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Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

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Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon May 27, 2024 4:43 am

Good morning,

Happy Memorial Day. As we all enjoy our picnics, BBQ's, and gatherings, let's take a moment to remember and honor the oh so many men and women who have given their lives so we have the freedoms we enjoy today. May we never take them, or our freedom, for granted.

JANA - so sorry for your family loss. I hope you have some good memories of this SIL. And you will get the hang of those insulin shots. Is Michael giving them to himself or are you doing it? I'm sure in diabetes classes you learned to vary the injection sites, stomach, thighs, etc. Most people can't reach their own deltoids so that site is often used when other people administer the shots. My good friend, at one time, had to give herself 6 shots/day. She is now doing just one a day, will be 87 in a couple of months and going strong! I hope those wasps vacate your BBQ soon! UGH!

JUDI - how was the big graduation dinner last night? How did your knee hold up?

CHRISS - bye bye bed! Glad you have a comfy couch. Moose must have his comforts! All we have are loveseats. Scottie fits fine but he wouldn't want to share with us! We talked about new furniture, a long couch included, this summer but we ended up getting the new bed instead. So I think furniture will have to wait another year.

MARY Q - I think I caught your energy burst yesterday. I ended up doing my entire kitchen. Polished cabinetry, appliances, granite countertops, mopped floor. I also did the bathroom and polished all the wood furniture and vac'd the entire main level of the house. And did a load of laundry, made a charcuterie board to take to friends, and still had about 2 hrs to sew. But I was tired last night!

LORI - Loved your quilt! What size is it?

SHARONA - You are right - those bamboo sheets didn't breathe. They were really hot. We put on our Costco cotton sheets and now are much happier. What do dates taste like? Hmmmm.... They are a fruit, a bit sticky, not too sweet. I love them. There are different varieties so some are larger than others, but they all pretty much taste - well - like dates! Whenever we go to Arizona, we have to have a date milkshake, a treat we don't find here in WA. I don't blame Jim for wanting to skirt the big cities. We do, too! My local friend loves Chicago and thought we were crazy for purposely avoiding it (while pulling a 30-ft fifth-wheel trailer!). And I think she is crazy for purposely going into the city! And yet we're friends.

LYN - glad those storms missed you and you enjoyed a great day out with the kids. Beef stroganoff rolled into crepes?? Trying to imagine that.

Well, my house is clean now, laundry is done. Maybe I'll go look around outside for something to do. We've had a lot of windy days and I know the yard is full of little twigs, leaves, cones, etc. And it's time to feed my roses again. And of course, I'll work on my butterflies some. Today my son, Mike, my middle child, turns 49. He was my one and only that was born on his actual due date. Lara was 22 days over and Autumn was 6 days early. Though my second two deliveries were planned C-sections, and my sisters accused me of cheating when Aut was born on my dad's birthday. ;)

Remembering our lost military personnel. God bless them, their families, and our country.

mary z

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by Becca » Mon May 27, 2024 5:15 am

Good morning everyone a stormy start here tybut we got missed We have the rain Thunder but no hail or trees uprooted Lots of areas close has it rough Franklin was missed also
I’m not going to the pool with thunder outside
Maryz You are up early You got it all done yesterday so havea play day today
Chris I wear Brooks shoes I also havea new pair of Skechers Denise give me this Month
Their soles aren’t as good asBrooks
I went to my family outing yesterday Of course family over. Anything else
They had to deliver meals to room’s yesterday Not enough workers to open Dining Room Workers today are a different breed
Have a great day everyone I hope you all take time to remember those lost in battles or other places & why we are free

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by FlorenceM » Mon May 27, 2024 5:21 am

May we never forget the sacrifice many have made to keep us free.
Saturday kids were here for supper. I made spaghetti &meatballs with giant sourdough cinnamon rolls for dessert.
Yesterday Joe got 2 lower cabinets installed. None of the cabinets have drawers or doors yet...that's the next thing to tackle.
Today I will make quick curtains for lower cabinets to keep pots cleaning. Curtains will be on tension rods.

