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Sunday, January 26

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Sunday, January 26

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:11 am

Good morning. No Internet this morning so dictating on my phone. After two beautiful sunny days we have rain this morning for traveling. At least we only have ~160 miles to go to Houston.

Chriss, you have an assortment of machines. Are all of them too heavy to take to classes? Do you plan to take classes? I didn’t realize Marilyn doesn’t have a drivers license. Yes, I would think that would be goal number one for her.

Lori, which kits did you get from buttermilk basin? Are you doing all four of them at the same time? Do they all go together?

Tina, any word on total damages from Holly’s flood? I really would be worried about mold. It happens quickly. If it’s as bad as you described, they probably should not be sleeping/living in the house.

Lyn, do you anticipate, if all goes according to schedule, will you be ready to move into your she sews shed after floor goes down next Thursday? Do you know how you want to place everything?

Jana, the railroad track will be so cool in your backyard. Especially come anniversary party time. Before you know it, we will have a caboose back there! It’s a relief to see so many of those illegal criminals being rounded up and deported. But for your family, I’m sure it’s especially so!

Mary Q. I don’t know about assisted-living but I do know nursing homes would really appreciate your quilts. That is where I have taken many of my extras and they are always so grateful to have something nice for their residents for birthdays or Christmas gifts. Did you pull out your next project? As for pneumonia, shots, yes! If you can’t remember, which shot you got last, if any, then by all means get in line! I think the newest is Prevnar 20. Pneumonia is still a very serious disease, especially if it is viral. And can be contagious, too. Sadly, too many people underestimate it.

Judi, shoes are easy – one pair of sandals, one pair of Tennies. And one pair of flip-flops for the pool if you wear them. Does your VRBO have washer and dryer? This year I really cut back on the clothes I brought in the trailer and I still only wore half of them. Next year I am going to drastically cut my travel wardrobe. And I really mean it this time. So sorry to hear Liam is so sick. Didn’t Nolan have pneumonia not too far back? I hope Liam is better soon.

Lois. Yes! You were missed! Happy to see you back. What is your next project?

Yesterday was awesome with Amara. We were at the kids from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Stopped at the library to pick up the last of my quilts and now they are all stowed under our bed. We have a lot of storage under there, 18 inches deep. We hitched up our trailer last night because with the diesel engine it’s a long noisy process and we hate doing it so early in the morning. People parked close to us are not appreciative,. We are just going to Houston, which will take us about four hours. We will see Cindy tomorrow. SUE is out of town. Bill has doctor appointments Tuesday and Wednesday and we will be starting for Home on Thursday. I am ready to be home again. And so are my furry folk I think

Have a good day. If you are watching football playoffs, I hope your team wins whoever they are.

Mary z

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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:52 am

Good morning,

Mary safe travels to you and Bill I know it must be hard to leave the triple A's but with all the technology you won't miss a beat.
As for projects I don't know yet I think I will take a week off I have to clean my machine and we have some appointments coming up for February I kinda want to start the quilted snowman but I promised Sandi that I would wait till she gets the green light to sew again.

So today Olivia is coming to give me a very very much needed haircut she is bringing a friend with her a guy but they are just friends and after she gives me a haircut then they will be off to somewhere.

Well thats my story for today.
Everyone enjoy your day.
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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by Becca » Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:07 am

Good morning everyone It’s me a stranger
I have had apts shopping for coat and shoes which is a major job I am also putting a new zipper in a Winter coat plus activities with family Church and here
I do read & try to keep up
I did find out about my muscles It’s all coming from my back which is mostly from my fall in 2021 & aging Just life in general
I will live with it
Yes PT may give a little help but unless it gets worse I will live with it
Maryz I know you had a great time with your little girl I know I enjoy Frankie
So glad your class went so good I knew it would
Lois I got my hair cut Friday and it felt so good It was overdue because of snow we had Enjoy your time with Olivia
I’m waiting on Alex to pick me up for Church One of the Great Grands is being baptized today
Have a great day everyone Prayers for those in need. Becca

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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by auntjana » Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:33 am

Good morning!

