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May 25th 2024

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May 25th 2024

Post by grammiequilts » Sat May 25, 2024 5:46 am

Good morning Today would have been my Dad's 108th birthday, it is sunny after a brief rain it was very brief and I think it didnt even wet the ground...Here hoping I can work in the garden today, I have help doing the kneeling part but I can rake and smooth the area... I so need to be the "Little Engine that could" Ken has a very long honey do list and I dont want to add to his, Liam will be back here to work on my sisters truck with Ken...Liam is earning some money and Ken is supervising the changing of some wheel bearings, Liam has done them before but "PA' is always there to help and advise. I will try to get some garden done..I just bought a couple of tomatoes cucumbers and peppers,,I have the strip between the driveway and the fence which is full sun,,(Not much full sun on my acre,,) We have an abundance of mature trees rendering our yard semi to shady..It is about 3 ft wide and easy to tend if the ground hogs will stay away,,,,
I did get some quilting done last night just a meander with a few other things makes it go fast,,,I am about half done..binding is made so I may be able to put this one to bed soon...
Knee is feeling a bit better,,,the water pill helps to get the swelling down and that relieves some of the pain...it still will be a relieve to have this taken care of...I am hoping for a cancellation call to move the date up from JUly 10th,,

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Re: May 25th 2024

Post by WeSignificant » Sat May 25, 2024 5:52 am

Had a good first day at the retreat, got 2 blocks done. One of my BOM and one for the Zen quilt. The Zen blocks are 20 inches finished. I won Bingo twice. Won a new pattern and a container to hold my tools while I sew. Now I know where they are! I will check in as I can.

Hope everyone is well. Prayers for those that need them.
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Re: May 25th 2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat May 25, 2024 6:08 am

Good morning,

What a pretty morning here. Just starting to get daylight and the birds are waking up and chattering to each other. Such a sweet sound. Going to a cloudy 60* here today.

CHRISS - I'm glad a lot of Jerry's treasures are going to find a good home with your nephew. What kind of bed did you buy that needs to "puff up" for 72 hours? And did you buy an entire new bed or just the mattress? I know you're going to have fun at the book sale. I hope you come home with some goodies. I love books like I love quilts and have rather a vast collection of both. I miss our library book sales, but now they just have shelves in the lobby and another one inside the library itself with books to buy all year long. And they quadrupled the prices because they found they could.

SHARONA - how goes the quilting?? Homemade pizza sounds good - maybe I'll make that for supper tonite. Thanks for that idea. You are right - When we were in Europe in 2003, the hotels we stayed in had just duvets on the beds. And when they made the bed, they folded that duvet into thirds and laid it down the center of the bed lengthwise. Very different from us. Did you get all your travel arrangements made?

JUDI - I think we all cry at graduations - especially when they play Pomp & Circumstance. For a while there used to be a commercial on TV that played that song and I cried the entire commercial! Every time. But congrats to Nolan as he embarks on the next phase of his life. And kudos to Liam for helping you dig your tulip bulbs. He's an amazing guy! And speaking of your DDILs - how is the DIL who is using the machine for her MS? Is she noticing any improvement?

TINA - So glad Dad is feeling so much better with his knee. I was doing a little research and I'm betting he had a Hyaluronic Acid injection. It forms a natural gel like substance in the joint that acts as a cushion against movement. It's great that it's so effective for your dad.

LYN - It was nice texting with you last night. I was worried about possible winds in your path. Glad it was a good travel day for you! Wishing you another one today!

MARY Q - I love thunderstorms as long as I get to stay inside. Many years ago Michael and I were driving and lightening hit just feet from our car. Now THAT was scary! Good news about Ferry Vivienne! Is she fun to play with? I love sewing with my Bridget but she hasn't been out of her case for years. I'd have to set her up in the dining room which just makes it a headache to live around it and all the mess sewing makes. So I just enjoy owning her for now. I'm sorry about your neighbor. Sounds like he was a lively old man. How is his wife doing?

BECCA - is your family doing anything special for the Memorial Day weekend?

LOIS - is today a sewing day?

FLO - what's left to plant?

VAL - sounds like you are having a fun time at the retreat. Congrats on your big wins!