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by auntjana » Mon May 27, 2024 5:58 am

Good morning!

Yes, may we never forget the selfless sacrifice of those who served and gave their all for our freedoms. May we teach the new generations of what that sacrifice means for them, so that they will always remember. There are many that served through the many conflicts, wars in my family and I am grateful for their actions.

Today will be quiet around here. I have a brisket that Aaron smoked and will slice it up to make brisket sandwiches. Leaning towards a macaroni salad too. Daniel will be driving home from SoCal and Matt from Dueschune, where's they're at.

Yes, Michael is doing his own injection, with a watchful eye by me. He does a good job of being very precise in how and when he does it. That's just how engineers are!

I'm hoping to get some planter dirt and a hook knife. The knife is to start cutting up into pieces parts the carpet.

Andrew graduates on Thursday, late in the afternoon. We are going out to a lunch with him before graduation. Andrew will start college later this summer at Southern Utah University. He's planning on leaving for a mission for the church probably the first of the year. He'll do one semester, leave on a mission for two years, then back to school. That's pretty much the routine for our boys to do school and missions.

Thank you for the condolence wishes. My SIL was a few years older than Michael and lived most of the time away from us. When we came to see my mom here in Utah, that family was down for dinner every night. They all thought Aunt Jana was the best cook. Not much of a vacation for me, feeding 15 every night! But, my nieces and nephews all love me!

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by grammiequilts » Mon May 27, 2024 6:05 am

Good Morning we had rain all night and the grounds are wet...not sure wht gardening we will get done today,,,ken says he will do it.... But it is muddy muddy out there and a bit cooler...we will only get to the 70 today 80s are gone for awhile...It is fine with me. But with all the rain the mosquitos will be here in force....I am hoping for the bats to return too...they are our first defense against the skeeters. we have lots of bats and I lov them... Sorry I also love snakes too...the garden variety we have here take caare of the small destructive critters...its the mice I can live with out...
Dinner was the best yesterday the place my daughter picked has great food and they packages up all the leftovers and sent them home with DD...so we will go to her house later for a Polish tradition (Poprawiny in Polish) it is usually after a wedding to use up the leftover foods...Nolan was smiling the whole time...He is excited ab out his future,,,
When I came home i did a bit of quilting and I think I have one more roll and the quilt will be done...If I can do a bit every day I am happy...
My knee seems to be worse today and kept me up last night,,,I just couldnt stay comfortable. I did use a cane yesterday and the lift they had at the restuarant,, Walker was too cumbersome for the small area...
I have a load of laundry in and 2 more to do...so I will get to that...I havent done it in a while...I had to wash my old garden shoes too..(Hey Dudes are machine washable and So so comfortable and lite). I have an old pair that were Sophias she gave me since she outgrew them..(I have small feet) and i liked them so much I bought 3 more pair for summer...my favorite now...
Well hope you all have a great day,,,,Prayers for those who need and rememebring all who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, God Bless America...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by velvet » Mon May 27, 2024 6:34 am

Today is a reminder of the sacrifices our men and women gave for our freedoms. Thank you to them and their families!! They are in my prayers !!