Still snow on the ground. Daniel will be over to shovel for me. Especially before church. So the car doesn't crunch down our fluffy powder snow. Crunched snow is more work for Daniel.

Church is later. This year we start at noon. I'm good with that. We are singing four easy hymns today. And no weird time signatures!

Don't know what trouble I'll get into for the next couple of days until my new chair arrives. It will be here on the 30th. Hurry up that day! I guess some upstairs spring cleaning will take place. There are other chairs in the Batt Cave,, but not very comfy to use for long periods. I have some yard art that needs assembly, so that can happen too. I bought new tacky, 😀, pink flamingos for my planters in the front yard. Don't know why, but I love silly flamingos. Flamingos outside, roosters inside. Oh, if you are a sheep collector, saw a new quilt kit on sale at My Girlfriend's quilt shop website. And a new embroidery bunny pillow from Kimberbell there too. Repeat, I will behave, I will behave............

Enjoy this wonderful day,

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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Jan 26, 2025 7:25 am

Good morning It is sunny and not quite so cold here,,,I was up early stripped the bed and started some laundry. ken remakes the bed for me as I hate it.
We spent a good portion of the day at volleyball tournament and Sophias team came in 2nd over all...a fun day
Since yesterday was Ryker's 9th birthday my son (grampa to the highest level) took Ryker to e Red Wings game...I of course had to watch,,,He was able to get the attention of the captain (Ryker wears no 71 same as the captain)who gave him a game puck. all were thrilled. Today we will celebrate Rykers birthday with dinner at his favorite restuarant and that means no cooking for me too WIN WIN,,
I am doing laundry and maybe just maybe I will sew a bit...
Jana Ken did some work at a pretty famous chair company and they have you sit in a mold and custom make the chair to fit you and your way of sitting,,,Ken said it was neat to watch and of course they offered ken 50% off a chair which was only $4000 ( regular price about $8000) he declined a new chair, but was facinated at the process.
Lois sometimes a haircut is all you need to start fresh...enjoy your visit.
Maryz Safe travels...hope you visit with the little was fun and you werent too sad leaving...
Becca glad you are doing well and enjoy church today,,,,

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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by maryq » Sun Jan 26, 2025 8:19 am

Good morning Girls

Finally I got logged in here!! You know how computers like to do those automatic updates? Mine did one yesterday and now things aren't working quite as well. My new computer (well from 2021) came with ONE DRIVE and I absolutely HATE it! I uninstalled it and some how it re-installed it again! Did I mention I hate it!! So just now I un-installed it again. I just want my files on my computer and now off in a cloud somewhere. Which is why I keep an external hard drive!! I don't like my info floating around!

Maryz.... On the road again!!! Nice that you have a short drive today and how fun to be able to catch up with Cindy!!! Sorry Sue can't make it. Yeh, I think I had Prevnar 12 or 13 back when I was still working (it was so handy getting all my shots right at work) So perhaps I should go in for an update! I'll have to do some research to find a nursing home near me, the ones near me are just assisted living centers. Did you pack more than you needed this trip? I'm really bad at over packing too. I try to remind myself that I'm not going out in to the jungle or anything and there's always a Target or Walmart (where I go--Alaska) Once they lost my luggage I had to run to Freddies for skivvies and jammies!!

Lois... How great it is you have Olivia for hair cuts!!! In my "first life" I was a beautician and tho I can trim the front of my hair if I get desperate, I dare not try to cut the back! But oh there are days!!!! It just always feels so good to get a good haircut!!!

Becca.... SO good to see you stop by! You are such a busy gal!!!

Jana... Did you know that Flamigo's are a thing for folks that have Airstream Campers? My oldest DB and SIL have a big Airstream that they travel with when they head south. Carol has all sorts of decorations for their camp site with Flamigos. I found a couple cute embroidery designs of Flamigos!!

