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MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

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MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Jan 20, 2025 4:36 am

Good morning,

It's Inauguration Day! May God continue to bless our wonderful country!

We are 23*, feels like 13* this morning. Brrrr!! 60% chance of snow tomorrow. Warming up by Wed night.

LORI - I love your quilt! That is one of my favorite blocks (54/40 or fight) and set on point like you did makes it even more beautiful! At home, I almost always use fresh everything, chicken included, except in a cooking emergency, but when we're in the trailer, cans and boxes are my friends.

JANA - Your chicken recipe sounds tasty. I used to make a similar dish but used fresh chicken breasts and onion soup mix. I haven't made it in years, but you brought it back to my mind.

LYN - I think I won't be buying canned chicken in Canada! Thanks for the warning. lol! Is your painter coming back today to fix the error of his way? How is Garry? I've been thinking about quesadillas. I also make them with refried beans, diced chilies, a few red pepper flakes. A great travelin' meal! Thanks again!

VAL - Sounds like your quilt was giving you a little sass yesterday. In fact, it must have been a lot of sass if, for a break, you chose to clean your kitchen! I think you said you were going to work on your DD's quilt but I've forgotten which quilt that is. Remind me I Googled your Windsong BOM. I'd forgotten what it looks like. Holy cats!! How old will you be when you finish that beast? Will yours be 107"x107"? I saw one finished for sale on Etsy for more than $1,000. That was probably a bargain. Should have been priced over $3,000. And don't count yo yo's out yet! You have a big trip planned and they are a great way to take quilting on the road without a lot of fuss or supplies . . . . Just sayin' . . .

JUDI - Aut said she plans to put my yo yo quilt on her office wall. Not sure how she is going to do that - it's a small office and one wall is all windows out into the library. They don't have a couch at home, but just a few chairs. But not my problem! She really liked it and actually asked for it. She is also getting the finished Valentine tablerunner I made as a finished example for my class. So two things I don't have to squeeze back into our trailer!

TINA - what is wrong with your hands? We've used the Snappers for years. Bill says after you use them a while they 'break in' (kind of like breaking in shoes) and are easier to put on but still can be difficult when snapping them over bulky seams. There are videos that show how to use them. You might watch them and see if they look difficult for you. Do you know if Cindy uses hers? If not, maybe she'd sell them for a "used" price. Your chicken recipe sounds good, too. Mine is sort of a cross between yours and Jana's. Now I'm hungry for chicken and rice!! We watched the Rams game yesterday. To be honest, I didn't care who won, but I was kind of rooting for the Rams because I thought L.A. could use an emotional boost.

MARY Q - sorry about all the frogging, But I hope you didn't have to remove the entire length of the borders but just where they attached at the bad row. I forgot to buy chicken yesterday so no chicken and rice for us for a while.

CHRISS - what's cookin' at your house today? Has Dad been coming as often as he was? Thursday is only 3 days away again! :D

I talked to Sharona. She has been busy with holidays, guests, and not feeling too well. She has her cardiac ablation Jan 22nd. She says hi to all and hopes to be back with us again after her procedure.

We are going to Amara's today. Autumn is off for the holiday but according to Antonio, still feeling 'crappy' and would love for us to come take over Amara. Not sure what is wrong but my guess is a combo of her stressful job, her finger injury, and stress over her first colonoscopy tomorrow all has something to do with it. She has always reacted to stress with nausea/vomiting even when she was little. Antonio says he is exhausted and sleep deprived. I could tell him that women all over the world handle multiple kids, cooking, cleaning, shopping, gardening, holidays, sewing Halloween and play costumes, AND jobs, often when they or their kids are sick, but I don't think he wants to hear it right now. Or ever. :lol: :lol: Anyway, Nonnie & Pop happily to the rescue! Tomorrow may be snowy here, so not sure what it holds for us but if Aut's appt isn't cancelled that's when they will really need a babysitter. It's in the afternoon so roads should be clear by then.

Since I finished all my machine sewing projects - oh, I could get my BeWitched blocks out and sew those together if I wanted - I'm back to just my embroidery project so I pulled it out again last night. It's kind of hard to do because there is a big long-haired black cat that wants to sit on my lap when I try to stitch. He and my white fabric don't mix well. So stitching times vary according to my cat's moods. And I think tonite's supper is going to be goulash. Like my Mom used to make with hamburger, tomatoes, macaroni, cheese, etc. Half for tonite and half for the freezer. My freezer is getting kind of full. A good thing.