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by gershwin64 » Mon May 27, 2024 7:12 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Yes, remember the reason for this holiday, the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom 🙏🙏
Maryq and Maryz, I was thinking of the Christmas swap the other day and SS 🤣😂 guess we're all on the same page..... this year is zooming by it seems to me.
Judi, sorry your knee had a bad night, probably from you doing so much, I know it's hard not to over do it.
Jana, glad Michael has his new med routine figured out. Sounds like a nice time at the graduation dinner. Sorry for your loss of you SIL.
Lyn, I've heard Hays America somewhere......hmmmmmm. Sorry Layne won't be joining you in Alaska.
Becca, I hope your bathing suit is a good one. So happy you found good walking shoes.
Sharona, my daughter tries all kinds of things on her hair for the thinning but so far nothing seems to help it, hers is stress related and until she can get rid of her stress it'll probably not get better. She's been sick with bad pains off and on for 8 years on her left side just under her boob, she finally got so bad a few weeks ago that she saw a Dr about it, after many tests and 2 meds the Dr is pretty sure she has an ulcer, she goes back in 2 weeks I think to see for sure.
Chriss, sounds like your house will be just like you want it before too much longer, I bet you sleep soundly every night from all you do. You need to teach Moose to help move things or put things away 😉
Well I know I'm missing some, I'm sorry. I need to get busy, laundry basket lid won't shut so laundry today and I didn't get my watering done yesterday and I need to get Frankie's help to vacuum and I'll dust and the bathrooms need done again........ sounds like I've been slacking LOL but we went to Cruces Saturday and got to visit Kevin and family and I got so many hugs 🥰 and then yesterday I cleaned my sewing room and Frankie installed my window AC for me and needed my help and it was Dad's night so I made fries in the air fryer and Frankie cooked burgers on the grill.
I'm going to look in the freezer for something to cook on the grill for supper and hopefully a salad will be part of supper too.
You all have a great day!
Prayers for those in need 🙏

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by maryq » Mon May 27, 2024 7:29 am

Good morning Girls

After a beautiful day yesterday, we're back into a rainy cool day! Good day to stay inside and sew or nap or read or sew! :lol:

Maryz... My goodness you were busy yesterday! Does feel good to get all those projects done doesn't it. Now that I have nice clean windows..... murphy's law that it's raining again! So Michael is just 6 months older than my Shawn! Means we were pregnant at the same time!

Becca... Oh you are so right! Today's workers are a different breed! My Dr.'s office had to close because they couldn't find support staff. A local Burger King had to close until 4:pm because they couldn't find people to work--- at $13.00 an hour!!! There are still help wanted signs everywhere around here. Now that I'm retired.... I got barefoot most of the and only put out shoes when I leave the house! :lol: :lol:

Flo.... Won't it be nice to have cabinets again!! Joe is building these all for you right? I bet you can find some cute fabric for little curtains. Sounds like a cute idea for a "farmhouse kitchen"!

Jana.... Sorry to hear of the loss of your SIL. By all means, don't let anybody tell you you can't go to the funeral. Your nice nieces and nephews will appreciate that you are there. Michael is getting the hang of injections? Does he use regular syringes or have they set him up with insulin pens? The pens are sure easier to get the right dose!

Judi.... I've never heard of Hey Dudes shoes, so I googled them... Pretty darn cute! I used to be a shoe freak, in my younger days. My Mom kidded that I needed a separate moving trailer for my shoes when I left home when I got married. Now I have maybe 3 pairs! I must be getting old and cranky but don't you think shoes are crazy expenive? Maybe that's why I go barefoot most of the time!

Diane.... Good to see you!! I was just thinking about you the other---thinking of the gals I haven't seen in a while! Hope all is well in Myrtle Beach. I'm guessing you are super busy with QOV?

Tina....My heart goes out to your DD---Teachers are a special breed! It's not wonder she has ulcers!! Years ago I was a "helper" mom in a class room when Jen was like in 3rd grade. Teachers are amazing... how they can juggle 20-30 kids at time is beyond me. Teachers and nurses get a lot of my honor and respect. Along with service men and women of course! We're early for the Christmas Swap... but I was just thinking about it the other day! :lol: Meet you in the laundry room later, my hamper is overflowing!

Chriss.. Aren't Dads just the best ~!!! My Dad could build just about anything he put his mind to, and as a result I have shelf, quilt rack, cabinet, step stool and a "vegetable cupboard" that he built in his work shop. All of my sibs got a quilt rack, and veggies cupboard and we cherish them. I just know you are having all sort of fun rearranging your home and getting it just the way you want. It takes a while but in the end you'll be able to stand back and say "I DID IT"!!!!

I've been sewing a little bit on my featherweight! She's so fun! I've watched a lot of youtube tutorials etc on how to clean and oil and grease. She runs really well I think, but I ordered grease and oil and think I'll wait until those come and I can give her a good check up, before I sew on her anymore. Not sure where I am going to set her up, might take some rearranging in the sewing room. For now I'll leave her on the dining room table, since the odds of me having company for dinner are pretty low! :lol: :lol:

It's dark and gloomy in the house so I think I'll go light it up and get busy. I put together some drunkards path blocks I made yesterday and now need for find something for a border.
Definitely going to need some rockin' music and more coffee!