Judi... Ryker is 9?!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! How exciting for him to get the Game Puck! I bet that will stay with him all his life!! Yikes.. that had to be some kind of awesome chair for $8000.!!!! Just think of all the fabric that would buy-!!!

Lyn... Thanks for sharing the picture of your cabin! No pretty!!!! How fun that will be to get all set up just the way you want!! I might be careful of putting batting up high in that cubby tho-- could it a) be hard to get down or b) get icky up there unless really covered tight? Just a thought. I had a cupboard like that at my house, a high spot in the entry way--great for storing things that don't get effected by dust or moisture.

Tina... Did you get your donuts made? I have so been craving cookies lately, but don't dare bake them because I would eat them all and my blood sugar would go WAY up!! and so would the number on the scale!

Lori.... Even tho I'm not a fan of HOT weather... and 80* day sounds pretty good to me! Heck I'd even be happy with 60*. I shouldn't complain tho, all things considered we've had a mild winter.

Chriss. Wow you got a really good deal on your machine when you bought it!! I just checked it out online and SRP is way over $2000. if I'm looking at the right one. I have a Janome Skyline 5 and had thought about trading in for an upgrade, but it suits my purposes for now. When I get junk e-mail, like "Your Google storage is almost full" Those kinds of places that want you to confirm billing info... I just look at email address they are coming from.. Usually it's some long weird email address not at all related to who they say they are!

Yesterday I did manage to get the baby boy quilt top together. It's only about 37" square so as soon as I can figure out what to use for border, I'll add a wider one to make it a little bigger. Not sure what the plan for today will be, maybe I haul out the pieces for baby girl quilt and work on that for a little bit. I'm waiting for one piece of matching fabric to come in the mail... hopefully tomorrow.

For now, guess what...... I need more coffee! And I should probably go unload the dishwasher! (●'◡'●)

Wishing you all a great Sunday!

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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:11 am

Good morning. It's going to be a great day today.

I didn't do a darn thing yesterday, today I need to get my grove on and get a few things done around here. I put a roast in the crock pot and have one load of laundry in the wash. After I give the kitchen a good cleaning and make a grocery list I will be caught up.

Moose just chased a dog out of our yard. It seems that I've seen a lot of dogs missing or found areound here. So many irresponsible dog owners. I just don't understand it. The people who bought grandma's house are the worst. They have 3 dogs that they don't pay attention to and they haven't been home in well over a week. Someone came and fed the dogs, and I assume someone has been feeding them right along. But they are in kennels, it's really sad. I just don't understand peopl.

Maryz, so glad you had an amazing yesterday, safe travels. Hope Bill's doc appts go well. My machines are pretty heavy, I don't know if I will take classes as much as I will sew with my quilt group after meetings. The machine I want to trade in is the one Cindy used to rave about. It was a deal so I bought it.

Lois, Nice to have Olivia come by, hope that after the hair cut they are going someplace fun. I cleaned my machine the other day. Amazing what a new needle will do and boy oh boy, try a new blade in the rotary cutter, AH MAZ ING!!!!

Becca, you are a busy lady. enjoy the baptism, and if there is cake afterwards have some for me.

Jana, You will get a lot done while waiting on that chair to arrive. Love the sheep quilt, it's cute. Enjoy church.

Judi, wow. Ryker got the puck. What a memory that birthday will be. Me? I love putting the sheets back on the bed.

Maryq, I laugh when I see you unload the dishwasher. I don't even use mine. a couple of months after Jerry died I wanted to use the rack in the dishwasher to dry some dishes and found dishes in it. Not sure how long that they were in there. That machine was an exxpensive machine and I got it at a good price. But would gladly trade it in for something lighter. It was an impulse buy and I really wish I hadn't made it.

Lori, how are you doing?