Happy today! Make it a good one!

mary z

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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:29 am

Good morning It is 5 here was 3 this morning feels like - something, I do need to go out to pick up my grocery order. Im getting real used to someone doing my shopping for me. I dont do meat or fresh veggies but just staples...I did need some vitamins but I pick the brand I want and they are really good about getting it right, I just have to open the hatch,,,
Tomorrow is my oldest son birthday and we will go there and see him and Val for supper,,,hoping their 2 daughters will be there too and maybe even Navy and Maddie, It is hard to fathom having a son getting close to retirement age, he will be 58 tomorrow.
I might throw some laundry into the machine and see what I can make for supper..other than that maybe a little dusting and maybe a little sewing...I might ake Lyn's pork chop bake today or even the quesadillas not sure what I will take out of the freezer,
Maryz be aware a lot of Texas will shut down for snow...they just cannot drive in it,,,When I lived there many years ago they closed everything for just a dusting of snow...
I'm off to get something done before I need to leave...Have a happy day and happy Inaugartion Day it is a good day for America....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:38 am

JUDI - happy birthday to your baby boy! Our son-in-law, Lee, will be 57 on his next birthday. I've known him since he was 9 yrs old. Lara was 6. They thought they were cousins for a long time! Lee is retiring the end of May. I've been thinking just like you - I don't like seeing our kids getting old enough to retire! We've never had bad luck with the produce chosen for us by store shoppers. So far they've done a good job at HEB. I've never used the service at any other store. And yes, we are expecting Autumn's appointment to be cancelled if they have snow. (which would be a bummer as she is doing all the prep today and tomorrow morning). That's why Bill's two appointments in Houston were cancelled and we ended up here an extra week - because it may or may not snow. But from our observations, Texans - at least Austin people - have trouble driving in good weather so good to get things closed down for ice/snow. And happy Inauguration Day to you! :D

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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by mepeace2 » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:43 am

Good Morning all
I am back. Been Busy helping my sister. We got her house bought. Now she is trying to fix part of it up.
Me I have been cleaning things out. Also been watching a lot of you tube videos on the accuquilt go big. I got one for Christmas. I also purchased the 2.5 strip die. I have been cutting strips for a Bargello heart .
The guild is having a sew in with some one to teach. So I hope I can attend. I also ordered the book Bargello Hearts by Nancy Podolsky. Hopefully that will help. I have been sewing some. I also been cleaning up and out in the basement. Got all Christmas decorations down and put away accept for the undecorated tree. My sister will come help me put it downstairs. Soon I hope.
Boy its been cold here the last few days . Right now its 0 with wind chills 15 below. I did get the trash to the curb this morning. Walk Barney just long enough to do his job.
We did sign a contract for sale of farm However I do not get money until later this spring.
I am really considering selling house. Its getting to be a lot of work for me. I will wait until I get some stuff fixed then make up my mind.
Barney is doing good . A little stinker but cute.
Judi It seems you are doing much better and enjoying life again. My sister gave me some vitamins for Christmas Lol. So I ordered some more. They do seem to make me feel better. More energy.
Maryz I seen you were stuck in Texas. LOL Does not feel that way since you can see Miss boots does it.
Judis right if it snows in Texas it shuts down. My brother lived there for a while . Does not snow like it does here in Illnois. But we have not had a lot of snow this year. Just weird temps. It was 55 on friday and today zero. Later in week supposed to warm up again. This weather is even weird for Illinois.
Well I got some cleaning to do before I go sew. And I need another cup of Java.

You all have a great sewing day and stay safe.
Katy and Barney

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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by auntjana » Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:33 am

Good morning!

Bright outside, but , as per no, cold! Last I saw was 12, but it will warm up to just below freezing.

PT isn't, the holiday, so no place to go. That's a very good thing as my arthritis is complaining big time. On Saturday, I had to go to Costco. No handicap parking at all, so I circled the lot and parked out in the way far out back forty. Walked in and got the electric cart, there was one. Did what I needed for shopping and drove the cart back to my car. Well, I'm paying for that walk now. I knew better than Costco on a Saturday, but it was a absolute necessity. Never again!

So after I feed Mr G, I have to straighten up the checking account. He has it all ways from Sunday, messed up. He did keep a tight watch on a budget all these years. Very complex way to make sure everything was accounted for. I watched and knew how he did it, but I always wanted easier. So now, I get my way! And a huge argument.

Sarah got a new job. The guy she worked for, doing sod, had a friend that needed a bookkeeper that had a brain. New boss, had to fire the previous bookkeeper who messed up the books and didn't pay the sales tax and other taxes on time. So Sarah started already and fixed several major problems. Sarah will work from home about 20 hours a week, and can set her own work times.