I join you all in remembering our heroes!!

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by WeeOne » Mon May 27, 2024 7:33 am

Sunny, breezy day in Hays America.

All gave some, some gave all. If it weren't for those that served our country, especially in WW2, Garry always says we'd be speaking German or Japanese. God Bless the families who have lost loved ones who were in Service.

MaryZ and MaryQ, We were triplets 49 years ago. I was pregnant with Stacey, her birthday is June 20th. Happy birthday to Mike. Has he written any more books?

Well the day is starting out interesting. Minnie and I sit on the driver seat, which is turned sideways so I can put my feet up on passenger seat, and I drink my coffee. A very large tow truck just pulled in hauling a semi truck with a 5th wheel behind. The semi is overkill for size of 5th, which is maybe 37' long. They parked it beside us. Then a car showed up. Put jacks down on 5th, unhooked semi and drove away with it, car following. The semi had a new temp plate on windshield from Colorado. Obviously their day isn't going well.

Maddox picked Jimmy John's for lunch yesterday, it was good, I had a Chicken caesar wrap. We dropped Capt G back off at MH and went to the Ark Park. It's fun to watch Maddox play and interact with other kids. Dinner was at a favorite Mexican restaurant where they make balloon animals for kids, free. The man gave Maddox a monkey and then later a dog.

Going back to the park today. They have a Splash Pad area. It will be in the 80's, so Maddox will enjoy it. Don't know what plans are for food. Eating out is expensive, something Amanda doesn't do on her pay. So it's a special treat for her.

May you all have a blest day.

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Re: Monday, May 27, Memorial Day

Post by womster » Mon May 27, 2024 8:20 am

Good morning!

Maryz – thanks for the dates description. I will have to try them in a not-Costco-sized package. How lovely to have a clean house and the laundry done. Does your friend pull a trailer as well? I cannot imagine driving through Chicago. I loved your blessing on our lost military service members and their families.

Becca – how disheartening about the shortage of workers. I’m with you on not going to the pool with thunder. Here in CO a rancher was out feeding his cattle when he and the cows got struck by lightning. He and 23 cows died. Very sad and scary.

Flo – you and Joe are always busy with something!

Jana – sorry to hear of your loss. Congrats to Andrew on his graduation.

Judi – sorry to hear your knee is paining you again. Nolan does indeed have a bright future. We have those pesky mosquitoes as well, but the winds keep blowing so much that they are keeping them at bay. Heaven helps us when the winds die down.

Diane – Amen.

Tina – your poor daughter – that sounds awful. My DS1 had an ulcer, but it was the kind that is caused by H.Pylori so they killed it with meds. I hope she has an easy fix to something that’s been bothering her for years. I also hope she can get rid of her stress, or at least get it down to a manageable amount. Yay for the A/C going in.

Maryq – I had to laugh at your mom’s comment. My second sister down also used to be a shoe freak. I called her the CO Imelda Marcos. She even had to give them their own room!! Like you, she has improved on that with age. I’m glad you’re enjoying sewing on the featherweight. Your dad sounds a lot like my maternal grandfather. He built each grandkid a rocking chair. I wish my mom had kept them.

Lyn – how fun for Maddox to get balloon animals. It’s so nice of you to take them out. I agree – we’ve cut back to only going out once a month now. Enjoy the splash pad.

They ran a story in the paper today about a POW who died in Indonesia (was in the Bataan death march) finally being returned home for burial. Such a moving story. He’s from Fowler, the very small town my third sister down is living. I hope we never, ever forget the sacrifices made by people who didn’t know us but yet fought to keep us free.

We are having steak and chicken kabobs for dinner, along with homemade rolls and a macaroni salad. I will be planting flowers, and then off to quilt with my thread that was delivered last night around 7. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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