Dinner tonight will likely be taco salad made with the roast in the crock pot. You all have a groovy day
James 1:2-4

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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:22 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Lyn, wowzer I love your sewing room! Do you have it all planned out how and where everything will go yet?! I'm excited for you!
Chriss, I remember you buying it now, I think LOL isn't that the one you sent me a pic of and after you bought it it needed a repair and they repaired it for you at no extra charge? I'd sure buy it from you if I had a way to get it.....do you deliver? 😁
Maryz, safe travels! Holly is still waiting on the adjuster. I imagine there's mold already but there's nothing she can do yet and she can't afford to go stay in a hotel or anything, of course her and the kids are always more than welcome to stay here but so far she hasn't asked. Hopefully this next week she'll get an answer and ache I so it can be started.
Lois, I haven't had a trim by anyone in several months (I have trimmed my bangs myself several times), you're so lucky to have Olivia go give you yours ❤️
Maryq, yep I made the donuts and most went home with Holly for her and the kids, I did keep some because Kevin and Maria and the boys are coming today, they were going to come over yesterday but it got too late so they're coming over today.
Judi, wow those were crazy expensive chairs, hopefully they never needed replacing and came with a lifelong lifetime warranty.
Becca, so good to see you again! Sounds like you're as busy as usual ❤️
Jana, I've been looking for a chair too, let me know how you like it please.

I need to scoot, trying to do a couple things before the kids get here, we're going to do burgers on the grill and have potato salad, Mac and cheese and some raw veggies and whatever else I can think of. Holly and the kids are coming over too.
You all have a great day! Prayers for all in need 🙏

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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Jan 26, 2025 11:01 am

Good morning all, hoping everyone is having a blessed Sunday.

I have been able to listen to church online this AM, have made a pillowcase for DSIL. I bought the fabric when we were in Santa Cruz and then forgot about it. Found it the other day and decided I really should get them done. Yesterday was Free Sew and I got a good start on my month 11 Windsong BOM. Now trying to decide what's for lunch. I also need to go to the bank and get some cash.

Maryz stay safe out there in the rain. I agree, SNF love quilts for their patients. I would also think board and cares and assisted livings. Just make sure they are well washable cuz they will get washed a lot and in hot water. Glad you got to spend some last minute time with Amara.

Lois I looked at my February quilting calendar and may have to adjust as I haven't figured out how to be in two shops at same time. Then to fit my work days in. I sometimes wish I could worry about hair cuts the way most of you girls do, but alas, no haircuts here. Maybe one day.

Becca good morning, good to see you. We all need a break at times and while I try to get here daily it doesn't always happen. So miss going to a church and seeing those little ones baptised.

Jana I am waiting on a new chair too. I will go to the shop on Thursday to pick up my BOM and ask about it. How does the Kimberbell system work?

Judi $8000 for chair? Wow, that's a nice chair. I can't believe he didn't get you one. You deserve it. The grands are sure growing up fast. I remember when there wasn't too many grands here. Now they are everywhere! God is good.

Maryq still working on that travel schedule. Looks like St Michaels may be right on the way to Erhard. I need to do some kitchen chores today also.

Chriss I did go see a patient yesterday before Free Sew and let me tell you I will never go see her again. She is the most unappreciative person I think I have ever met. We get a lot of lost dog reports too. I guess people don't care that they could get run over. I use my dish washer for many things. Combs, brushed, Dishrack, frige pieces. I need to get going on getting rid of some of my machines. I think i have 8. Many are old and may not be worth much but you never know.

Tina meal sounds wonderful, I can be there in 15 1/2 hours! I could run by Chriss's and get the machine and deliver it! But darn, I have things to do here. Have a great time with the family

Well, on to do a few things before I go back to sewing. Have a great day all.
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Re: Sunday, January 26

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Jan 26, 2025 12:02 pm

Valerie, you come get me and we will both go to Tina's. We'll bring her that machine and stop and pick up dessert.

Tina, the next knock on your door will be Valerie and me with forks in hand, keep that dinner warm,

Here I go, my chores are done and I'm off to sew.
James 1:2-4

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