Hopefully will see the Batt Cave, it shouldn't take me long to fix Mr G's mistakes.

Enjoy the day! Continue to pray for this great country, prayers are answered!


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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by FlorenceM » Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:38 am

Chicken breast & gravy in crockpot. Mist of my to do list is done.
Haven't driven Piccolo far because insurance agent office not opened today for holiday & we want to be assured insurance is good....besides I told Joe Piccolo likes the warm garage to the bitter cold outside.
Not sure what else will bring, but staying inside will be involved...our high today will be in the teens!

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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by maryq » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:06 am

Good Frigid Morning!!

When I crawled out of bed this morning, I asked Alexa the temp... 19 BELOW!! with a high temp today of 7 BELOW. If I didn't have to go to the Dr for a quick blood draw. And believe it or not, I'm darn close to running out of white thread!!! so a quick stop for that is planned as well.

Maryz..... Oh gosh, what would A & A do without you! How DID we do it back in the day-- I remember bringing Kevin home from the hospital, Dex had like 2 days off from work, then I was on my own-- 3 kids under 5. Ok, so I didn't always get a shower or fix great meals. :lol: :lol: Probably good idea to not bring up the "in my day..... " conversation. I grew up on goulash... how else could you feed 9 people on one pound of hamburger. But in my whole married life I think I only made it once--and can't say I've bought elbow macaroni more than once in my life.

Judi... Happy Birthday to your son! What does he do that he can retire at 58? I know some jobs you can retire after so many years on the job, not by age. I have tried shopping online for later pickup at Target and it does work really well, would be great on a day like this when I don't even want to leave the house---just to drive up and pick up is great. But like you, I prefer picking out my own fruit and veggies and meat, unless it's hamburger because that's all the same at Target. Thanks for the advice on Country Road quilt, I think I might avoid that one too!!

Katy.... Good to see you back. I bet your sis is thrilled to have her own home now! How great of you to help her out. It's a tough decision to thinking about selling your house, lots to think about. I love my little townhouse, but somedays I just miss having the space that I had in my own. If it weren't for all the yard work, I maybe would have stayed there longer. But it worked out perfectly when my Son and DDIL moved home from Canada and bought it. It's been great to see the wonderful changes and updating they have made to it. DDIL wants to completely remodel the upper level!! Can't wait to see that.

Jana... Oh have fun balancing that checkbook!! Actually that's something I kind of like to do. When we bought our drugstore (December 31, 1984) DEX handed me the checkbook and said---"here.. you can take care of this" Man did I learn a lot FAST! That was back before I even had a computer and did it all by hand, Bills, payroll, taxes etc. I think that's what they call "on the job training"

Lori... Love your Star Quilt, when I looked close at it I said out loud "that looks easy" I have a few blue and red 10" squares left over from the Carrie Nation I bet I could make them work. Did you have an actual pattern or did you wing it? I love blocks turned on point, changes the whole look.

As I mentioned I have to run to Dr for lab work this afternoon and I just got to thinking I hope my car starts!! It's in a garage, but I haven't had it out for while! It's 13 below here now and get this 30* above in Anchorage!! --they will see 40's by the weekend!! Go figure!!

Off I go.. Wishing you all the very best the day can bring

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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by zfatcat » Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:16 am

Maryq, dang that's really cold. The quilt is very easy. One block set on point. No I didn't use a pattern. Hope your outing goes smoothly and you can stay warm in the car on the way there.

Maryz, That star block is my favorite. I have the Accuquilt die in 3 sizes. Hope Autumn's appointment isn't cancelled, and she feels better soon. Thanks for the update on Sharona.

Katy, I love the strip cutter. It makes cutting strips so fast.

Judi, I found with those shopping apps, you just have to be very specific. I used to get my dad's groceries directly from the store. Order and pick up. I prefer to shop for myself though. I'm a label reader and it's easier when I'm in person.

Chriss, how was bingo? Did you win?

I watched the Inauguration. I sure hope he can make at least some of the changes he's proposing. We definitely need to move in a positive direction as a country. I put the star blocks together. I need to get some red fabric for the borders and binding. I have some laundry going and will straiten up around here. Then see what trouble I can get into. The wind is picking up again. Hopefully not too bad.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by WeeOne » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:13 pm

Good afternoon. 32* and cloudy. Calling for snow tonight, hope they're wrong.