Yesterday we went to UPS store to pick up our mail, ran by the eye dr for a copy of Bill's glasses Rx (because he lost the one they gave him), and then to Costco for the glasses. We got home, I tried on 2 tees I bought at Costco and didn't like them. Bill got text saying he had another package just in at UPS store, so we re-ran the same errands - back to Costco to return tees, drove past the eye dr on our way back to UPS store for his package. By the time we were home again and settled it was almost 2pm. And so went our day. But I did get my four butterflies finished and got a small start cutting the next four. Today I"ll finish cutting them, and maybe even get a little sewing in. And this place could use a bit of dusting and vacuuming and my kitchen floor is a bit sticky. So I guess y'all know where I'll be today.

mary z

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Re: May 25th 2024

Post by grammiequilts » Sat May 25, 2024 6:44 am

Maryz the DDIL with MS is showing some improvement with the machine,,,but it is slow and could take a long time...we are hopeful and pray,,, my other DDIL is the one who wants the tulips (Jennifer) She is also a good DIL but i dont see her very much as she works and is very busy with her family.
Liam is an amazing kid and He has been hanging around us since he was a toddler...helped Ken fix an ice maker on their fridge when he was 2. My oldes t son also has the "fix it gene',,,ken passed it along and we are truely blessed...My grandsons will do just about anything i ask around here,,,Colleen has Liam do many things around her house too. xxxooo

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Re: May 25th 2024

Post by auntjana » Sat May 25, 2024 7:33 am

Good morning!

A wonderful rainy day! It's coming down on a nice pace, giving my yard a good drink!

Aaron has everything out of the old house. Just the PODS is sitting in that driveway. The new buyer hurried up their move in date and because of the holiday weekend, PODS wasn't able to move that from the original pickup date, which is Tuesday. The new owners are fine with that. Aaron will take our little truck to make a dump run and empty it this afternoon. It's a great blessing in this time of high interest rates and low number of sales and buyers to have this home sold. This equity is our kids down payment for the new house. A nice large chunk, close to a third of the new home.

I got my haircut and boy it had grown out! She took almost 2 inches off to bring it back into the right shape. So nice!

Ethan finished the second coat of sealer yesterday. It's now done. We also found the stubs of the drip irrigation system, so they can be finished for watering. That's next on the order of work. Sarah is doing that. I might have flowers on Monday. Likely not, as they will probably be sold out and I'll need to wait for the next delivery. That's OK.

So I'll be sewing, watching the rain, a good day!


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Re: May 25th 2024

Post by maryq » Sat May 25, 2024 7:52 am

Good Morning Everyone

Looks like it's going to be a most beautiful day here today! Might be a perfect day to work getting garage sale stuff ready, or it might be a perfect day to wash floors, scrub toilets and dust? Which would you do?

Judi.... Isn't it great having grandkids so close! I sometimes will text Bren or Evie and they will stop by on their way home from work or school! I too am really proud of Nolan for going into Pharmacy.. in MN it's a 6 year program and kids come out with a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree. I think that's pretty standard in all states now. It's tough classes, as I remember helping DEX study back in 1971! SO many different opportunities in Pharmacy these days as well. Glad to hear that the water pill is helping and I'll cross fingers that you can get in sooner than July!
You just never know, when I had my hyster--I got in early on a cancelation!!!

Valerie...Hope you are having a great time at the retreat!! One of my new neighbors is a quilter and goes to retreats too. I've never done one, but they sure sounds like fun. I guess I prefer sewing in my ugly sweat pants or jammies!!!

Maryz.. OH yes, Miss Ferry Vivienne is fun to play with. But She is still sitting on the dining room table for now--not sure where I can set her up just yet. Today or tomorrow I'm going to follow along a youtube tutorial on cleaning and oiling etc, but I need to find some Kerosene for cleaning I guess. I've looked at Nova Montgomery website for info too. You wanna have a race and see who can get their floors clean faster?

Tina... Good news that your Dad is feeling better from his injection! I might keep that idea in my brain file for when my knees get worse. I know there is arthritis in both and I sure don't want to have to go through surgery if something else will work! Hey, guess what I was thinking about yesterday---Secret Santa!! :lol: :lol:

Chriss.... Hope you find some good books to read while you are at the sale today! When I was in WI, we stopped at a Library sale and I picked up a couple--one was a Jennifer Chiviarini book with a few stories all in one big book. I just finished "The Greatest Generation" so I'm ready for something new. Besides the books I bought at garage sales, Viv sent me home with a whole bag full!

