! I got her address!

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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by MoCrafter » Sat May 16, 2009 11:03 am

Hello Everyone!

I have not posted on here in a long time. I do check in from time to time, but just haven't posted. It is cool here today, but at least the sun is shining and the rain stopped. We received about 3 inches in the past couple of days. It is wet,wet, wet. Dh was going to mow, but it is way to wet to do that, so he is taking a nap. LOL

We go to KC tomorrow for our little granddaughter, Izabella's first birthday party. I can hardly wait. We'll get to see all the kids and grandkids. I made Izzie 3 skirts and a little dress for her birthday.

I have been busy making gifts for people. I thought once Christmas was over, I could slow down. NO, not yet. Now it is about time to start over on Christmas gifts. Goodness, will I ever have time to just play with what I want to play? LOL I made my dh a beagle wall quilt for his birthday and just finished a rooster wall quilt for mom's birthday. Now I am working on a disappearing 9-patch for a graduation gift for my niece. It will not be done in time, since she graduates tomorrow. Oh well, it will eventually get done.

Sorry to ramble on so much. That's what happens when I have been away for a while. I hope some of you remember me. I'll try not to disappear again. Have a good day.


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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by Joannequilts » Sat May 16, 2009 12:44 pm

Winona, I remember seeing you post awhile back! I've only been here a year now..wow, doesn't seem that long! lol!

I'm all pooped out from our grill out last night! A simple burgers on the grill turned into a family gathering! Then this morning I had breakfast with an ex-coworker..we do that once a month now..then came home and took a long nap! DH and I just got home from having dinner at Mama's Grill..right up the road. Maybe tomorrow I will feel like doing something again!


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Re: Saturday May 16th

Post by zfatcat » Sat May 16, 2009 1:09 pm

I bought a clover chalk marker the other day. I just used it for the first time and LOVED IT. I guess I will be buying one in every color now. lol
Lori 8-)

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