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Friday May 24

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by womster » Fri May 24, 2024 8:17 am

Good morning!

Becca – sure hope the fan replacement gets your fridge working properly. How sad that it’s less than a year old. Hope you find some tops that work today. I don’t mind a good thunderstorm as long as I’m inside.

Lyn – fingers crossed that the winds stay tolerable. Safe travels, my friend.

Flo – happy grocery day.

Lois – good luck to Bill on his stress test. Enjoy your lunch out.

Jana – yay for the haircut! How lovely that Ethan can help you move the really heavy stuff. The driveway dance sounds pretty complicated.

Maryz – that’s too bad about the mattress warmer – I use mine all the time. Jim broke the first one – he was rotating the mattress (moving the top down to the bottom) and didn’t unplug the warmer. I asked him if it wasn’t hard to move the mattress – his response was ‘kinda’. –SIGH- He brute-strengthed it and of course tore the wires. Glad your new bed is working out so well.

Maryq – I have been taking biotin for a year and have not noticed one bit of difference. I won’t be replacing the bottle when I take the last one. I also have to have a top sheet. I’d never heard of not having one until my DDIL from Russia arrived here. I guess a lot of Europeans just use duvets.

Tina – that is wonderful news about your dad’s knee! I’m so over all this wind – I can’t image how tired of it you are.

Judi - glad the graduation went well. It's so hard when a sibling starts college and moves away. So glad the water pill is giving you some relief.

Yesterday was a blur – had bible study and then an extra-long nap as I did not sleep well. My 20-year-old niece had to have her tonsils taken out yesterday. They kept her overnight because they live so far away from the hospital. OH – re the dermatologist – he said my hair loss was Telogen effluvium – caused by my ICU/hospital experience last July. It can take up to two years for it to return to normal. Same thing for my nails. I asked about the shampoos – he said something along the lines of ‘if there was a product out there that restored/thickened hair, wouldn’t the medical community be telling everyone about it?’ And he’s balding, which made it even funnier. As for the nails – he said to use a nail strengthener like Nail Envy, BUT to only remove it once a week because acetone has such a drying effect on the nails.

Today is the day to start quilting the t-shirt quilt! Huzzah!!! Also, some yard work, some uglies inside, getting reservations for various trips and moving some appointments around. Home-made pizza for dinner. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri May 24, 2024 10:20 am

Good morning. It's going to be an amazingly beautiful day today. The report says mid 70's.

I was able to work in the garage yesterday. Still a ton of work to do there but perhaps I could open a hardware store and sell loose screws, nuts, bolts and nails. I probably could even take them to the metal recycling place and earn a zillion dollars. You know that saying "don't throw that away, you may need it someday"? Well, I think Jerry came up with it.

Thankfully I have a nephew who will take most of it, and it will sit in a plie ready for him to pick up. I thought it was funny. My nephew knew the brad of hammer just by looking at a picture of it. Kind of how we know the brand of fabric or ruler just by seeing it. Made me realize we all have our own toys.

Tomorrow the young couple is planning on picking up my bed. Then I can start filling that room with fabric. woo hoo, that will be a blessing. My new bed and matress will be delivered by Thursday and I can put it together. It takes 72 hours for the mattress to puff up to size so I won't be sleeping on it for a bit. I still need to go get some sheets.

This weekend I am working the library book sale. I help set up and take down, I'm not really much of a seller, mostly a browser.

Judi, I just want to say how proud of Nolen I am. He's making wise choices and I just think you should add a tight squeeze from me. What a kid. He has certainly had good influncers in his life. I bet his mom stands a little taller because of him.

I have hamburger thawed out for dinner. It's not really worth lighting the charcoal for just me, but, if I buy some dogs I could bbq both and then have leftovers. I'm also tempted to buy a can of chili and have some chili cheese dogs.

Hope you all have a fantastic day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Friday May 24

Post by grammiequilts » Fri May 24, 2024 4:10 pm

Thank you so much fir all the kind words about our Nolan...He is a great kid...and I know his parents are proud of the young man he has become...xxxxoooo Chris i always give him an extra squeeze every chance I get...xxxooo

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