I was getting ready to post and Flo text me her photos of her purse and car to put on the Photos thread. Just as I got that done, the constructions guys showed up, I was still in my PJ's drinking coffee. I quickly threw on clothes and coat and went out to talk to them. Miguel had brought a construction heater to warm the place up and showed me how it worked. We talked about what gets what color paint. As I was walking out his heater started acting up. He called me about 10 mins. later and said they were not going to be able to paint because the heater had stopped working. He will get a new one, but may not be back for a couple days due to the weather. The inauguration was starting and I watched that. Then time to get Garry up and fed. Unload dishwasher, reload and had a few things that had to be hand washed. Did an inventory of the supplements that came on Friday. Counted out 8 days of morning pills for Garry. I had washed Garry's shirts yesterday, but had only hung them on the coat rack in Laundry room, so put them on hangers. Stripped the bed and started that laundry. Called Dr office and realized that I had bought the wrong supplement.

Does anyone take Magnesium/Potassium Citrate? I should have bought Mag/Pot Aspartate, guess I was tired when I ordered and didn't see the difference. Anyway, If someone can use it I will be happy to mail it to you. I can't return it to Amazon. It was an expensive mistake that I won't make again.

I'm going to roll my chair away from the laptop and to my sewing machine now. Dinner will be either Almond Chicken breasts or Texas Pork ribs, haven't decided.

I hope everyone stays warm in this cold snap. Prayers for your needs. God Bless America!!

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Re: MONDAY, January 20th, 2025

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:24 pm

Good morning. It's been a busy and chilly morning. Only 53 outside and it's around 2pm Pretty sure the windows will stay closed today.

I've finished my walk, I had brunch and have been on the phone most of the morning. I didn't realize I was so popular. I really haven't accomplished one thing, other than walking. but when I am done here I will at least vacuum and mop. Tomorrow I take a friend to a doctor appointment and then on Wednesday the plan is to do some chores and sew. Not sure if Grandma Thursday will happen on Thursday or Friday this week, I will know more later.

Maryq, birds are stupid, I do like birds but not woodpeckers. I've been changing passwords too. And user names. Oddly I have a can of chicken in the pantry and just have never opened it. It's from Costco and I just am not sure about it. I do have canned tuna and will use it as long as it isn't heated in a casserole. Maryq, hope the lab stuff is just routine. The block Lori did was 54-40 or fight. QIAD has a ruler for it or youtube has tutorials, it's a great block, I really like it.

Tina, Jerry used to make a chicken rice broccoli casserole with cheese and cream of mushroom soup, really good.

Valerie, before you take MZ's hint of using peanut butter on the sap on your car you might think of what the neighbors could be thinking as you walk outside with a gallon sized jar of skippy.

Lori, Mexican bingo (Loteria) was fun. I won a game and got a bag with a blanket and a clock in it. I gave it to my friend for her church rummage sale. They served taco truck tacos, rice, some kind of a corn dish and dessert was brownies, cookies and churro balls. It was a lot of food and my only meal yesterdya. I was stuffed. Your vet quilt is gorgeous. I bet dad enjoys taht you spend time with him. going through is house isnt' a priority, Is he healing well from his fall? I'm leery about canned chicken too. I like the rotisserie chicken at Costco and sometimes buy it already deboned. last time I was there I found rotisserie leg quarters.

Maryz, glad your trip home got postponed so you could be there while Autumn gets her colonoscopy done. All the things you listed might be causing her to feel icky OR, maybe she's pregnant. I vote for pregnant. My dad will be here tomorrow but I won't. He's going to do whatever he wants to do and I am going to take a friend to the doctor.

Judi, hope supper with the kids is marvelous. It's always good to get to spend time with family. Is Val the DIL who recently had the infusion? Hope she's doing well. If Navy is there be sure to give her a squeeze for me. Heck, give Val one too. I missed the inaguaration but do hope that he accomplishes some of his goals sooner rather than later.

Katy, hope all goes well with your sisters house. Any chance, if you do decide to sell your place, you'd move in with her? I'm also still purging the excess. Mostly done but still find things to go through here and there.

Jana, I was surprised that around 10am on the 15th when I went to Costco to get gas there were many open parking places. Sadly I had no reason to go in. Jerry used to mess up the checking account, mainly because he never balanced it. He had all the statements, so I went through them and found the errors too. Finally he decided maybe the checking account would be my job. Now I very rarely write a check. Most things are done online

Flo, love the car ad the purse. both are lovely.

Lyn, look at you sneaking in when I try to push the submit button. Hope the painter does come back and does the job correctly.

When Richard was little my dad got him this VCR tape (Dad was a fireman) and Richard watched it constantly. It's 30 minutes long but brought back good memories for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih-TKsydx1I

I'm not real hungry so don't htink dinner will be much. I do know the vacuum cleaner is going to get a workout in a minute or two.

You girls have a fab evening.
James 1:2-4

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