Sharon.... If you want to see what I use on my nail with great results, PM me your cell phone number and I'll send you a photo. I can only find it at Walmart but it's only about $4. a bottle! I buy a few at a time when I'm there. I'm trying the shampoo for thinning hair, but I'm kind of skeptical that it will work, I'm thinking it's more an "old age" problem !!

Jana.... So is Aaron and family living with you while their house is being built? It is kind of scary buying and selling these days, since interest rates have gone up so much. I remember in 1982 we were moving and buying a house in Northern MN, the interest rate I think back then was something like 12%! We were lucky to be able to assume the previous mortgage, but it was touch and go for a while. We only found out we could about an hour before closing!

If any of you have Prime TV... there is a great show on now all about the Navy Blue Angels! Last year they chose the first woman pilot to be a part of the team. She's from Minnesota!!! It's a great show all about how they practice, practice practice!!!!

Now that I've sat and chatted for a bit, my coffee is getting cold and I need a refill if I've going to get anything done today. While it's cool this morning I think I'll do some interior chores, then hit the garage when it warms up this afternoon!

Wishing you all again a most wonderful weekend. Let us not forget the sacrifices of our service men and women!

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Re: May 25th 2024

Post by zfatcat » Sat May 25, 2024 8:02 am

Maryq, thanks for the tip on the movie. I add them to my watch list and when I need something to watch, it's there.

Maryz, we have a layer of dust as well as fur. So I guess I'll be cleaning with you.

Chriss, hope you find some good books today.

Judi, I was out weeding this morning. We had some of those little round burr weeds in the grass. Since we've had someone coming into mow our lawn, we have far more weeds.

I was up early this morning. Woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up. Molly wanted me up anyway. I'm going to make blueberry muffins this morning. I have some fresh blueberries that need to be used. I finished the hand sewing of the hexie quilt. I will get the border on today, then I need a back for quilting. So glad this one is going to be done. Only took me 15 years. It sat in the closet a lot.

We'll be having tortellini soup and bread for dinner.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: May 25th 2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat May 25, 2024 8:09 am

Good morning. It's going to be a marvelous day today.

Yesterday I went to the hardware store, bought a flapper, and fixed my toilet. Perhaps no big deal to many but an accomplishment for me. I love that I am building my confidence. I still need help with some things but am able to do other things.

I'm rethinking the need for an office; I will likely make use that room for a spare bedroom instead.

Today someone comes to pick up my bed, I will go find some pliers and start taking it apart. I have clutter everywhere and when that bed is moved out I can put my sewing stuff in that room.

Also today I will take apart that computer desk and haul it out of the house. I will have that room empty before my bed and mattress arrive. Until then I sleep on the couch.

Things are shaping up around here. The rest of this year is dedicated to the inside of the house. Next year the outside will get my attention and between now and the end of 2025 my house, outside and garage should be how I want it.

Now it's time to start my day. Hope you all have a safe holiday weekend.
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: May 25th 2024

Post by WeeOne » Sat May 25, 2024 8:48 am

A windy day in Hays, KS. Forecast is T storms this afternoon and overnight. Now my prayers are no hail or tornadoes. They had hail last Sunday before Amanda got back home.

MaryZ, Thanks for checking on me/us. Layne will not be going to Canada. The young man apparently has a few classes to make up in summer school, online. He's not a good student, sadly.

Chriss, You might keep a small jar of nuts, bolts and screws, just in case. Layne was helping me put a metal love seat glider back on the deck and we found a nut missing. We went to Capt G's stash and found a replacement.

There's NO travel until Tuesday. I slept til 9 and now sitting in my recliner with a cup of coffee and Minnie snoozing by my side.

It a good thing that we're here until Tuesday. If we'd gone over to Trailside RV Park in MO, we couldn't use our site. A couple days ago a MH towing a pickup started to leave and the guy hadn't unhooked his power cord. He pulled the electric post over and broke wires. I'm sure he did damage to his connection in the MH, too. Anyway, an electrician will be there Tuesday to fix it, because it's more damage than manager can repair. I found this out when I called to get our site number. I need to make an Amazon order.

Not sure what we're doing today. I do have a T shirt that Amanda needs fixed. The trim is coming off at neck. I would have fixed it in Estes but my thread box was in the MH.

May your day have some fun in it.

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